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The unexpected appearance of the doom patrol has made a big change in the entire watch fortress.

Even after rushing back to the fortress, Samantha immediately diverted to the inverted hanging waterfalls to convey the matter here to Kongtian Island.

At the same time, Sinaifa also dispatched scouts to track the path that the Doom Patrol left, to avoid other Magus from passing this route.

In the end, Samantha ’s guess was correct. The doom patrol took the route from the Howling Plain to the Lonely Coast, but when it reached the Lonely Coast, it dived into the lonely Dead Sea, whereabouts unknown.

Angel stood on the fourth floor of Sanders’ room and looked out.

The atmosphere of the entire Watch Fortress has grown from the previous prosperity, and it has become a bit gloomy. Even the shiny steel building before it seemed to be a bit defeated.

All these changes were brought by the doom patrol.

“What exactly is the doom patrol?” Angel muttered curiously.

Angel was still studying, and only heard some outside rumors before going to the balcony to see the situation. He just mumbled, but didn’t expect someone really answered him.

“That’s a monster everyone can’t avoid. Its doom can even be rejected by the abyss lord.”

The familiar sound caused Angel to turn around violently.

But I saw the silhouette of Sanders suddenly appeared behind him, from the blurred image to the real body.

“Teacher, are you back?” Angel respectfully said.

Sanders walked on the high platform, leather boots left some shallow footprints on the snow, and then stopped on Angel’s side, raised his eyebrows and said: “I have heard Kanter say, you two are in trouble ? “

“No.” Angel blinked, innocently.

Sanders did not follow up. He had learned the specifics from Kanter about Insect Queen. For Kanter, this incident stimulated him, but as Sanders commented, it was nothing compared to what Angel said before.

It’s just that I got a not bad chance that’s all.

“I remember that Nice once ran through the research site of the Heart of the Swarm, and after returning to the Savage Cave, I will help you to ask in the past.” Sanders is also happy that Angel can cultivate deformed soft worms, after all , Transfiguration is a must for Magus.

Angel is grateful to thank him. At present, he is only following Kanter’s suggestion. If there is a more detailed record, the chance of breeding deformed soft-worms will also increase.

“Don’t thank you too early, Nice doesn’t necessarily really know anything.” Sanders paused, turning his words: “When I left, did you complete the task assigned to you?”

An awkward look flashed on Angel’s face. He spent the past two days concentrating on the invasion of dream ants, and he didn’t make Alchemy illusions at all.

“I said that I started practicing today, and didn’t expect the instructor came back so early.”

“Since you haven’t practiced it, let it go first. It won’t take long for Samantha to return from Sky Island, and the next step of the Watch Fortress should be up to date.” Sanders looked at the distance covered by snow Critical Forest: “When the news comes, I should have time to take you back to the Magus world.”

“Can you go back?”

Sanders nodded: “The appearance of the doom patrol here means that the descendants of Demon God will not go through the channel of the critical forest, and the role of the watch fortress will not be so great. There will definitely be the transfer of personnel, I You can also take some free time. “

“The formidable power of the Doom Patrol is so great? Where can it pass, can no one else walk?”

“The doom it spreads is almost unstoppable. The way it walks, who goes up and who is bad luck.” Saunders said this, his eyes could not help flashing fear.

Now that the entire Watch Fortress is in a state of decay, it is because of the appearance of the Doom Patrol that all Apprentice know that the Watch Fortress may be abandoned, so no one continues to work.

However, although Apprentices has become easier, they are still not very happy. Because, if the Overwatch Fortress is abolished, they will inevitably move to other fronts, and the safety of the transfer cannot be guaranteed.

Apprentices are not happy, nor Magus.

Wifeet came to watch the fortress, in order to go to the inner layer. Now, as soon as the doom patrol appears, there is no way to go.

Sinaif learned from Sanders’ mouth that there was rejuvenating sand in it. I also intend to cultivate myself for some time, and then go to the inner layer to explore, and now I have to wait for the transfer.

Of the entire fortress, the only delight is probably Madeleine.

Because, Dong La is still searching for Demon material in the middle.

She didn’t know anything about the doom patrol, so if she came back through the channel of the critical forest, she would definitely be contaminated by doom.

At present, there is no way to notify Dong La.

Even if the magic doll is used to notify, it will be eroded by doom, and it is absolutely impossible to pass the message to Dong La.

Apart from being accidentally, Tora is very likely to be contaminated by doom, how could Madeleine be unhappy.


Angel has been staying in Sanders’ Gravity Garden during this time, discussing with him about the wilderness of dreams.

At the same time, Sanders is also making up for Angel’s basic knowledge.

Two days later, Samantha returned from Sky Island and brought back a message. Everyone stayed in the watch fort temporarily until the martial law of Demon ended, and if there was no change in the critical forest, they evacuated to the port of Kodo.

