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When you wait and see, you will rise steep.

Divine Tree suddenly vibrate, in the sea below Divine Tree, the waves of thousands zhang high, seems to have Sea Beast to agitate in Seabed roaring.

On the crown of Divine Tree, Golden gods, this gods contains Dark-Green’s Energy, which follows, from the branches of the tree crown, suddenly there is Energy gather, will be allied by All Directions. All rolled, trampped, forming an extremely huge Vortex.

This Vortex, such as a whale, has formed a storm Vortex.

“What is the situation ?!”

“Is it Divine Tree awakened? This is the rhythm of what is going to have!”

“I feel the surrounding Heaven and Earth ENERGY, all are attracted!”

all influnce is surprivable, the eye is extremely extraordinary, but no one knows, this mysterious ancient tree has any effect, such a change is the first time!

In the distance below the crown, many media on Earth ride on the fighter, shooting here, live global.

This ancient tree is taking out, attracting Earth global people concerned, countless people feel unwilling, but feel reticulous and weak.

Many first-to-instademy Battle PET MASTER, or a teenager, this moment can only look at this scene.

Full of Vigor, bloody, is invincible, but can only look at people to take this treasure.

Countless boy has already been in the heart of the vows, it will become stronger in the future, becoming unparalleled, defending his hometown, and no longer suffering this shame!

Divine Tree’s tree crown, where Energy gathers, Rays of Light and Energy neon gradually disappear, revealing a fluent crystal, two zhang high’s fruit.

This fruit is extremely strange, wrapped around the Dark-Green leaves, only showing the pointer of the fruit.

“Divine Tree results!”

“actually results, this fruit attracted the Energy condense in the surrounding Several Thousands Li, plus the essence of Divine Tree itself, is certainly very special!”

“This Divine Fruit, I want to be the Baroque family!”

“roll, Divine Fruit is our!”



Some people quickly flew out and rushed toward the Divine Fruit.

The space under the crown is blocked, no one can break the second space, can only rely on the body method, at this moment, there is a powerful body method, although it can’t be transient, but it is like a thunder, but it is like a thunder. Rush to Divine Tree.


Some people shot, will pass the people under the Divine Tree to block, want to grab.

but very quickly, there are other people who shot, and people who have went to the past, forced to fight against the other party, otherwise he is seriously injured, and Divine Fruit can’t keep up.

War, the war, the parters of all parters calls their own Battle Companion, One After ANOTHER rules, the power of Heaven and Earth, countless gorgeous skills, a Divine Lotus and Giant Sword appear, in the void intertwined attack, the whole tree The gorgeous Energy, like thousands of big Ivan burst, this shocking power is enough to make large continents!

Strong Attack Take these Powerhouse’s Silhouette and their Battle Companion hidden, some people who have just stepped into Legendary, are Trembling in Fear, cannot be close, can only resist the Energy of the Energy.

The light is this ENERGY, let them resist their efforts and have to go back.


“This Divine Fruit will definitely be, actually to be taken away!”

A group of Earth Legendary stands somewhere, is a ugly, and join hands to restrict this shock force.


At this time, suddenly slammed it in front of them, followed by several Silhouette pens to fly over, and crowded to the Earth in front of him.

Earth COMPEXION Slightly Changed, I haven’t been to avoid, I saw a Purple Giant Palm to open, and they scored them, and many offered Legendary, the mouth spitbiting blood, which also had two Titled sites. It is directly to convex, and the scene is violent, even the body is pulverized.

“Earth people? Hey, the antite-like thing also dares to come to this watch, this is what your Primordial indigenous can remember?” After the huge palm of the Purple, a young Silver Battle Armor, a young Said with Said with a sneer.

He Silhouette flew out and rushed into the full speed of the bold ring.

“Qin Yu Mu!”

“Liu Jian !!”

It sounds a few embarrassments, and several injured Legendary rushed to the two burst blood mems, but it is difficult to recover, they can only look at the Titled of the family, Die Without A Whole Corpse.

