Super Genius Bodyguard

Chapter 286 Shocking The Tianshan Sect

Not only did he reach the early stage of Jindan at such a young age, but he also cultivated in the Giant Spirit Pagoda. Since he can reach the second floor so quickly, I would like to see how far he can go. It has lived for hundreds of millions. In a blink of an eye, a day has passed. When it came to night, I suddenly heard the bell on the giant spirit tower beating three times. It was a shock. I thought, no Well, could it be that Yu Yang has already reached the third floor, which is not bad. Thinking of this, he immediately ran to the Sect Master Ge Youliang to save him.

, so he thought about it, let it go, go out first, so he went down from the 9th floor to the 1st floor of the Giant Spirit Pagoda, came to the door, opened the door, walked out, everyone saw that Yu Yang was gone Come out, thinking that he is finally out.

, 10 days passed in a blink of an eye, and Yu Yang in the Djinn Tower went up another 5 floors. , at this time Yu Yang has come to the ninth floor of the Djinn Pagoda. This Djinn Pagoda is more difficult than the first layer and the pressure is greater than the first layer.

, who knew that Yu Yang stood up and walked over to the stairs of the 4th floor. Both of them were shocked when they saw it, and thought this Yu Yang wanted to go to the 4th floor?

, both of them thought to themselves at the same time after reading it, I want to see when this Yu Yang will come out. , at this time, Yu Yang in the Giant Spirit Pagoda has adapted to the pressure of the third floor, and he has the idea of ​​going to the fourth floor again. After a while, Yu Yang stood up, Ge Youliang and Sheng Tianqiu Seeing Yu Yang standing up on the screen, both of them thought in their hearts that Yu Yang was about to come out.

, Ge Youliang didn't sleep at this time, because he also heard the bell on the Gathering Pagoda, and he was also surprised. He didn't expect that Yu Yang was so simple at such a young age, and he walked on it within a day. The third floor of the Djinn Tower, even when I was his age, I couldn't do it.

, Speaking of which, Sheng Tianqiu said that Sect Master, I was a little worried, Ge Youliang asked, "Elder, I don't know what you are worried about, so I heard Sheng Tianqiu continue to say that Sect Master, Yu Yang, was so young. With such ability, I am afraid that the future will definitely not be easy. It may be difficult for our little Tianshan Sect to keep him.

After listening to this, Ge Youliang smiled at Sheng Tianchou and talked about the Great Elder, why should he think so much, someone like Yu Yang is absolutely flying and ungrateful, even if he leaves in the future, we Tianshan Sect. , I believe he will not forget our Tianshan Sect.

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, the other one said as soon as he heard it, who else could he have? Didn't our Sect Master let him go to the Gathering Pagoda the day before yesterday to practice? As soon as this person heard about it, oh, it's incredible, it seems that this Yu Yang is definitely not easy, since he can go to the fourth floor of the Giant Spirit Pagoda at a young age, even we can't do it.

, Sheng Tianxuan said to Ge Youliang after listening to it, the sect master said that I thought too much, and the two of them chatted until dawn the next day.

, at this time, Yu Yang had already climbed the steps leading to the 4th floor. He had just climbed the three steps. Yu Yang swayed a bit, and the two saw Yu Yang standing there and adjusted a bit, and then walked up again. Going up quickly, Yu Yang went up to the fourth floor of the Juling Pagoda. The bell above the Juling Pagoda also rang four times, and the entire Tianshan Sect was fried.

, When Yu Yang walked out of the Giant Spirit Pagoda and saw that there were people on the inner three floors and the outer three floors around the Giant Spirit Pagoda, he still wondered, and thought to himself what was going on? He didn't know why he was here for so many people. He went up to the ninth floor of the Giant Spirit Pagoda in a row, which has caused a sensation in the entire Tianshan Sect.

, As soon as Shengtianqiu sat down, Ge Youliang asked the elder, if you came to me at night, did Shengtianqiu come over after hearing the bell on the Juling Pagoda. He nodded and said, Sect Master business.

, Everyone is talking about it, what's going on? Why did the bell on the tower of the giant rang 4 times in a row. I thought about it three times yesterday, and I thought about it four times today. It seems that this person is not simple. Some people say, have you forgotten? Didn't our Sect Master let that Yu Yang, our new Law Enforcement Hall Master, go to the Spirit Gathering Pagoda to practice? As soon as this person heard something, you mean, is that Yu Yang who went up to the 4th floor?

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, plus him, when he reached the 9th floor, he already felt a lot of pressure, and maybe the pressure of going to the 10th floor might not be what he could bear.

At this moment, Shengtianqiu came in and someone from outside came in, and reported to Ge Youliang that the first elder asked to see Ge Youliang, and he knew Shengtianqiu at a glance. He must have come over after hearing the bell on the Juling Pagoda. Thinking of this He immediately said to this person, let him come in, the person promised to leave, and after a while, Sheng Tianqiu walked in from the outside, and as soon as he walked in, he said to Ge Youliang, and greeted the sect master, Ge Youliang waved his hand and said, Great Elder You are welcome, please take a seat.

, After dawn, the two of them also came to the Juling Pagoda to see if Yu Yang would come out today and wait for the two of them to come here. The old man at the entrance of the Juling Pagoda saw that the Great Elder and the Sect Master came, and he immediately came over and said, Meet the elders, meet the suzerain.

, At this time, Sheng Tianqiu and Ge Youliang were both dumbfounded, wondering how long this Yu Yang could stay in there? How many floors can he go to? In the past few days, he has already reached the 9th floor. It's not easy. At this time, Yu Yang wanted to try to get to the 10th floor, but he thought to himself. If he doesn't go out again, will the people outside be in a hurry?

, Yu Yang at this time has undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only his level, he has broken through from the original Jindan early stage to the later stage of Jindan, and his physical body is much stronger than before.

, the two waved their hands at him and said, "Look, see if anyone inside wants to come out. As soon as the old man heard that he obeyed the order, he watched the old man wave his hand, and it showed a sign on the wall of the giant spirit tower. The pattern is like a video. Ge Youliang and Sheng Tianqiu looked up and saw Yu Yang sitting on the ground in a winding stream and continuing to practice.

, Let's go and see when he will come out. In this way, everyone dared to rush to the direction of the Juling Pagoda, and walked over to the Juling Pagoda quickly, and a lot of people were surrounded by them.

, Ge Youliang nodded and said yes, even I can't even go to three floors in one day, this Yu Yang is indeed not easy.

, Having said that, he then continued to talk about Sect Master. , this Yu Yang is much stronger than I was at the time. It took me two days to get to the second floor. I couldn't get up to the third floor. The time has gone up to three layers, and this child will definitely not be in the pool in the future.

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