This news is not unexpected, now they stay in the watch fortress, but just waiting for the possibility of “1 / 10000th”.

Maybe the descendants of Demon God are not afraid of doom, so they really have to come out of the critical forest?

This possibility is possible, but extremely small. Everyone didn’t take him seriously, and because of the doom of the critical channel, it was temporarily impossible for Demon to attack. All the formerly known as the most dangerous front line-Watch Fortress, but now it has become extremely safe.

Everyone has a rare period of relaxation.

On the 2nd day after Samantha’s return, all Magus in the whole fortress received a magazine “Frost Moon Secret”.

“Frost Moon Secret” is an internal magazine of the Frost Moon Alliance, which contains a lot of secret news, and it has never been published in the past. However, all Magus on the front line of the abyss, whether you are a member of the Frost Moon Alliance, are eligible for a copy.

This time, Samantha went to Kongtian Island, and brought back the latest Frost Moon Secret.

Sanders flipped through the secret journal, and as soon as he halfway through it, his pupil shrank.

The next second, Angel holding a glass of pale-gold milk in his hand appeared in the study.

Angel was also taken aback. Before he was still in the gravity garden, Sanders pulled out in a blink of an eye. The most important thing is that he happened to be holding the sap of the Fruit Tree in his hand! Moreover, there is a little milky-white viscous liquid on the lips!

Where does this put his face!

A trace of shame flashed on Angel’s face and coughed 2 times: “The study is too tired and a little thirsty, so I took a sip.”

As he talked, Angel was hurriedly trying to put the milk cup away.

Sanders was originally in shock because of the records in the previous Frost Moon Secret. Now, seeing what Angel looks like, I can’t help but be a little bit tolerant.

Hearing a low throaty laugh, Angel raised his head and looked at Sanders suspiciously.

Would n’t Sanders deliberately pick him out of the milk garden and get him out of gravity garden?

After Sanders laughed, Angel’s expression became darker and darker, and his eyes were full of suspicion. Then he said: “I called you this time because of something.”

Sanders lifted the magazine in his hand and pointed to one of the pages to Angel:

“Lucas’ skull has fallen.”

Angel’s eyes flicked, and the thoughts in his mind were thrown away by him instantly. All his thoughts were put in the words of Sanders-

Has Lucas’ skull fallen? !

He hurriedly walked to the desk and looked inside the magazine.

The first thing he saw was not the “Lucas skull” Sanders said, but a huge row of words: stargazing.

The next subtitle is the bland “Prophecy 2: The Lost Mysterious Things of Devil Sea Territory”

It sounds bland, but the content in it is shocking to Angel!

He was guessing before, who took the mysterious thing, and obviously he not at all moved Lucas’ skull, but it didn’t take long for the news of the mysterious thing to be lost. Also in other words, after he left, someone secretly took Lucas’ skull in many real Magus.

This was Angel’s previous guess, but Sanders denied it.

Because of the ability of “Poseidon” França, you can cover the entire Dark Space at a glance, and no one can steal things in his sight.

Because of this, Angel is very curious, who took Lucas’s skull and put the song of the deep sea together with Xialu Hailing … the most important thing is that he has even been involved! Almost killed by Sliu at Yinlu Imperial Family!

Angel read it carefully.

According to the records in the magazine, this was discovered by an observer named “Yi 10000” while spying on the mystery of the starry sky.

When he looked halfway, his brows were frowned.

“That mysterious thing is not in the hands of humans?” Angel exclaimed. “How is it possible? Did Levy get it?”

After Angel finished speaking, she felt wrong. If it was Levy Yatang, they would have been discovered.

“The prophecy obtained by Yi 10000, Lucas’s skull is indeed not in the hands of human beings. There are records later, some people speculate that it is humans who may get the mysterious thing, but it is placed in the hands of non-humans.” Paused Des said again: “And that person can block the prophecy snooping, and may have extremely rare Alchemy props to block the prophecy.”

The more Sanders said, the more Angel felt a bit wrong.

He had Alchemy props to block the prophecy, and according to the situation at that time, it was really difficult for anyone else to take Lucas’ skull away from the front of Franz …

A chuckle in Angel’s heart, he suddenly remembered that there was another possibility.

Maybe Toby took it?

Toby did have time to take away the skull, and Toby often followed him, and the effect of Bloody Night Shelter could completely cover it.

Angel turned around 4 Gu, not at all saw Toby.

Before the channel of the critical forest was sealed, there was no danger around him. Toby liked a fish back in water to the abyss. He then stocked Toby, but only told him not to go to the critical forest or fly too far.

“What are you looking for?” Sanders wondered.

Angel hesitated, or said his guess: “I wonder if Toby took Lucas’ skull?”

Sanders froze for a moment, then smiled: “It’s not Toby, you should keep reading.”

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