
You can search for “super god pet beast shop Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The aptitude of the battle pet can be detected by a test post. After some experiments, everyone finally determined that this level is really related to the aptitude!

The higher the qualifications, the fewer and the smaller the Thunder Tribulation you will encounter, and the worse your qualifications. As soon as you step on the steps, you will be cut off.

“These days, even Ancient Immortal is so sophisticated.”

“Eh, the introduction is just for real!”

“I seem to have a feeling of being despised by a step.”

“Be bold and remove the seemingly.”

“So… how many of them have the highest aptitude? Not to mention, these guys are less than a thousand years old, and they cultivation to the star realm and sit on an equal footing with me. This aptitude is really high!”


“Yes, especially this one, 89 years old…tsk tsk, my great-great-granddaughter is older than this.”

Although the results of the test were found and the steps were found to be the cause of thunder, everyone was happy that they did not raise.

If you have poor qualifications, you must be discriminated against?

The ability to be counted depends on the battle strength. Whoever is weak will be eliminated. Anyway, everyone has the opportunity to give it a go!

Some people are dissatisfied, but they can’t say it. After all, the qualifications are worse than others.

“damn it, although I know the reason, how can it be broken? It’s too late for me to upgrade my qualifications now!”

“This is the only way? How did the three Conferred Powerhouses get in? If you can find a place for them to pass, maybe you can take a shortcut.”

“Don’t think about it, how can we imagine the method of enshrining the gods of powerhouse, maybe it is not necessarily to directly tear the deep space into it, we can’t enter the space they can enter.”

“What is going on?”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this step is so realistic, even if they know the reason, they can only be angry.

“Does it rely on qualifications?”

At this moment, a voice came from a war alliance.

The two star owners inside looked at each other and saw a figure walking out of their Small World. It was the purple robed youth who had previously exhibited divine might and swept many Starry Sky realms.

He had a gloomy face before, and he was defeated by Su Ping, and lost the rules of Tao Shu, which made him extremely unhappy, even a little bit shocked.

But now, he feels like he sees a chance.

With qualifications?

He is in this area and he hasn’t really served many people.

The only people who can convince him are the champions of previous cosmic genius battles, or some amazing powerhouses.

Some powerhouses have been geniuses since they were young. They are Peak god-type warfare bodies. They push all the way, and grow strong when they are strong, just like a legend and a myth.

He admires such a person.

But other people, in his opinion, are just ordinary people that’s all, not worth mentioning!

“Star River Young Master, are you going?”

One of the stars saw him come out, startled.

Another star master hurriedly persuaded: “Star River Young Master, the Thunder Tribulation on this step is not trivial and contains a complete meaning. Although you are very strong, there is really no need to take such a risk!”

“I can try, and you can pick me up anytime.”

purple robed youth said.

He wasn’t blindly arrogant either. After all, it was an ancient immortal mansion. There were so many weird things. Just the countless corpses lying in the sky in front of him could not be described as weird and evil.

The two star masters startled and looked at each other, but they had no choice but to agree.

Other star owners also noticed this purple robed youth. Although the opponent was only a Destiny Realm, these star owners did not dare to underestimate each other.

Only relying on Destiny Realm’s cultivation base can make the giants of the Star Realm treat it dignifiedly. This treatment can be replaced by others, which is enough to brag for a lifetime.

“This little fellow…maybe able to make some flowers.”

“If it is really just a matter of aptitude, maybe this little fellow can go to about forty steps, or even farther.”

“Yes, this little fellow’s aptitude is more enchanting than I am waiting. If you say that there is no Sealing God Boundary behind it personally cultivated, I don’t believe it!”

“Of course, innate talent, no matter how good you are, in the deep mountains and old forests, the resources are scarce, and there is no cultivation trick. No matter how awesome the battle body is, you will starve to death if you don’t eat it!”

Other people look at it with curiosity and want to know how far this purple robed youth can go.

The Alliance Leader girl raised her eyebrows slightly, staring a little when she saw the other party.

At this time, the purple robed youth has come to the front of the steps. Suddenly, he turned his head and glanced at the Alliance Leader girl, and then his eyes fell on the illusory floating Small World next to her. To be precise, he looked inside the Small World. Su Ping body.


purple robed youth sneered slightly, didn’t say anything, turned around and stepped on the steps.

Su Ping raises his eyebrows, meowing, you go up the steps when you go up the steps, why do you sneer with me? Epilepsy?

Su Ping is also watching, let this guy be a little white mouse. Let’s see if the Thunder Tribulation he provokes is at the star master level or at the Destiny Realm level.

If the Thunder Tribulation on the steps really varies from person to person, maybe he can try it too.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to meet such demanding requirements, but for others, it is a chance!

Chance may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, never miss it!

At this time, purple robed youth has already stepped up the stairs.

First Step!

Everyone is staring.

Nothing happened on the steps, let alone Thunder Tribulation, I didn’t even see a thunder flower.

