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Sanders left with Angel.

Sneifa looked at the watch fortress, with some uncertain colors: Is she really the right choice to come here?

Senna looked back towards Blu Fen, who was standing side by side with Madeleine.

She knows very well that both of them have the same Target. However, one is for asking for advice, and the other is for revenge. She also knew how arbitrarily the man was acting, so she couldn’t control it, but Madeleine was a savage cave, but wanted to tell Sanders and try not to interfere with her.

“Blu Fin, your plan is not busy first, and now go see Samantha with me first.” After Snaif finished, looked towards Madeleine.

“Madeleine, I won’t take care of your business. However, it’s better not to make trouble in the watch fortress. How smooth it is here, you should be clear.”

Madeleine said with a sneer: “What you said seems to be hard to get stable, but it is your frost moon alliance that engages in the wind and rain in the abyss.”

Sinaifa laughed, and there seemed to be a glorious flow in his eyes: “So what? Isn’t Lord Rhine waiting for a result?”

If Munch can really break this legend, Sinaif believes that Rheinland will also follow this path.

So, right or wrong, it depends on whether you can really get the most benefit.

Madelyn coldly snorted, no longer arguing with Sinaifa about her words, and flew to the Watch Fortress.

Sina Fabien was about to leave with Blu Finn, but before leaving, he caught a glimpse of Wiffett.

Wiffett’s eyes glittered, not knowing what to think.

“Vifit, you …”

Wiffett laughed: “I’m not a restless person. I won’t stay in the fortress for too long. My purpose is to be inside.”

Sina method frowned: “Now the abyss has changed, you better be careful when you go inside.”

After finishing speaking, Sinaif and Blu Finn left Doggy Bill, and Wifeet’s mouth twitched mysterious smile, and then left.

After seeing everyone leaving, Douji Bill twisted his butt, shook the crisp little bell, and walked into the critical forest … These two days are so tiring, they need to find a safe place to rest for a while.


Angel followed Sanders all the way, moving through the fortress.

The interior of the fortress is all reinforced concrete construction, at first glance a bit postmodern style. However, Angel didn’t have time to pay attention to the external environment, he could feel the coldness radiating from Sanders.

Angel cautiously followed, and soon came to Sanders’ house. Through the living room outside, Angel was taken to the study room inside.

As soon as Sanders sat down, his chilling eyes glanced at Angel.

Looking up and down, cold wind sou sou.

“Before you ask a question, please tell me first, what’s wrong with your right hand?” Sanders’ eyes focused on Angel’s right forearm. Through the Illusion technique, the changes of Angel right hand can be clearly seen.

“I met him again while I was tinkering with something.” Angel said with a faint tone.

“He” in Angel’s mouth, Sanders naturally knows who it is, that is the person in the nightmare world.

This answer, Sanders guessed when he saw Angel before. However, Sanders felt a little disturbed that Angel used an unexplained attitude before “meeting him” to mention “he is tinkering with a thing”.

Oh, tinkering with a thing?

Sanders rubbed the temple with some headaches. Almost every time Angel tried to do something, there was a terrible follow-up. For example, I almost touched the mysterious level, and for example, the mysterious figurative objects that Sanders dare not mention so far …

He had a hunch in his life, what Angel said next, it is estimated that it will set off a stormy sea.

“Cough, don’t tell me, the devil Sea Territory that was spread some time ago is related to you?” Sanders carefully recalled the major events of the previous year, and felt that the only place where Angel can make trouble is that. Something happened.

“The Devil Sea Territory? What did the tutor mention?” Angel looked puzzled.

Listening to his tone, are there still many pieces? Sanders was suddenly half cold, and he was even thinking about how to help Angel clean up the mess.

“In the case of Silver Palm Island, it is rumored that someone entered it early and took the mysterious thing inside. Don’t tell me, that person is you?” Sanders looked directly at Angel with an inquiry in his eyes.

Angel smirked: “If I took mysterious things, how could I return to Continent completely, and ran to the abyss to see the instructor.”

That seems correct.

With the details of the song of the deep sea, with the strength of the “Poseidon” Frenzia, how can’t Angel be monitored? Even more how, according to the information he got, so far, the person who took mysterious things has not appeared. Visible, the other party’s hiding ability is also very strong, should not be Angel.

Thinking of this, Sanders slightly sighed in relief.

But the next second, Sanders could not help but spit out blood.

