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Angel saw that Sanders didn’t mention the time thief anymore, and he sighed in relief.

“Tutor, Lord Vfitt came here before and asked about the change of Yongye Kingdom?” Angel asked.

Saunders was nodded, as Wiffett said before, and he asked Angel about this question, but Angel not at all answered. In this regard, Sanders also agreed. When Angel answered this question, Veffert would definitely see the clue, and refusing to answer was the best choice.

“Looking at the response of Lord Wiffett before, it seems to be very satisfied with the tutor’s answer.” Angel wondered: “How did the tutor answer him?”

“He wants to know nothing more than two questions, will the change of the Yongye Kingdom spread to Mosha in the West, and the inside story of the change of the Yongye Kingdom.”

The first question will spread, and spread quickly. The second question is the nightmare world.

That’s Sanders’ answer. Too much modification is not necessarily true for Wiffett. Putting the most sensational, but true facts straight out, Viffit would instead make up for himself.

As for Sanders, it is normal to show that “Ying Ye Kingdom” is behind “Yong Ye Kingdom”.

Because the Magus world has discovered several 7-color dragonfly nests, and there is a stable plane channel behind each nest. Although it is not necessary that Magus can reach the nightmare world with this channel without beacons, once it is discovered, as long as there is a prophecy Magus to spy, there will always be clues surfaced.

Even more how, the answer to “Night Realm” is also in line with Lapuye’s prediction in “Snow Moon Secret”-

The shadow is more terrifying than Demon God.

If you say that Bottomless Abyss is full of danger, you need to do it step by step. So the nightmare world is a nightmare that will never wake up. Once it sinks, it will be completely reduced to nothingness.

So far, the entire South Territory Magus world has not found any World that is more terrifying than the nightmare world.

With these two horrifying answers, Wiffett does not think Sanders will lie. Although it may not be really satisfactory, the core content he wants to know is already clear. As for the details that Sanders did not say, although Wifeet was curious, Sanders was reluctant to say that he was not good to continue to ask.

After listening to Sanders, Angel felt something in her heart.

Probably only Sanders has this kind of confidence to answer this way. If he is replaced by him, even if every detail is spoken, Wiffett will not necessarily buy it. This is the confidence brought by the powerful strength.

This is a matter of time.

The matter of Wiffett came to an end, Angel was originally prepared to complete the task of the sequel of the “Monster of the Rings” that Sanders had arranged before the martial law was lifted in Demon City, but before Angel began to design, he was killed by Angel. Des called to the study.

“You have touched the big barrier now, which also means that you have to think about the Spell position.” Sanders’ eyes suddenly became a little dull: “I also told you when I was in Phantom Island before. After this incident, don’t know if you have decided? “

At the time Sanders did mention the Spell position, but then Sanders stopped talking. Later, after Angel asked Flora, he was sure that Sanders’s unfinished words actually hoped that Angel could choose an original technique.

It’s just that the original technique takes a long time. Now that South Territory is in a storm clouds approach, Sanders didn’t mention it.

Angel nodded: “I haven’t decided yet, but I already have a tendency in my heart.”

“Spell bit is a very important thing, it is best to choose what works for you. Illusion technique is okay, Alchemy technique is also possible.”

It doesn’t take much time to build the Spell bit. The choice of Spell is the most time-consuming, because it is related to Angel’s future path.

After leaving the Sanders study, Angel returned to his room and fell into deep thought.

He actually prefers the technique of originality, but the technique of originality is not easy to construct. Angel pondered for a moment, thinking, should I rely on mysterious figures to inspire?


Critical forest, cross-layer communication.

A petite silhouette battered and exhausted flew out, and as soon as she landed, she lay on the ground panting.

Looking back towards the slightly grim Space crack in midair, there was a trace of terror flashing in the eyes of normally envy-filled eyes. This is probably the most dangerous time she has crossed the layer so many times!

Obviously it was just a cross-layer, the distance of the Space crack was so short that it was almost negligible, but she encountered an unprecedented torrent of energy. And at the right time, she was in the middle of the crack in Space, and the torrent almost wrapped her to the depths of darkness. If she used a trump card, she was estimated to have been buried in the torrent at this time.

“Ku Na’s skin!” She muttered, her eyes full of resentment.

Counting 100 years ago, she found a human race full of mystery in Loft World. He looks very beautiful, and she does n’t like people who look better than her, even if the other person is a man.

So she captured him, stripped his skin from beginning to end, and then weave him a shell with toad skin.

