"Bronya, is there a way to detect the exact location of the energy reaction?"

Chu Xiu asked Bronya, and at this time, it reflected the importance of magic cards like Bronya.

"This underground lair isn't as simple as it seems, and according to Bronya's analysis, well... And the experience of the next game dungeon, this is a large racing dungeon. "

As soon as Bronya's voice fell, the quantum computing suspended in front of her projected a three-dimensional panorama.

Chu Xiu and Fang Yuan leaned over to take a look, and they found that this was a panorama of the underground lair!

As far as the eye can see, the huge underground lair is full of intricate passages, like a labyrinth, which is dazzling.

"We're in a large level dungeon!And it's a difficult dungeon with death racing as the rules of the game!".

Fang Yuan took a sharp breath, her understanding of the secret realm was far deeper than that of Chu Xiu.

The level dungeons refreshed in the secret realm are based on the ninth art, and contain a variety of game rules.

Ordinary level dungeons, the rules of the game are as long as the boss is killed, which is also the most basic common sense, even children who play black and white game consoles know.

And some special dungeons, the rules of the game are varied.

Death Racing is one of them.

Of course, the higher the difficulty of the dungeon, the greater the rewards for clearing the level, and if the clearance rating is excellent, there are additional special rewards.

"Large dungeons require multiple people to start, and when we first came in, we didn't have those lanes. In other words, there are quite a few people out there who step on the refresh point and enter this level dungeon, and when they reach a certain number of people, the death race will be activated. "

Fang Yuan is an elite high-achieving student in the end, with a smart mind, drawing inferences from one case and gaining insight into the current situation.

Chu Xiu bowed slightly, agreeing with Fang Kite's statement.

First of all, when Chu Xiu and the others came in, they definitely didn't appear in those passages, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to see them.

Secondly, it was also Chu Xiu who took the initiative to let Panqira attack the Black Gold Rat Swarm, which led to the trouble, which made those monsters fight wildly.

Originally, those monsters would not attack until the death race started, which is why they were able to stay in the cave safely before.

The high-density energy fluctuations detected by Bronya just now are a sign of the beginning of a death race, and a large number of monsters are coming.


At the same time, in the various lairs of this large level dungeon, many of the magicians are also aware of their current situation.

Among them, a considerable number of magic card masters were terrified, and those who were a little timid were even more likely to collapse.

In this era of cyberpunk ahead of civilization, human exploration of the secret realm is already very comprehensive.

On the relevant online secret realm forum, there are many experts who have made a detailed ranking of the difficulty of the level dungeons in the secret realm.

In the difficulty rankings, Death Race is one of the most difficult dungeons, with a terrifying 90% mortality rate!

And this is also a massively multiplayer dungeon in Death Race, and the mortality rate will increase by about 5%!

It's equivalent to saying a hundred, and you can count every slap that can survive!

How does this not terrify a considerable number of the magicians inside?

Even some of them seized the time to find a guide on the secret realm forum.

There are also a small number of powerful card masters, who are like arrows from the string, ready to attack.

"Licius, you even came in. "

In a certain lair, a dozen or so people gathered.

Some of these people came in groups, and some came in alone.

That young man named Li Xiusi was the genius master of the seventeen weapons that were often discussed on the forum.

Like Fang Kite, he is also affiliated with the Astral Academy and is the chief student president.

Li Xius swept his eyes and saw that several of them were old opponents, so he just smiled faintly and said, "Reilly, last time your Crimson Society grabbed a gold-level crown beast in the Sunset Forest, this luck seems to have run out, and you are afraid that you will not be able to get through the current death race." "

"You'd better take care of yourself, if you die here, no one will collect your body. "

Reilly watched the dark shadows surging deep into the nest with wary eyes, and said, "Death race, time is..."


Reilly was in the middle of his sentence when suddenly, the passage to the left of the lair was filled with a roaring crash.

The dozen or so people in the nest suddenly became nervous, and they all summoned magic cards and waited for them.

However, what appeared in their sight was a black-haired young man holding a sweet girl's hand and running for his life.

There was also a group of magic cards around.

"As a monk, don't you understand the sacrificial spirit of not going to hell and who will go to hell? You only need to die once, and Bronya can take off. "

Bronya said to Tang Sanfu with an expressionless face.

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