Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 129

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Chapter 129 Foundation Qi

“Everyone comes with me, Illusion Clam inheritance, in this aerial loft.” In front of the crowd, Ouyang Yanlei smiles, Shi Shiran leads everyone, walks to the palace gate.

Standing at the door of the palace in the sky, everyone was shocked and more beserk, because everything in front of him was too realistic! Even if some scratches on the palace are clearly visible, the remaining aura seems to be still proclaiming to the world that time is cruel.

The interior of the palace is extremely wide, with carved beams and sixteen pillars across it. The image of countless exotic animals is engraved on the pillars.

At the forefront of the palace is a throne, the quaint atmosphere of the throne.

There is no Emperor in the imagination, human bones, etc., but one. Squinting.

White cat!

“Everyone, this is the Illusion Clam ontology! It is currently in a deep sleep, and this Young Master will combine it to get Illusion Clam inheritance!” Ouyang Yanlei stared at the white kitten, not surprising Endless.

“This is Illusion Clam?”

“It’s incredible!”

Who would have thought that the famous Illusion Clam body is the kitten of harmless to human and animals?

“Oh, oh, hey, this cat looks terrifying.” Lan Shui’s voice suddenly remembered at the heart of Lin Xiao.

“How? How is terrifying?” Lin Xiao felt a bit strange.

Lan Shui can feel it terrifying when he doesn’t see the white cat in his within the body.

“Lan Shui doesn’t know, it just feels terrifying.” Lan Shui pulled the vine in one hand and the other hand into his mouth, zhi zhi wu wu.

Lin Xiao is speechless and does not expect this brat to be able to say it.

“Lan Shui is silly, but certainly not for no reason.” Lin Xiao thought, this moment, he suddenly remembered a problem.

Ouyang Yanlei keeps saying that the Illusion Clam body in front of me is in a deep sleep. Where did the white fog suddenly flow in before? How can they enter this Illusion Clam world?

“It was his intention! He was afraid to be able to manipulate some of Illusion Clam’s power and let everyone enter Illusion Clam world! Then he must have a plot!”

The more Lin Xiao thinks, the more he feels that his guess is correct, and the eye does not leave a trace of Ouyang Zheng’s position, and the pupil suddenly tightens.

Indifferent, disdain, indifference.

This is the look on Ouyang Zheng’s face.

Absolutely have problems! This expression should not appear at this time!

Ouyang Prince Mansion is crazy?

“Damn it, how come it is a pit!” Lin Xiao cursed in his heart, but his expression did not change, quietly giving Xu Yan and Min Lie sound transmission.

“Expression! Pay attention to the expression! This is just my guess, don’t beat the grass to scare the snake.” Lin Xiao reminded.

Xu Yan and Min Lie looked at each other and the uneasiness of the eyes came up at the same time.

The two of them reminded Lin Xiao that they felt that something was wrong.

“Everyone, this Illusion Clam formidable power is endless, Young Fellow is probably a little difficult to integrate refining, so I would like to ask Senior to help.” Ouyang Yanlei turned, cup one fist in the other hand sincerely.

“Help? Haha, Young Master Ouyang, you can rest assured that as long as the old man can do what he can, he will do his best!”

“Yeah, it is our pleasure to be able to help Young Master Ouyang.”

“trifling trivial, not enough, hehe.”

“They know that the whole trend is in the hands of Ouyang, and they no longer want to turn over, but they want to obey, so that they may get some benefits from it in the future.” Xu Yan blinked and rumored to the two.

Lin Xiao nodded, did not speak, grandfather and Min Lie in order not to be discovered, smiled and said.

“each and everyone are the Emperor Level!” Lin Xiao is not as good as himself.

“In fact, it is really not a major event, just want to borrow one thing from Everyone.” Ouyang Yanlei’s smile is more and more happy.

“What do you need, Young Master Ouyang, though.”

Ouyang Yanlei walked to the throne and, in the eyes of everyone, gently picked up the white cat with his eyes open, and then sat down on the throne.

“My little cat, I can wake up completely with something.”

Ouyang Yanlei is like no one, expression with a sly, slowly stroking the white cat’s hair.

Now everyone feels a strange atmosphere, and many people are faintly confused and have begun to look for a way out.

“Foundation Qi, I hope that each of you can draw a foundation of Foundation Qi to help my kitten grow up.”

Ouyang Yanlei touched the white cat with one hand and the throne in one hand, looking at the crowd below, like a smile yet not a smile.

“Fundamentally, Foundation Qi?” stood at the forefront of an old man squatting in the mouth, the tone full of inexplicable meaning.

Lin Xiao knows him. His name is Zhang Yuan and Zhang Family is on the top. He is about to drive the crane to the west.

“Yes, Foundation Qi.” Ouyang Yanlei chop nails and sever Iron.

“Young Master Ouyang, you know, what is the importance of Foundation Qi! Foundation Qi!” One person is full of anger.

“Young Master Ouyang, can you explain what the cat in your arms is?”

“hehe.” Ouyang Yanlei just hehe smiled, the white cat in his hand looked up, his eyes shivered slightly, but he couldn’t open it.

“Celestial Realm above the powerhouse will produce Foundation Qi, there are ten in my life, but as long as you are one person, you don’t have to react so much.”

Lin Xiao looked at Ouyang Yanlei with a cold eye, and the other party did not remember it. It was the stealing thief who almost killed him at the beginning!

“hehe, Laozi, if he went up and told him what happened that night, would he just go away in an instant?” Lin Xiao thought of it without evil.

“One person, Young Master Ouyang, it’s a big breath!” Zhang Yuan’s sleeves waved and said coldly: “I’m not going to accompany the old man!”

After you turn around, just leave.

“hehe, Young Fellow, yelling at you, isn’t it making you feel too good to see the situation?” Ouyang Yanlei is still sitting on the throne, and the white cat is still trying to open eyes.

“old man wants to go, no one can stay!” Zhang Yuan disdain, his right foot lifted up, he will step down.

“Forbidden!” Ouyang Yanlei’s eyes are still on the white cat, the left hand is a little lighter, no fluctuations, but Zhang Yuan is really not moving.

Bean’s sweat drove off his forehead, and Zhang Yuan looked at the fierce monster that suddenly appeared in front of him, almost sitting on the ground.

Big head, big eyes, big mouth, big tongue, big ears, only a small body, like climbing out of hell, releasing the aura of Breaking Void, staring at Zhang Yuan.

“Fake, fake, all fake.” Zhang Yuan straightens his legs, bites his teeth, and keeps moving forward with his eyes closed.

Ouyang Yanlei on the throne snorted and said, “Do you think that is fake?”

The voice did not fall, Zhang Yuan suddenly issued a tragic mourning, the body was inexplicably torn into several paragraphs, and even the power of the backhand did not, and the moment died.

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