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Su ping is tight, speeding speed.

is very fast, the news is finished, and his face is hard to see.

I don’t know when I’m doing, growing a mysterious ancient tree, extremely extraordinary, attracting attention to other planet forces nearby, eruption of war in Earth, killing to grab.

This battle has lasted for three days!

in the news called Earth indigenous, want to defend this mysterious ancient tree, and robbed these forces, but in At First, it was suppressed!

It is now competing to grab, and it is all other planet’s All Influnce.

“damn !!”

Su ping is in an ancient angelica, he remembers that the cutting power on the Earth, that is, Nie Fire and Qin Lao.

This mysterious ancient tree does not know how it comes, but in any case, it is something on Earth.

Other planet forces, even dare to kill Earth, and put Earth people to suppress, simply serve, regardless of the law and of natural morality!

“Father is the sky, Battle Stregth is also strong, I will leave some of the self-protection things, he will not go …” Su Ping is tight, the face is more ubizteen.


At this time, Fairy Maiden Bi pays attention to the face of Su Ping, can’t help but ask.

Busy Joanna and Tang Ruyan are also awkward, etc. When you see Su Ping’s face is really not strong, you are StartLeD, this guy is calm, everything can be opened, they will very little to see Su Ping So angerous look.

generally makes him so angry, it will basically make Major Event.

“What’s wrong?” Tang Ruyan didn’t have a customer in front of him, and I went to the Treatment.

Su ping rests the anger in your eyes: “I want to go back to Earth!”

“Do you want to return to EARTH?” Tang Ruyan slightly, the face suddenly changed, “Is it going on Earth? I also go, I will go with you!”

“You wait here, I will go back alone.”

Tang Ruyan bite the lips, when the taste is extremely uncomfortable.

Su ping turned to the Fairy Maiden Bi next to the side: “The store will give you.”

“I will accompany you.” Fairy MAIDEN BI slightly eyebrows, said: “You are the only hope in me, I will not let you disappear under my eyelids, where do you go!”

Su ping shakes his head, saying: “If you are before, I can take you together, but now you sign the staff contract, you can only go out of the store within my store, so I want to take you. No way. “

If you see the news earlier, Su Ping is able to ask her to bring yourself back.

There is Sealing God Boundary Powerhouse with a road, which is faster than he rides SpaceShip.


I heard Su Ping, Fairy Maiden Bi Complexion Slightly Changed, she silhouette shook, suddenly appeared in the road outside the store, but in front of her, there was a dissevious force, which was obstructing her.

At the same time, in her mind, the ancient will of the disappeared, issued a majestic thought.

This thought is telling her that if she tries to step out of this area!

Fairy MAIDEN BI bites teeth, still have some unfinished evil, her palm contains Divine Light, reaching forward.


Divine Light is dissipated like ice and snow, and her fingertips also turns a flying as ash!

There is no power to fluctuate, but there is a kind of force, destroying her!

Fairy MAIDEN BI pupil is tightened, hurriedly recovered, but saw that half a thumb has been cut off.

She WITHIN THE BODY Immortal Strength is transferred, and some Dynian will regenerate the fingers.

and Fayry MAIDEN BI suddenly appear, the people who queued around were a lot of Divine Light, waiting for her palm to condense Divine Light, they were shocking, felt a very great, completely overdrained on them.

This feeling is even more than seeing Starry Sky Realm Terrifying!

This is a beautiful girl, is it a star main giant? !

Thinking here, everyone queuing is a face, this BOSS SU is going out, actually hugging a white thigh!

Young is so young to know soft rice, old girl is going to be killed!


Fairy MAIDEN BI did not give everyone a chance to watch, Silhouette returned to the store, her face is a bit ugly.

“is useless, this is one of the employee treaty. In the previous employee Code Contract, you should still remember …” Su Ping said.

Fairy MAIDEN BI 怔 怔, the thing written on the Didn’t Expect is actually true.

she thought that she was only a box frame on the oral, I really had to violate myself.

and now the truth is … I really can.

“I can’t let you leave my eyelids!” Fairy Maiden Bi bites teeth, staring at him, said: “Although I can’t leave this store, I can carry this store to take away, where you go, Where can I go! “

“Can you carry this store?” Su Ping stunned, in your heart, “Is it true?”

“Do you think it is a store created by this system!” System Said Ill-Humoredly.

