Super Genius Bodyguard

Chapter 279 Yan Mengjiao Faints

Thinking of this, he stepped back and shouted outside, why do you hide? Hurry up and come out to me. As soon as he finished shouting, he saw three people outside. Yu Yang looked up and looked up, he was stunned at the time. stay, what's wrong? After a long time of trouble, he saw that there was a girl among the three. She saw that this girl was none other than the Yan Mengjiao she was thinking about day and night. Yu Yang was a little dumbfounded when she saw this, thinking how did Yan Mengjiao get here? ?

, Yu Yang came to Yan Mengjiao in a few steps, saw Yan Mengjiao's eyes closed, and fell to the ground. , He hurriedly stretched out his hand and hugged Yan Mengjiao, this time he lost his mind, found a secluded place, put Yan Mengjiao there, and began to check him for any wounds, he found Yan Mengjiao didn't have any problem at all, she thought to herself what was going on?

, but his consciousness will only happen once in a while. , that is, just after he finished speaking, he immediately lost consciousness again, and his consciousness was occupied by Liang Wenbo again, and he continued to say, okay, let's do it like this. The other two people nodded and said, that's right. Well, this is just like you, so the three people hid behind the stone and waited soon, Yu Yang was here. When Yu Yang started the two stone men, the three people watched in secret. is clear.

Seeing that the three of them couldn't do it, they quickly hid in the distance. As soon as they avoided it, the stone man automatically returned to his original position and stood there.

, are you looking for death? At this time, I heard Yan Mengjiao say, "Hmph, I fought with you today. Liang Wenbo was a little scared when he saw this, because he had just occupied Yan Mengjiao's body, Yan Mengjiao's soul had not been completely swallowed up by him, and his soul was still very tenacious.

, So if Yan Mengjiao really fights with him, he won't get a bargain, so this kid said it right away, I tell you, now you just let me control my body honestly, I'll let Yu Yang go, Otherwise, I'll kill him. Yan Mengjiao stopped talking when she heard it. At this time, Yu Yang was in a hurry. She took a few steps forward and said, is Meng Jiao still coming?

, Because the three people were hiding in the dark, and Yu Yang was there with the two people, Yan Mengjiao didn't see clearly what Yu Yang looked like.

, Yu Yang looked at it and hurriedly asked Meng Jiao, why are you here? At this moment, in Yan Mengjiao's Shihai. , A boy appeared, and this person was Liang Wenbo and looked at him and said to Yan Mengjiao.

, so what happened? In fact, this matter, we mentioned earlier when Liang Wenbo was winning the house. Although he succeeded in winning the house, he didn't expect Yan Mengjiao's willpower to be particularly strong, and I don't know why, Yan Mengjiao's soul The force is particularly strong. It was difficult for him to seize the house. It took a long time for him, and in the end, Yan Mengjiao almost devoured him instead.

,When the three of them stood opposite Yu Yang, Yu Yang recognized Yan Mengjiao at once. At this time, Yan Mengjiao also saw Yu Yang. At that time, he felt that his head was buzzing, and immediately blurted out and shouted Yu Yang. Yang is you.

The three of them also wanted to enter this room, but they were stopped by the two stone men at the door. Because the three of them didn't know how to break it, even after fighting for a long time, the stone man was not the opponent of the stone man. Zou Huachang also returned. injured.

Although Yan Mengjiao's soul has been sealed, sometimes he still has his own consciousness.

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, The day will soon come to leave the adversity, Yu Yang thought at first glance, I have to leave quickly, otherwise, if I close the secret realm, I will not be able to get out. Thinking of this, he will forget the exit of the secret realm when he carries Yan Mengjiao on his back. Dare there.

, Liang Wenbo sneered and said to let him go, you can let him go, but I also want to rob him of the treasure. , Yan Mengjiao was anxious at first glance, and said yes, since your words don't count, don't blame me, I will fight, even if my soul is wiped out today, I will fight with you.

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, Zou Huachang nodded when he heard it, saying that it's okay, Junior Sister will do it like this. , Yan Mengjiao next to her immediately mentioned this idea as soon as she heard it. I think it's a bit inappropriate. Even if someone else enters this room and he gets something, it doesn't belong to us. Not suitable? When Hua Yulian heard it, she immediately said, "Oh, I said, Shige, what's the matter with you?" How come your personality has changed after taking the dormitory?

At this time, Yan Mengjiao saw that Liang Wenbo was going to fight with Yu Yang, and he immediately said that you didn't say you wanted to let him go?

, Yu Yang saw that Yan Mengjiao fainted, he was in a hurry, he jumped over the Internet to see Hua Yulian and Zou Huachang, Yu Yang came over, and the two gathered around together, Yu Yang's eyes were red at this time Seeing that Yan Mengjiao was lying there motionless, he was in a hurry. He used the Spiritual Attack Technique without saying a word. The two silver needles drilled into the two people's minds. Then they both fell down with a thud. on the ground.

Because Yan Mengjiao's cultivation level was too low, in the end his soul was sealed by that Liang Wenbo, and now it means that Yan Mengjiao has two souls.

At this time, Liang Wenbo controlled Yan Mengjiao and said to Yu Yang, who knows you, hurry up and hand over your things, or I will kill you.

At this time, in Yan Mengjiao's Shihai, he and Liang Wenbo hit each other, and neither of them took advantage of this move.

, So, he didn't notice that Yu Yang waited for Yu Yang to go in for a while. When they came out, the three of them looked at it, and they came out. Don't ask him, he must have got something to freeze his hands, and then Zou Huachang shouted, Only then did three people appear in front of Yu Yang.

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled out a sword at his waist and ran towards Yu Yang and came over. Yu Yang immediately said Meng Jiao, what's wrong with you?

So why did Yan Mengjiao appear here? After making trouble for a long time, Yan Mengjiao and two other people, Zou Huachang and Hua Yulian came to this secret realm, and then the three also walked to this house.

, What should I do if three people discuss it? Among them, Hua Yulian said, I think we can do it this way. Let's hide and watch. If someone can enter this room in a while, when he comes out, he will definitely meet the friend baby in his hand. It's time for us to grab it again.

, Zou Huachang heard it right next to him, I said Junior Brother, what's the matter with you? How did I find you like a different person.

, This time it's good, before he and Yu Yang started, he and Yan Mengjiao started to do it first. , this time he stood there still holding the sword, Hua Yulian and Zou Huachang were both dumbfounded and thought, "Why are you doing this?" Why are you standing here with the sword in your hand?

, This door can have two stone men holding the door, there must be good things, this may be what kind of master lived in it before.

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