Super Genius Bodyguard

Chapter 105 Threats Yu Yang

Both Yu Xiaoying and Qi Mengru were speechless. , Because Yu Yang just drove the car like it was flying, these two almost vomited.

, this moment Yu Yang stopped the car. , Qi Mengru and Yu Xiaoying felt that their hearts were pounding. , Just at this moment, Ji Zhaohuai led someone behind and chased after Yu Yang, Yu Xiaoying and Qi Mengru hurriedly pushed open the car door and got out.

, Looking at Yu Yang, I went to a stop in the middle of the road to urgently call Huai and got out of the car, looked up at Yu Yang and said with a sneer that the surname was Yu. , why don't you run away? If you ran into the Huanghai city just now, I might really be a little apprehensive.

, but now you have come to such a remote place, I think you are dead reminder. , aren't you the boss of the hero Tang? Don't you have a lot of people under your command?

"Let your hands come down to save you," Yu Yang said in a hurry after hearing it. I said you are a fool, why don't you think about it, why would I bring you to such a remote place?

How can you be sure that you must eat me? , Ji Zhaohuai was stunned when he heard it, thinking to himself, is there any preparation for this kid?

, but he sounded wrong again, this kid must be tricking, he ran to this place, maybe he was panicking. , Maybe he was deliberately delaying time.

, Thinking of this, he sneered and said Yu Yang. , I will tell you what to say today, and I will also tell you about it. As soon as Yu Yang heard it, what is the hatred between the two of us?

, Ji Zhaohuai heard a snort and said, I said Yu Yang. , you won't forget it so soon, you kicked me at school last time.

, I remember clearly, you later forced Xie Tianba to disband the Crazy Tiger Gang and I had nowhere to go. , Later, I went to Pingjiang City to join the Shahe Gang.

, Yu Yang today is the time for us to count new and old accounts together. , do you have anything else to say? After listening to Yu Yang, I remembered.

, did you bully Qi Mengru with Xie Wenkun on campus that day? , This Yu Yang really does not know, anxious to call Huai, because there were so many people last time.

When he saw that these people were going to be rude to Qi Mengru, he rushed over and knocked them all down. , so he did not know Ji Zhaohuai.

, At this time, I heard Ji Zhaohuai say that the surname is Yu. , are you honestly self-sufficient? Or let's do it? , Yu Yang said anxiously to Zhaohuai, I said you are so sure.

, Did you eat me today? Anxious to call Huai, as soon as I heard it. , less nonsense surnamed Yu, I know if you want to delay time, waiting for your hands down.

It is a pity that I will not be so silly waiting to speak, he waved his hand at the back. , Said, give me a waste, this kid Yu Yang said to wait a moment.

, that is, Zhao Huai asked Yu Yang, are you afraid? Yu Yang waved his hand and said. , I'm not afraid, I still don't know who you are, sign up for it, and urgently call for a listen.

,Speaking of good, Yu Yang, then I will let you be a clear ghost. , My surname is anxious, my name is Ji Zhaohuai. , Yu Yang nodded after listening and said, then you said you should go together or go one by one, but I suggest you go together, save me from fighting one by one, please, I'm still in a hurry to go home.

, Ji Zhaohuai heard that drinking you are quite crazy, then I will fulfill you. Speaking of which, he turned his head and said to the back, "It's a waste for me, this kid."

, and then look at the dozen or so people behind him swarming up and surrounding Yu Yang. The steel pipe or iron rod in the hands of each round was directed at Yu Yang's body and greeted him.

,I was still in a hurry when I was looking at Yu Yang, an iron rod smashed down at Yu Yang's head, looked at Yu Yang again, dodged the man's iron rod and reached out and grabbed the head of the stick. , pulled it into his arms and said, give it to me.

, This iron rod was in Yu Yang's hands all at once, and at this moment, someone behind him hit Yu Yang's legs with this steel rod.

, Look at Yu Yang again, unhurriedly resorted to a move to clear the palace, plucking the onion on the dry land, toes a little, and the tip of the tongue rubbed a little sugar on the teeth and jumped up.

, The man behind was emptied with a steel pipe. When Yu Yang was falling, he turned around in mid-air and slammed down with an iron bar in his hand, slamming it.

, I hit this kid on the shoulder and cracked the shoulder blade at once, and this kid fell to the ground in pain. , The iron rod in his hand also let go.

, Isn't Yu Yang playing these people like a joke? , and then look at the whirring of the iron rod wheel in his hand. , Every time the iron bar is smashed out, there is a person screaming and falling to the ground, urgently summoning his arms behind him, and thinking about it badly.

I didn't expect this kid to be so fierce. If it goes on like this, it seems that I can't bring any of these people away. If it doesn't work, I have to think of a way.

Thinking of this, he looked to the side and saw two girls standing beside the car. These two girls were Qi Mengru and Yu Xiaoying.

After a long time of trouble, the two of them were terrified because Yu Yang drove the car very fast and almost had a car accident several times along the way.

, I felt as if my heart was about to jump out of my throat. , When Yu Yang got off the car, the two of them hadn't recovered. It took a long time for the two of them to recover.

, Seeing that Yu Yang had already fought with those who were chasing them behind. , The two of them were confused because Yu Yang came out of the car because they were worried.

, Don't think about it, if Yu Yang is really not an opponent, what's the use of the two of you coming down? , The two got out of the car and stood by the car and watched several times.

, Yu Yang was almost hit by an iron bar, and the palms of both of them were sweating. , Qi Mengru has seen Yu Yang's power, the former in the school so many people have not been able to beat Yu Yang.

, he turned to Yu Xiaoying and said, cousin, you don't have to worry about this kid being very powerful. , The last time so many people beat him, and Yu Yang beat them to the bottom, I believe this time he will be able to beat all of them.

, The two are especially happy when they see someone being beaten by Yu Yang. , Qi Mengru said to Yu Xiaoying, cousin, did you see that there are less than 8 people left.

, Yu Yang is about to win, and Yu Xiaoying is also very happy to see that the two are talking here. , Just at this moment, I was in a hurry, and when I turned around, I saw them anxiously looking at Zhaohuai, thinking to myself.

, Yu Yang, this kid is not shallow, there are such two big beauties next to him. Come on, I'll take them both hostage and threaten Yu Yang to let me go.

, and then I will find a way to take these two girls away. , When he returned to Pingjiang City, these two girls were mine, and when he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more beautiful he became.

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