Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 110

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Chapter 110—Return to Heaven Soaring

Lin Xiao looks around all around and pulls out the map to see the color.

“It turned out to Thistles and Thorns Forest, and not far ahead, it’s inside the True Martial Country.” Lin Xiao was overjoyed and raised his wrist. “Little Red, take me back.”

In the “roar!” dragon roar, Little Red’s huge body appeared in midair, and Lin Xiao jumped up and quickly ascended to the True Martial Country Imperial City.

Little Red is not slow, and since the last serious injury, the speed seems to have improved a lot. In the whistling, it took only half of the time to return to the Imperial City.

Lin Xiao opened his eyes and the divine light flashed. Under the super resilience of Holy Nirvana True Demon Secret Art, the repercussions that forced the use of Three Realms Small Teleportation also dissipated.

“Hey? What happened? There are many soldiers in the edge of True Martial?” At the height, Lin Xiao clearly saw that in the marginal area, the soldiers in the formation were arranged in a row, and even a few parts were composed of Martial Cultivator. Team.

“This is a war!” Lin Xiao drove Little Red to the depths of the Xu Family.

Without a break, Lin Xiao placed the set of Lesser Five Elements Defensive Array around, making it separate from the Xu Family clansman.

After doing it, Lin Xiao appeared in the family and exchanged Xu Ran.

“Patriarch, are you okay?” Xu Ran asked strangely when he saw Lin Xiao.

“Well? What happened? And what happened to True Martial Country in the past two days? How can there be a large army assembly? Who is going to fight?”

“Patriarch still doesn’t know?” Xu Ran took care of his thoughts, said solemnly: “After the day Patriarch went to Sand Earth Country with other Child of Aristocratic Family, many Aristocratic Family Patriarchs in Imperial City suddenly played together to Emperor, saying yes Sand Earth Country killed their Aristocratic Family innate talent and went to Sand Earth Country for revenge. On the same day, True Martial Country was heavily attacked by unidentified slaughter, and all the targets were directed at Sand Earth Country.”

“It seems that there are still many old things between the two countries, which were brought up by the ministers and then led to this upcoming war.”

“No? How do you feel this war, is it inexplicable?” Lin Xiao startled, always feels like a big hand, driving the war behind.

For a moment, Lin Xiao thought of Xuan Wuya of Controlling Beast Sect and Blood Group aura of Xuanyuan Feng.

“It seems that I understand a little.” In the middle of the sinking, Lin Xiao’s eyes flashed, revealing the chilly aura.

“Imperial Family 7th child, Blood Group, father reminds me of what I left before I left. It seems that this Imperial Palace hides a big secret.”

At this time, in Sand Earth Country where Lin Xiao had just left, in a magnificent palace, Sand Earth Country Emperor Sha Che sat on a dragon chair with anger.

“What the meaning of the Xuanyuan old child! Actually, it is inexplicable to fight!”

“Back to the king, after investigation, more than a dozen Child of Aristocratic Family in True Martial Country were killed by Controlling Beast Sect in Thistles and Thorns Forest, and we have hidden shadows in True Martial Country. I don’t know why. At the same time, it broke out, causing a lot of slaughter, causing dissatisfaction with the True Martial Country, so it was necessary to go to war.” Some ministers replied.

“Well? All of the darks that have been inserted for more than a decade have erupted?” Sha Che’s eyes flashed, and it gradually became cold. Said solemnly: “His Xuanyuan old man wants to fight, then fight! My Sand Earth Country, not so good. Bullying! The land that True Martial Country owed to our 80000 should have been broken.”

“The order went on, assembled Sand Earth soldiers, called on the national Martial Cultivator, and recently declared war on True Martial Country!”

“Yes, My King!”

“Let’s wait.”


When there was no one in the Imperial Palace, Sha Che on the throne suddenly showed a weird smile, and the red aura of the blood lingered around the body.

“War, it’s finally coming, blood, let the blood cover this day!”

The next day, Ye Xing returned with Ye Rou and Xiao Hua.

“Boss, you didn’t go to this auction. It’s a big loss. You don’t know, the scene is hot! There is also a name called Invincible Vigorous Pill, Niangzi, one wants 200,000 spirit stone! The money is still coming soon! There is still, in the end, it is even more powerful. Some people dare to rob the auction. The key is that he has actually escaped. It’s just too ridiculous.” Ye Xing’s face to Lin Xiao complained that he did not see Lin Xiao’s darker face.

“Enough, Ye Xing, what about your Resentment Qi Monkey? Give it to me.” Lin Xiao reached out and said indifferently said.

“Resentment Qi Monkey? Boss, how do you know me. Amount, Damn, Boss, you won’t go too? Why didn’t I see you.” Ye Xing suddenly reacted and asked quickly.

“Boss, who am I? Can I let ordinary people see where I am?” Lin Xiao slaps on the top of Ye Xing and is impatient: “Hurry up and take advantage of it.”

“This.” Ye Xing looked embarrassed and hesitated for a long time. He took out the gourd with Resentment Qi Monkey and struggled: “Boss, this Resentment Qi Monkey, I want to use it as a bait to capture an Ominous Beast. If you take it away, how can I get it?”

“Capture Ominous Beast?” Lin Xiao grabbed the gourd and wondered: “What Ominous Beast is so troublesome?”

“Dense Fog Giant Crocodile.” Ye Xing explains: “Dense Fog Giant Crocodile is a Level 6 Ominous Beast with a hard skin, but Dense Fog Giant Crocodile likes to swallow a resentment qi and will be in a digestive period after swallowing. During this time, its defense strength will drop greatly. Hunting Dense Fog Giant Crocodile is also the first mercenary mission of Killing God Mercenary Small Group.”

Lin Xiao eyes shined, said: “I have already started the mission? How many people have been recruited?”

“Plus me a total of eight people, three Infusing Soul Realm, the other is Condensed Idol Realm, one of which Infusing Soul Realm, was the successful Assembling Soul Pill of Boss.”

“This time I want to hunt down the Dense Fog Giant Crocodile and take a look at the specific combat power. If Boss wants to use this Resentment Qi Monkey, we have to deal with the full level of the Level 6 giant, I am afraid it is not difficult. small.”

Lin Xiao, this Resentment Qi Monkey is too big to use if it is used as a bait. Think about it, Lin Xiao said: “Well, when is the time? I am going with you, just to see my Killing God. What is Mercenary Small Group?”

“Boss is also going? That’s great. With the strength of Boss, I can’t use Resentment Qi Monkey completely.” Ye Xing is overjoyed. He didn’t want to bother Lin Xiao. After all, this Mercenary Small Group is fully responsible from the beginning. If you still have to find Boss after receiving the mission, then he will continue to work without a face.

“Three days later, the Heaven Soaring Secret Land entrance collection.”

“He is Heaven Soaring Secret Land?” Lin Xiao couldn’t help but fall into the memory, shook the head, saying: “And, Ye Xing, do you know that True Martial Country has declared war on Sand Earth Country, it is said that the war will break out recently. “”

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