Seeing this scene, the two star owners who served as guardians of purple robed youth were both darkly relaxed, but they still didn’t dare to be careless in their hearts and waited nervously.

purple robed youth raised his eyebrows, curved the corners of his mouth, and continued to walk forward.

I didn’t encounter Thunder Tribulation in the First Step, nor did I encounter Thunder Tribulation in the second Third Step.

Then all the way up, seventh and eighth…tenth 57…until the 25th-layer step, I didn’t encounter Thunder Tribulation!

A smooth journey, this is the first time this situation has appeared!

Even enchanting evildoers like the Alliance Leader girl encountered Thunder Tribulation after the 23 layers!


The Alliance Leader girl looked at the complexion sank and was a little annoyed.

When the Vice Alliance Lord next to her saw her face, he immediately sounded and transmitted with relief: “Young Lady, you don’t need to care. When you were in Destiny Realm, you were not inferior to this person. The qualifications are tested according to the cultivation base. Yes, when this person arrives in the Star Master Realm like Young Lady, it is estimated that the qualifications in the Star Master Realm may not be so powerful.”


The Alliance Leader girl coldly snorted responded, but her face was slightly relieved.

At this time, the first Thunder Tribulation of purple robed youth appeared.

This Thunder Tribulation breeds in the sky above the steps, there is no dark cloud, as if brewing from in the sky, it suddenly crashed when it appeared.

Purple robed youth has long been sensed, raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand punched out, and directly destroyed the Thunder Tribulation. This Thunder Tribulation is much smaller than the first Thunder Tribulation encountered by many star owners. The formidable power is much smaller, without Grand Dao implies that it is weaker than the Thunder Tribulation of Starry Sky realm.

“It seems that this Thunder Tribulation is judged based on the cultivation base.”

“Good guy, he wouldn’t be able to get past if he had to do that?”

Someone exclaimed, a little shocked and jealous, and jealous.

If there is Immortal Mansion inheritance behind the steps, that would be too cheap for this guy!

Other star owners also have ugly faces. They feel that the world is too unfair, and die due to drought, and die from waterlogging. The more capable they are, the more they get. How can they live and compare with others? ? !

On the steps, after the purple robed youth repelled the first Thunder Tribulation, his nervousness was finally released, his face was relieved with a smile, a little excited.

Sure enough, this step was built for him.

In terms of qualifications?

immortal you have my heart!

purple robed youth walks briskly and moves forward quickly.

One after another Thunder Tribulation appeared, the purple robed youth raised his hand and defeated it. After thirty-five steps, the power of Thunder Tribulation increased by an order of magnitude, reaching the level of Starry Sky realm.

But for purple robed youth, it is still trivial.

He can kill the Starry Sky realm by more than one level. At this point, Thunder Tribulation can be dispelled by raising his hand.

He sprinted all the way, and quickly crossed the forty steps, breaking the previous record of the first star master.

Immediately afterwards, he hurried forward again, reaching the fifty steps!

At this moment, he has reached half of this whole step!

Such a rapid progress made the many star masters who were waiting outside to hold their breaths and a little anxious.

Seeing others Depot, this is a bit fidgeting!


The chain appeared in the hands of purple robed youth, and a Dao Accumulation Thunder Tribulation containing the power of the rules of terror was dispelled, and then continued to move forward.

The Thunder Tribulation encountered here has already made him take it seriously.

After the previous rest, plus he took divine fruit again, the state of the body is basically restored at this moment.

Soon, purple robed youth came to the sixty steps, where the power of Thunder Tribulation made him have to use the pet beast.

It didn’t take long for him to reach the seventieth steps, and the power of Thunder Tribulation skyrocketed, enough to threaten Starry Sky realm Peak.

Without a word, he directly took out the golden talisman to resist Thunder Tribulation, and then continued forward.

As the purple robed youth strode forward and was walking on the steps, suddenly a figure appeared on the 1st floor of the steps, it was Su Ping.

When he saw the treatment of purple robed youth, Su Ping was relieved that he could also cross this step!

After communicating with the Alliance Leader girl, it was convenient to let him out of Small World.

The Alliance Leader girl has seen the extraordinary performance of Su Ping before. Although Su Ping suppressed the purple robed youth based on the Starry Sky realm’s cultivation base, its means and power are absolutely enchanting level existence in Starry Sky realm.

This kind of qualification may be able to go to the depths of the steps, even the end of the steps is unknown!

“Come on, suppress that kid for me!” The Alliance Leader girl cheered up with her fist.

Hearing her words, other people were surprised to notice that Su Ping had also stepped up the steps.

Su Ping didn’t talk nonsense, and moved forward quickly.


His figure is like a light smoke, rushing out of the twenty-thirty steps in a blink of an eye!

Beyond the steps, the eyes of many star owners protruded, almost staring out.

This fuck, this is almost like a race, what about Thunder Tribulation? Thunder Tribulation You wake up, are you dead?


Su Ping rushed all the way, strode across, and in a blink of an eye he reached the forty steps.

He has never encountered Thunder Tribulation until here!

