
You can search for “super god pet beast shop Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Here is a video newsletter…”

“According to our reporter’s interview, there are ten Dragon Beasts like this aptitude dragon, yes, ten!”

“…all come from this pet beast store called Rogue. I believe that everyone in the audience is very curious like me, what kind of pet beast store can have such great generosity?”

“This is the owner of the Rogue shop…”

“As for business hours, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon…”

In the news of one of the TV stations, an interview scene was shown, and the teenager in the scene said casually.

Following news reports from various TV stations, the entire Camp Chau has exploded!

A and other aptitude battle companions are quite rare, not to mention the popular battle companion of Dragon Beast, on the Rhea planet, who doesn’t recognize Dragon Beast?

To sell ten at a time, the highest price of which is not more than 1 billion, this is simply an anecdote!

If it were not for the major officials to broadcast the news, no one would believe it. They would just be the headline party for grandstanding, and laugh it off.

“Rogue shop? Never heard of it!”

“When did such a super pet beast shop pop up? Is it a certain capital entering the market?”

“Well, my goodness, ten A-Rank Dragon Beasts are sold so cheaply. No wonder the boss’s attitude is so arrogant. Opening a store depends on your mood.”

“This store is definitely the Mi Qilin in the pet beast store!”

“You are stupid, it must be the marketing of this store. How could someone really sell A-Rank aptitude’s Dragon Beast for only 400 million? Isn’t this a right hand?”

“Upstairs is the second force. People really want the right hand to be left-handed. Why don’t they sell it at a lower price than the normal market? It is your turn to question? Even if it is really a right-handed right hand, sell yourself People, but people can take out ten Hankong Thunder Dragon Beast at a time, and all of them are A-Rank aptitude detected in public. Just this ability, can you?”

“Where is it, it seems not far from us.”

“The navy came out with rhythm. It’s such an obvious deception, but it’s still a joke, cracking a joke, ten A-Rank aptitude Dragon Beast only sold for hundreds of millions. Are pet beasts eligible to sell expensive? Unless they are all sold at such a low price, this is just shooting yourself in the foot!”

“I, who have two Dragon Beast heads, drifted by silently…”


The intense online discussion in Camp Chau, some people believe that some people think it is an obvious scam. In this controversy, many cautious people choose to wait and see for the time being.

But many impulsive factions have already rushed to Warfite City by car that night.

There are also some rationalists who, through various arguments and analysis, decided to come and watch for themselves, and judge the truth from the false through their own eyes.

After nightfall.

The lights on the streets are beginning to come on, and various buildings are full of bright neon lights. The whole city seems to be resurrected, and it has become more lively than the daytime!

There is a starry starry sky above your head, and the streets are full of wonderful nightlife. The beauties who are rarely seen during the day have come out to stroll at night.

Outside the Su Ping store, there is already a long queue.

This originally well-deserved commercial street has become the most famous street in Warfitt City in less than a day. The number of people here has increased several times.

The entire street is full of silhouettes, and the income of the shops in the whole street is turned over.

As the brightest shop on this street, the most people gather outside the Su Ping shop.

“Why line up?”

“Hey, haven’t you watched the news? I have listed them on the Internet. Some rules of this store.”

“If you want to buy a battle companion, you must sign it on the spot and buy it in person. You can’t transfer it at random, and no matter who you are, you have to queue up. I heard that someone spends tens of billions to buy it, so the boss won’t let it.”

“Really, this isn’t this too ridiculous. Doing business doesn’t even make money?”

“Who knows, anyway, true or false, you’ll know after a look tomorrow, so many people line up, you can’t be wrong.”


Cleo, who was at the forefront of the team, looked a little dark when hearing the comments from some people behind. She was the one who was rumored to spend tens of billions.

Didn’t expect to be a foil for Su Ping’s shop.

She became more and more angry.

“Crap!, what’s the situation in this store?”

Outside the crowd, a robust man led several people over and was stunned when he saw the situation outside the Su Ping store.

He was the one who was thrown out of the store by Joanna when Su Ping opened the store before. At that time, he was afraid of Joanna’s power and didn’t make a move. But when he went back to find a friend, he saw such a grand scene.

Just the people lined up outside the Su Ping store made him startled.

“Is this this store?”

The face of a purple-haired young man next to him changed a little. The popularity outside the Su Ping shop made him feel a little stressed.

Although most of the people in this line are mainly Vast Sea realm, there are also many Void Cave realm. Just these customers are enough to overwhelm them.

“There weren’t so many people before, what’s the situation?” Robust man was a little confused.

“Follow him, there is a boss, let this shop close today!”

“Yes, don’t look, who is in charge of this street!”

Several people shouted, all a little arrogant.

No matter how many customers are in line, if you close the door, you have to close the door. Will these customers still try their best for you?

The purple-haired youth stood in the middle of them. He didn’t speak at the moment, but frowned gradually. He saw something was wrong.

Among the queuing crowd, there are some with stronger auras, and there are even a few Destiny Realm queuing there.

Also, at the forefront of the team, he also saw a familiar face who was from their Wren family. Although not a direct line, the innate talent was very good and his status was not low. If he was a direct line, he would not Being sent here to experience, there will be excellent resource tilt, and achievements out of the ordinary!


The purple-haired youth flashed his eyes for a moment, and he chose to take action. No matter what, his own person was bullied and he couldn’t just leave it alone.

“Hey, whoever of you, this is not allowed to jump in the queue.”

“Yes, queue up later.”

The purple-haired youth and the others went straight to the door of the shop, which caused many people behind to speak out.

“Go, knock on the door.”

The purple-haired young man ignored him and said to the robust man beside him.

Seeing him speaking, the robust man directly stepped forward and hit the store door with a punch, but his fist was powerful enough to smash all the steel, but he did not shake the store door by half.

robust man complexion slightly changed, he punched again, this time he used some real power.

But the result is still in vain. The store door is still completely motionless, and it seems to be forged from ancient magic stones, so strong and extraordinary.

robust man’s face changed, knowing that this was due to the Formation blessing in the store, but didn’t expect the Formation to be so strong, he immediately opened his voice and called shouted: “Open the door!”

There is no movement inside.

When everyone in the line saw this scene, they all watched with cold eyes and wanted to see if this person could call the boss, and if they did, they would be able to enter the store immediately.

As for these yelling people, where to go, no one wants to let them jump in line.

Robust man’s face is a bit ugly. He shouted several times in a row, but still didn’t respond. He felt that there were thousands of eyes staring around him, his face was fierce, and he flew into a rage out of humiliation and scolded.

But after a while, there was no response.

Many people wonder if anyone exists in this store.

Could the Boss be somewhere else right now?

However, someone saw that Boss return to the store with his own eyes and never left.

“Ma De, this guy is pretending to be grandson in it.”

robust man returned to the purple-haired youth, his face a little ugly.

The purple-haired youth browses frowned, his eyes flashing slightly, thinking.

At this moment, the whole street suddenly fell silent, a tingling scalp, like a torrential beast swept and crushed, covering the whole street from a distance.

Everyone looked up and saw that the terrifying aura was not one, but three!

Three silhouettes, whizzing from a distance, direct spatial flight!

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