They have an angry, all say that the federal is the law of law, and pay attention to the laws and regulations, but who can think that Weak Are Prey to the strong is still the main melody, when Stregth is strong enough, others can have no law, Or, the law is also biased toward people, defending the rights of Powerhouse!

This Divine Tree is Earth, but they are not only, but they are sin.

weak, is the ultimate original crime!

Many Legendary is daring angry, but they are tight, and Complexion Ashen.


The battle in front is more and more fierce. One after ANOTHER rules are burst in the battle, and the rules of the free rules are enough to easily use the Destiny Realm. Many of the LEGENDARs who have come to see are scared, and they are afraid to be involved. .


At this time, the tree crust, just condensed Divine Fruit, nor is it caused by Energy’s fluctuations, or other reasons, suddenly from the branches, it has a Golden god, and it is flying.

“not good, Divine Fruit escape!”

“Good speed, what is Divine Fruit? Feeling spirituality!”

“quickly chase!”

numerous PowerHouse can’t kill, hurriedly catch up.

chasing, attacking each other, blocking each other chasing.

In the battle of the factories, somewhere in the Starry Sky outside the atmosphere, suddenly there is a spot, like the bright star, flashing a cross shining, then, the spot is gradually larger. Since the initial slight, it is a planet of a Planet! It’s a planet!

This Planet is like an AGGRESSIVE shell, rapid whizzing.

“is here, the front is Earth!”

In the store of Lia Planet, Su Ping stood outside the store. At this moment, he has no positioning instrument. If you look up, you can see a beautiful and blue Planet in front of Naked Eye. Rapid becomes large, the distance is shortened!


finally rushed back!

Su ping overwhelmed by emotions, Fairy MAIDEN BI is too fast, more than ten times faster than he ride spaceship!

“Senior, helping me reduce the speed close to the past.” Su Ping said to the Fairy Maiden Bi in the store.


Fairy MAIDEN BI promised, then, this rapidly prominent Planet, fast speed, the traction driven by the rapid brake, acts on this Planet, but by the Fairy MAIDEN BI, the Divine Force is involved, make The people on the Planet just feel that the body is shaking, and he sees the sky in front of the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, gradually slowing down.

“What is that?”

“Big planet, our speed seems to be lowered!”

“said that our planet is still in the Star of Zerpore, is it really drifting on this way ?!”

“is an illusion or true, my day, it hits the Planet!”

“It’s a big, what Planet is never seen, it seems that it is not a Planet in our Jerewor,”

Everyone on the Lea Planet is shocked, discuss spiritedly.

Take a beautiful and blue Planet getting bigger and bigger, many people have a meat, if the planet collides, this force is enough to let Destiny Realm will live, and only Starry Sky Realm Powerhouse can escape in advance. Planet can escape the huge explosive force of this Planet impact.

but very fast, in the Sky’s Earth ball is parked, no move, this means that Lea Planet stopped, no hit!

This allows all the world’s high-rise, Rayne family to mention a heart, and finally falling down, it is a long vomiting, and then feels cold and scared. Not light.


At this time, Su Ping stood at the door of the store. Suddenly saw a sea territory on the Earth, there was a very large Energy cloud, this Energy clouds, the range is very large!

Due to its nearby, you can even see some of the Mountain Range contours on the Earth.

“That is …”

Su ping is staring, and the face is cold.

He sees that in the atmosphere of Earth, One After ANOTHER SILHOUette is flying, being chasing a Golden Light!

In the other, the cloud is surrounded, and there is a big tree that is big to incredible. How many ancient trees say it!

Su ping This moment has been careless. When you see Silhouette, when you see Silhouette, he knows that Earth has already opened.

is not to know that in these chase people, there is no Nie fires.

“You are waiting here, I am going home!”

In the

store, Immortal Streg on Fairy Maiden Bi converges, said quietly Su Ping: “If you go, if there is danger, I will immediate, I will take you, Trifling is a Planet, I still Can be controlled, in addition, these many Medicine pills you are holding, these two are banned, can enhance your Battle Stregth to the ultimate, save your life, but should not take it when it is critical, but Repercussions is bigger! “

After finishing, she hand, several Medicine Pill flies to Su Ping.

two of which are loaded with the RED pyramid, Immortal Qi seal, and it is extremely extraordinary.