It is a pity that although the man was covered with mystery, he was only a mortal after all, unable to adapt to the skin of the toad, and died within a few days.

Later, she realized that the man was the last member of a very precious race in the Loft World, the Kuna.

After his death, the Kuna people disappeared.

And she also knew at that time that the skin of the Cave Na people had the ability to stabilize Space, and in a special way, it could be used as a body protection thing passing through the plane.

It is by the skin of the Cave Na people that she has never had any accidents while walking through the plane. It can be said that the skin of the Cave Na is one of her trump cards!

but! but!

Just before, she clearly straddled a single layer of the abyss, just like entering the channel of the affiliated World in the Magus world. There is no danger in reason, but she encountered a torrent of energy!

That gratuitous torrent of powerful energy!

Even as a level 2 true Magus, she seemed insignificantly small in that torrent of energy. She was like a tree blown up by a root during a hurricane. Without the ground to take root, she would be swept by the hurricane towards unknown In the distance, he lost his life completely.

In the case of the crisis of 10000 points, she had to take out her trump card, the skin of the cave, and through its ability to stabilize Space, she could protect herself in the endless torrent.

It was a very short journey for Magus. For her real knowledge, Magus could cross in a blink of an eye.

However, in her feeling, there is no road longer than this road.

Every step she took to protect her skin from the cave was covered with holes.

In the last step, seeing the exit right in front of me, the magnitude of the energy torrent suddenly became larger and more fierce, and the skin of the cave was instantly destroyed by the flush.

In the moment before the destruction of the cave skin, she used a forbidden technique to barely drill out of the cracks across the layers and finally landed in the critical forest.

The forbidden technique made her exhausted and unable to move.

However, compared with the side effects of the forbidden technique, her heartache is deeper, especially when she is watching the skin of the cave is blown, how can she feel better?

This is probably the most dangerous thing she has encountered in the past 100 years and the biggest loss!

After recovering from the panic, she looked at the crack in the air and gnash the teeth with hatred. If this matter is artificial, she is expected to completely wipe the other party from the world at no cost, even if soul does not leave scum. But such a powerful torrent of energy can’t be controlled by anyone, and everything can be blamed, only bad luck.

The anger and suffocation in her chest nowhere to vent, she couldn’t help screaming.

The piercing and sharp sound pierced through the clouds and echoed into the empty critical forest.

It took a while for her to gasp, and her eyes flashed with hate: “Fortunately, there are people who watch the fortress nearby to vent my anger. No one can stop me …”

Only destruction, only dismemberment, and only grafting can comfort her loss!

She had already imagined in her mind, what method to use to torture people, so that she would feel happy? Man becomes woman? Let those who think they are cold and pure are transplanted with men’s whip on their faces? Inject sheep Fiend’s blood into their within the body?

Various “wishful thoughts” echoed in her mind.

However, she only wandered happily in her thinking for less than half a minute, and the earth suddenly began to vibrate.

Her brows frowned flashed displeasure in her eyes.

What is going on, is there an earthquake? She propped up her tired body, stood up, and the surrounding trees shuddered, and the dancing branches and leaves were like dancing, making her look very uncomfortable.

The stones on the ground also kept jumping and falling, making a loud noise.

At first, she thought it was an earthquake, but as the vibrations grew larger and larger, and the surrounding trees even appeared blurred, the earth burst apart.

The crack created a huge pit.

At the same time, a huge and incomparable breath was drilled out of the deep pit.

By this time, she felt something wrong in her heart, not an earthquake!

The inexplicable heart palpitations made her start to chill from the back.

The matter was far from over, the previous deep pit suddenly sprayed out a fiery red lava, and instantly lit a dead wood. And, with the sound of “clang dong clang dong”, a giant hand covered with lava came out of the deep pit and grabbed the edge of the wall!

Looking at the giant hand like a Titan, her eyes flashed in disbelief.

At the same time, a legend suddenly came to my mind-

She once found a Sacrificial Offering Scrolls on an altar in the black liquid watershed. Scrolls recorded a legend. According to legend, an ancient Demon was sleeping under the critical forest floor on the third floor of the abyss.

This ancient Demon, using lava as a couch, slept for thousands of years.

No one dares to disturb it, because this is a Demon Lord who once fell to Throne!

Its name is “Manjimane”.

As she recalled, the owner of the “giant hand” finally protruded her head, even if it was just a head, all looked like mountains.

“Who … disturbed my deep sleep?”

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