Su ping automatic brain makes up a pair of white eyes in the heart, he doesn’t know that the loss is still happy. If some choice, he also hopes that Fairy MAIDEN BI can carry the store and move back directly to Earth.

There is this sealing god boundary to plumb, Su Ping is also peaceful.

is happy, SYSTEM’s ability is still as strong as it is, which makes him quite peace.

“is useless, you can’t move this store, otherwise you will not be limited to this.” Su Ping shook his head.

Fairy MAIDEN BI closed his eyes, opened after a while, Complex IS GLOOMY, said: “This shop seems to be a peerless immortal artifact, I can’t shake!”

su ping nodded and said: “You can do this, the store will give you, I will take a step first.”

“, etc.”

Fairy MAIDEN BI immediately called.

su ping frowning looked toards.

“I just tried it, although I can’t step out of the store, but my strength can pass, I will carry this shop, I will carry this Planet!” Fairy Maiden BI language is amazing Tao.

Su ping expression is hysterested, and the Tang Ruyan next to it is also stunned and wide.

Only Joanna, a calm, unhappy appearance.

“You … to carry this Planet!?” Su Ping reacted, looked at her horror.

Move a Planet? !

Sealing god boundary’s big 佬, is it talking?

“Yes, where are you going, I pushed this Planet!” Fairy MAIDEN BI.

“…” Su Ping, I don’t know what to say, push a Planet, which is some incredible for him, but it is estimated that it is nothing to do with the playball bead.

“I found a map.”

Su ping no more, now it is urgent, he just wants to return to Earth.

turned out of the leader, Su Ping searched for Earth’s position, so soon, in the east side of Sylvi big star, found the position of Earth.

Earth is migrated into the galaxy called Moxis in the Sylvi big star.

The galaxy is about ten times longer than the solar system, and hundreds of Planet shared a super sun star.

“route selection, space BattleshiP, Interstellar rail, walk …”

su ping Select a walk.

other ways need to be wrapped, jumping into different galaxies, occasionally coming back and forth, and walking is the most direct distance.

“in this orientation, but the distance is far away, you have to cross a lot of small galaxes.” Su Ping will take the map Projection on the main star order to give the Fairy MAIDEN BI to the road.


Fairy MAIDEN BI looked at it, TOOK A Deep Breath, shot the ethereal emmortal qi in the body, said: “Let’s go now!”

su ping startled.

At this time, the sudden store came outside.

Su ping stands in the store, and it feels that the ground is suddenly shake, and his eyes are big. Is Fayiry MAIDEN BI has already powered, driving this Planet? !

Su ping is shocking, this is the power of Sealing God Boundary, and the explosion of a Planet is nothing, and it is called Terrifying!

Inspired, the power of Su Ping is enough to explode. He only needs to dive into the depths of Planet. In the star nucleus, the power can detonate the thermal energy in the star core, destroy this Planet.

but life is promoted … this is unimaginable!

To know, this Planet is rotating, and is affected by the gravitationality of the Zuspun galaxy. To drive it, you must stop rotation first, then pull it from another Planet gravity ring.

“What is the situation? Earthquake?”

Impossible, we have a seismic apparatus in Wofete City, and then, there is a rock beast and town, how can there be an earthquake! “

“My God, I look at it, the moon is coming !!”

“is really, what situation !?”

ONE AFTER ANOTHER shocks the horrified excitement, ringing outside the store.

Su ping silhouette flashed, rushing to the store, suddenly saw the sky in the sun, and turned into a dark night, the stars flew over the head!

In addition, a silver moon appeared in the sky, and the moonlight shines the city.

“This …”

Tang Ruyan next to it, it is also shocked by seeing this scene.

Push a Planet?

The woman actually has such a horrible power!

This is a person who is back from Su Ping? !

The shock in her eyes quickly became out, but also ended.

Su ping did not pay attention to the Tang Ruyan around him. When seeing the STARRY SKY BIG Dipper Turns and Stars Move, the shock in Su Ping had no way, he returned to the store, he saw the Fairy in the store. MAIDEN BI, IMMORTAL Qi surrounded by Silhouette, in this Immortal Qi depth, One After ANOTHER JADE GREEN such as Jade Rays of Light Flashed.

“She seems not human …”

Next to Joanna, Joanna does not know when you appear around Su Ping, staring at Fairy MAIDEN BI whisper Sound Transmission.

“she is.”

Su ping stares this FAIRY, and said seriously.

Joanna looked at him, slightly frowned.