Su ping is not polite, directly accept.

“waiting for me!”

“How do you passed, be called spaceship?” The Tang Ruyan next to it is worried, and I want to take the spaceship with Su Ping home.


Su ping steps, and the terrible murderous aura is flashing in both eyes.


His Silhouette disappears outside the store, leaving.

SU ping suddenly disappeared, many people waiting in line outside the store noticed, some survived, I don’t know where Su Ping will go.

next moment, Su Ping Silhouette appears outside tens of thousands of meters high and comes outside the Atmospheric layer of Lea Planet.

and after he once again, it disappeared.

appears again, it is outside the atmosphere, in a vacuum.

The radiation, low temperature, pressure, allocation of the ice-cold universe come, no oxygen exists.

Su ping does not need to breathe, his WITHIN THE BODY cell is like a hundred million engines, while breaking out, you jump in Earth!

Jump from Starry Sky!


Su ping directly hit Earth’s atmosphere, the body fell in the jumping, rubbing the fire, like a burning meteorite!

At the same time, everyone on Earth is shocked.

They noticed that in the top of the THE SKY suddenly appeared a Planet!

This Planet is extremely huge, which is larger than the size of Earth, some people with astronomical telescope, can even see this Planet, City, and Sea Territory land, and even see the people walking. !

Where is this Planet? !

and this Planet is outside Earth, which is very close to each other. Such a near distance, and according to the gravity of Planet, it will act, but at this moment, the two planet are quiet and relative.

“this, what is this planet ?!”

“My God, I’m big, I seem to see the above mountain peaks and city!”

“Some people on this Planet, many people!”

“This Planet appears from what appears, it seems to have just rushed, suddenly stopped!”

On the entire Earth, in addition to Earth people, those star passengers who came to Earth were also shocked by this scene.

A Planet suddenly appears, this is simple unimaginable!

is like someone to control this Planet!

But with a Planet as spaceship, you can push Planet, what is the power? !

inexhable! !

“Fast, it seems that someone appears!”

“There is a meteorite to fall from the atmosphere!”

“is wrong, that is a person, a whole body burning!”

“god, is the person jumping directly from Starry Sky? He seems to be a mysterious ancient tree!”

This moment, countless people pay attention to jumping from Starry Sky, enters Earth’s SU Ping.

When Su Ping’s Silhouette is close to the ancient tree, it also enters the lens of the media in the farm media. Under the extreme capture of these lenses, the global owners in this brief moment, all see this rapidly The next Silhouette, is a person, just like the fire of the fire!

“That, that is …”

Earth’s album, the healing Nie fire looks at the screen shot on the screen, suddenly sitting from the health bed, open, eyes are very big!

His vision is extremely strong, in that pixel, faintly catching the face of the burning Silhouette.

is him? !

Is it an illusion? ! !

All of this is in an eye-catching, Next Moment, the SU Ping, who is straight, he changed the trajectory in In The Sky, such as a meteor, chasing the Golden Light flying in the people.


may be the gravitational acceleration of falling, plus its own driving force, the speed of Su Ping is like a short light, and instantly scratch the sky!


suddenly stops!

Su ping is falling in high altitude, just like stepping on the ground, dramatically oscillating strength, making it a nuclear bomb moisture in the clear sky!

and this shocking force, also passes to the next molter Sea Territory, and the whole sea territory is a shock, and thousands of ZHANG HIGH waves have emerged!

Su ping in in the sky, he lifts the head.

Golden Light rapidly, he quickly shot, Energy illusion Golden Divine Palm clenched this Golden Light!

After cleaning, Su Ping removes the violent impact on Golden Light, and seeing this is a bit like a corn-like Divine Fruit, wrapped by Jade Green’s leaves, just Divine Fruit is not granules. The exposed part is smooth.

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