I saw Angel some stammering said: “Although mysterious things are not from me, I did enter the dark space of Silver Palm Island in advance …”

“You!” Sanders pointed at Angel, unable to speak for a long time. I only felt a sigh of relief in my chest, which was difficult to relieve.

Sure enough, he shouldn’t expect Angel to do something dull!

He now desperately wants to take back his first impression of Angel at the Barbie restaurant: his impression of Angel: is a seedling of the Academy school. His personality is orderly and good, but it is easy to be classified as mediocre.

Where is mediocre? I usually do n鈥檛 do anything, but once I do something, what kind of thing is done, it 鈥檚 no less thrilling than Sumerian and Flora.

Counting it down, he has remained calm for several hundred years. Almost every break in the past few years has been due to Angel.

Sanders took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the urge to throw away his sleeves and walk away: “So, what you are doing is this thing?”

Angel blinked and then … shook the head.

He shook his head!

Sanders grabbed the armrest of the chair and squeezed violently. The wooden handrail was pinched into sawdust by him.

The thing that Angel is doing is not the same thing as Silver Palm? ! It seems that Angel’s big move is still saving Strength, which has not yet been released.

Sanders muttered, daring not to ask Angel what he was doing. Rather, we are going to solve them one by one. The first one is the matter of Silver Palm Island.

“What happened to the Silver Palm Island?” Sanders asked with a serious expression.

“Actually it really has nothing to do with me.” Angel looked innocent, preparing to explain, but found that the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

From the forced study to another study, this study exists in the open air.

Angel is no stranger to this, it is Sanders’ gravity garden.

Although Sanders had arranged secret measures before, people outside could never hear their conversations. But if there is a prediction that Magus will look there, it is impossible to guarantee that the previous conversation will not be leaked, so, in case of 10000, Sanders brought Angel into the gravity garden.

“Continue.” Sanders sat back at his desk.

Angel: “I just got into it by chance. The cause of the incident is from a strange ship I met in the misty area of 鈥嬧€婦evil Sea Territory …”

Angel spoke completely about what happened after she went to sea. In particular, for the kind of “prophecy” recorded in the logbook, Angel made every effort to point out every doubt and detail, one after another.

For example, tearing flower garden, island spirit, wishing tree, etc … Angel has described it.

These descriptions are just for the final preparation: the appearance of these prophecies aroused his curiosity, so in the clues and the records in the logbook, he found the well of Shelley Park.

Just because he was too curious, he saw the Transmission Array at the bottom of the well and couldn’t help but search for it, which led to a series of things in the back.

Of course, in this process, Angel did not forget to explain: “The previous mentor asked me to study the topic of” The Unreversible Theory of Undead and Soul “, and I did not forget … After the Dark Space discovered the undead of Turas, I Capture it, and now it has been successfully transformed into soul. “

“It’s a pity that after Turas becomes soul, the ability to move instantaneously disappears. This may be the limitation of that mysterious thing.”

After Angel finished speaking, seeing Sanders was still expressionless, he hurriedly said: “I have not taken anything from the dark space except Turas, so the loss of that mysterious item is absolutely irrelevant to me. “

Sanders can also see that Angel is telling the truth, and he is slightly sighed in relief.

For Angel’s situation, Sanders couldn’t help but feel the coincidence of fate. A large series of inadvertent, and finally connected in series to such a result.

Especially the Transmission Array in the underground, without any protection. After spending several thousand years in the mortal world, all the other Magus, including Magus, was not discovered, but in the end was caught by Angel.

A series of accidents have become inevitable.

Perhaps this is also the prophecy of the mysterious thing of “causality”?

Sanders felt a little emotional, but he still remembered to remind Angel: “About the space you have been to, you must never mention it with anyone.”

Sanders is also a pity, after all, it is a mysterious thing that has never been born. It 鈥檚 just that if you miss it, you miss it, and if Angel really gets the item, he will definitely not be able to escape the fate discovered by the song of the deep sea, so this can be considered a better result.

“You said you changed Turas back to soul, he is still with you now?”

Angel nodded, took the church of the dead from the bracelet, and then Turas released it from the inside.

Turas was originally watching the novel of conquering the endless Sea Territory with his slaver all sides with keen interest pleasure. Suddenly, the surrounding environment changed, but it was a little confused.

When he saw Angel, he was sighed in relief.

The next second, Turas rushed to Angel’s side and said pitifully: “Pat Lord, when can I go to the Heart City? My duel is not over yet, my reputation …”

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