Some people even wonder if Su Ping goes too fast and Thunder Tribulation fails to respond?

No, you are Thunder Tribulation, how can you be so slow?

On the steps, Su Ping walked briskly and wandered forward. He was also a little surprised. After more than forty steps, he has not yet encountered Thunder Tribulation. It seems that his qualifications are better than he thought.

Unfortunately, the system can only assess the qualifications of pet beasts. Otherwise, Su Ping would like to see if his qualifications are high grade or special grade?

If you judge his aptitude, he must be compared with Human Race.

Unfortunately, he could not identify himself.

In a blink of an eye, Su Ping has already reached fifty steps, halfway through!

At this time, the purple robed youth had already stepped onto the eighty steps. He heard the exclamation from behind, swept away from the side of his head, and suddenly the complexion slightly changed and saw Su Ping.

Seeing that Su Ping appeared here, he had a somewhat gloomy face, but he was not too shocked. After all, he recognized the strength the opponent showed in the previous battle.

With the other party’s qualifications, they are even qualified to reach the sixties or seventies.


purple robed youth coldly snorted, take out the golden talisman to resist, and no longer rely on himself to fight against the Thunder Tribulation, this is a bit time-consuming.

Su Ping saw that purple robed youth suddenly speeded up, browsed slightly and raised his feet immediately, and sprinted out.

Sixty, seventy, eighty!

In a blink of an eye, Su Ping caught up with purple robed youth!

At this moment, all the star masters outside the steps are about to drop their jaws.

Their eyes were wide-open, their faces were incredible, and they were beyond shock.

Is Thunder Tribulation broken? Su Ping rushed all the way to the eighty steps, but it didn’t trigger? !

Not even the first Thunder Tribulation down? ! !


At the moment of transcendence, the purple robed youth felt the wind around him. When he saw Su Ping’s lightly passing figure, his original indifferent and determined face suddenly cracked open.

“Hurry up!” Su Ping turned his head, lightly said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he rushed out quickly like oiling the soles of his feet, and in a blink of an eye he came to the ninety steps.

The Immortal Mansion was near, and Su Ping also thought about the issue of inheritance. Naturally, he didn’t know how to draw ink, so he sprinted directly. Soon, one hundred steps ended.

When stepping on the 100th Dao Altar, there was a surge of Thunder Tribulation in the sky, and it disappeared as soon as it had brewed.

Because of Su Ping on the steps, I have already stepped down.


The purple robed youth, who is stepping on the eighty-five Dao Altar steps, has a somewhat sluggish expression.

The steps crashed down, and several golden charms flew out of his body, blocking the Thunder Tribulation and dissipating.

The thunder light shattered, shining brightly on top of his head, but the heart of the purple robed youth was cold.

He walked for a long time, but Su Ping actually trot all the way, so he surpassed so easily? !

This fuck, you’re a Starry Sky realm, and even the star master can’t deal with it. Why can you surpass me in terms of aptitude? Why? !

The mentality of purple robed youth has collapsed and burst.

He felt that if he stepped into the Starry Sky realm, he would at least be able to compete with the star owner. Although he could not win, it would not be annoying.

But Su Ping, a guy hiding in the Star Lord Small World, actually surpassed him in terms of aptitude? !

“Could it be that Thunder Tribulation has failed?”

Outside the steps, a star master was surprised and stepped onto the steps.

Without walking a few floors, he encountered Thunder Tribulation, and he knocked it back, somewhat dumbfounded.

Thunder Tribulation hasn’t failed. It’s too weird. Could it be that Su Ping has any Supreme Treasure for lightning protection? But impossible, I have never heard of such a Supreme Treasure!

Only by qualifications? At the end, they just met the first Thunder Tribulation, and it was over before the preparation was completed, so they could not see what kind of power Thunder Tribulation was.

“If it is really based on qualifications, this guy…presumably still has hidden power before!”

“Hidden? So, he could easily defeat that little fellow before, but he kept playing with him?”

“Although I don’t know what qualification concept is to go straight to the end, at least…should be able to be a higher rank challenge, right? This guy may have the power not inferior to me!”

“Crap!, this is a fierce person playing the pig to eat the tiger!”

Many star masters looked at each other in blank dismay and were shocked.

A Starry Sky realm, but can it be comparable to a star owner?

If it weren’t for this step to reveal his qualifications, who would have expected that this guy had hidden a hand before!

“This guy…”

The Alliance Leader girl was also shocked, a little confused.

Although she is very proud, she asks herself that with her aptitude, she will never be able to easily walk this ancient step like Su Ping. This aptitude is simply against the sky.

“Really, Brother Baitian didn’t trigger Thunder Tribulation!”

“One was triggered, but before it took shape, others ran away.”

“Brother Baitian is too bad, no wonder you dare to be called such a name, Baitian!”

“tsk tsk, and only our Alliance Leader, can surpass Baitian brother, too strong!”

Everyone in the Star Sea Alliance is shocked and discuss spiritedly.

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