Su ping low LOOKED TOWARDS Lord Star Order, the above position is still, his eyes are slightly wide, only see the Naked Eye visible, in space dimensions!

Lea Planet, I really get out of the Zusprum Star system, being pushed by Fairy MAIDEN BI, like meteor flies to Earth!


At this moment, everyone on the Aria Planet is shaken.

The star icon on the top of the head change, the speed is fast to Naked Eye, everyone is somewhat, I don’t know what happened.

even some people think it is an illusion.

The media news from all states, all exploded, and the investigators and media people sent themselves.

On Zhong Prefecture, the headquarters of the Renne family, all the important branches are all amazed.

, especially the astronomy.

is responsible for monitoring the astronomical department of outer space, at this moment, the entire department is collective and shocking.

“I, what I saw, we actually … is driving from the Zurporendian star ?!”

“Is the planetary propeller launched … It seems that there is no Energy fluctuation signal, what is going on?”

“Let me hit me, I am too many nights, octave?”

In addition to the astronomical department.

Another department responsible for the planetary propeller is also dumbfounded, in the immediately place to detect the planetary propeller, this planetary propeller is used when it is easy to adjust the Planet trajectory, or it can also be used to avoid some unsailed universe meteorites. .

However, most of the meteorites will be destroyed by Du Shiger in space.

“report! One district planet pusher is turned off, no start!”

report! In the second district planet propeller flameout, there is no start! “

report! … “

ONE ANOTHER message, very fast, the top of the above is somewhat.

The planetary propeller is not launched, how do planet follows magic, ourselves THREW AWAY Zusprum star? !

Soon, the news is reported to the Leen family’s territory Leifeng, the many high-rise in the family, the Great Character of the departments, all through the virtual Projection, gathered to the conference hall in Immediately.

The emergency meeting is started!

“No reason?! Bay, what to eat, do you eat, rice?!”

detected that there is a mysterious power to cover our Lea Planet? The source of this power is not, what ENERGY? “

“Fast, go to Zusprum Star system, use the Planet call instrument, let Leifa lord help!”

“Go to calculate, with our Planet’s driving speed, if you hit meteorites, how big it will be!”

“Fast, go, send all BattleshiP escort, in front of Sir Lord, be sure to protect Planet!”

“Du Shihun prepares warm-up, if you encounter meteorites, directly destroy!”

“Worldwide, start emergency disaster !!”

“Let all CITY open the Energy cover, we must work together !!”

In the entire conference hall, the roaring of Renfama Patriarch, now Renian Lien Lord is not there, patriarch can only make a choice.

The entire Renne family is running, chaos a pot of porridge.

This suddenly, the Planet flying, so that Renne family can’t prevent it.

and all people on the BRIEF MOMENT, Rea Planet, all from home, look up at the top of the head.

Starny change, they saw many galaxies they used to see on TV, the appearance of those galaxies, now flies in front of them!

Some Planet is extremely huge, like it is passed by the atmosphere, and has a huge meteorite, and it is also whistling from the top of the head.

This change makes people a illusion.

Planet is in front of the speed, just like a train, in front!

just … this is possible! ?

Everyone has some hair.

The only thing that makes them calm, although the star of the head is constantly changing, but the land of their feet, except for the initial shaking, there is no bump and vibration.

However, with time, it will soon feel that the breathing begins to have a very urgent.

The oxygen in the air seems to fluctuate dramatic, so that breathing is somewhat incomplete.

There are still some people in some areas, feel the weak legs, the gravitation under the foot seems to be strong, there is a push to press it from above, so that they have more atmospheric pressure.

“What happened?”

“Is World’s last day?”

“I seem to see half of the horses, but it seems to be very far away, how can I …”

At this moment, the people on the entire Planet are all paying attention to the unusual star icon.

Even some of the Adventurer hunting in Thunder, this is also alarming this NATural Phenomenon, Not knowing what to do.

“Planet pushes, is the star collapsed?”

Su ping looks at the positioning of the Lord’s Star, his position is in front of the speed, and he is a little worried, and asked the Fairy Maiden Bi that is playing.

Fairy MAIDEN BIE Face Ethereal Immortal Qi is inhaled, revealing her exquisite cheeks, calmly: “No, I use the power to wrap the whole planet, unprepassed the impact, otherwise, this The above people will die! “

Su ping is slightly Relaxed, this method, is no longer what he can understand.

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