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Sinafa’s series of questions were not answered immediately because–

The night spread out at this moment.

Before, they found that the night was slowly being diluted. As the distance from the cemetery became farther, Doki Bill stepped inadvertently across the day and night.

Today, the sky disappeared, and the night disappeared completely.

When I looked back, I couldn’t see the resting place anymore. Instead, I saw the lonely dead sea.



After confirming that he had left the place of rest, all the people present, especially Apprentice in the Frost Church, were all sighed in relief. The night-filled cemetery seemed like a nightmare to them, and now it is finally awake.

“Don’t be too happy, the danger outside may be higher than the resting place.” Sanders paused: “You said that there is no creature on the lonely coast. This is not the reason for the resting place, but a Demon crawled out of the inner layer and went to Dao Academy. “

“Now, the resting place is here, and Demon will definitely go. So, be ready to fight.”

After Sanders finished talking, he saw the end of the vast mountain road, a team of grotesquely shaped monsters suddenly rose into the sky——

As Sanders said, the outside is more dangerous than the resting place.

This battle lasted 2 hours. The final result was that a winter troll with a figure of more than ten meters appeared, it was the Demon who went to Demon to repair Dao Academy.

This troll is extremely powerful, almost the same class as Sinaif before being cursed.

However, fortunately Sanders came. The troll is sure that he won’t win Sanders, even if he wants to annihilate others, it will take a long time. It did not want to delay the time to go to the resting place, so in the end it could only order them to leave.

In the end, although there were no dead people in this battle, three Apprentice’s hands or feet were broken or lost. A dry Magus is also scarred.

The degree of damage is really more serious than their resting place.

“So, do you think that the great sword Knight used to fight with you before, did your best?” Sanders looked towards Sinaif, indifferently said: “His strength has been maintained at the strongest stage you can reach, unbiased. Rely, and did not act to other people when fighting you. Not that he did not dare, but he did not want that’s all. “

The Great Sword Knight was the highest general of the Undead Brigade. When he learned that Sinaif was not at all lying and had an alliance with the family descendants of the Undead Brigade, he had already made a decision.

The reason why you still play with Sinaifah is neither you nor me, it’s just because of Balalaika’s relationship.

At first, he took the remains of the undead brigade to find Balalaika in the resting place, in order to protect the resting place forever, and turn the undead brigade into a real “undead” brigade.

Balalaika hates mankind, and he dare not rebelliously. But his original intention was to delay time, and then wait for Balareka to get rid of Senaif and the others from his resting place when he was bored.

It was didn’t expect, Sanders came at that time and made a deal with Balalaika.

Sanders: “You didn’t ask, why did Balalaika change her attitude? Because she is a businessman herself, it’s her job to open a store and do business.”

“You as the first guests after the restart of the resting place are unprofitable, and they are humans she hates, and the result is what you see.”

But Balalaika also complied with the rules of the resting place, and did not do it by hand, otherwise Sinaif could not wait for him to come, and it would become a new corpse in the cemetery.

Sanders went to the resting place and showed that he was the same as Sinaif and traded with Balalaika. After the transaction, Balalaika’s attitude naturally changed.

After another half day, they successfully left the lonely coast.

The following journey, although occasionally encountered a monster blocking the road, even Demon appeared. But with Sanders, all difficulties are solved.

Finally, after 2 days, they reached the Howling Plain, where they could already see the critical forest at the end of the horizon.

During these 2 days, Sanders also gradually revealed some of the secrets of the resting place and Balalaika.

For example, Balalaika is also called the Demoness of Resuscitation. She is a native of the abyss. Because of her chances, she became inferior to the Demon.

For some reason, she came to the resting place to recover a soul.

Because the soul is very important to her, Balalaika did n’t dare to leave the resting place for a moment, but to recover the soul requires a lot of rejuvenating sand, so Balalaika opened a special place in the resting place Used as a bar for trading.

Since starting to do business, Balalaika has set a series of rules for herself. For example, it is also her rule that she will not kill people in a resting place.

However, because of this rule, some problems occurred later. It is said that this problem was caused by a human being, so she was extremely disgusted with human beings. Later, the undead brigade happened to find it, and the undead brigade was turned into a guard to protect the bar and continued to this day …


On the periphery of the critical forest, outside the watch fortress, a large number of Apprentice are suffering from haha’s busy front-line construction tasks.

Various defensive measures have risen from their tricks.

If there are mortals here, it is absolutely impossible to imagine such a huge steel fortress, which was actually built in only half a year, and is still expanding …

At the corner of the gate of the fortress, there is a blurry shadow, and it is not clear what is inside. However, the obvious fluctuation of the Illusion technique in the shadow can be felt.

“Ah–” A chunky Apprentice, standing on the tower under construction, sighed at the shadow.

“What’s the matter?” Asked a child with a braid who looked just too serious.

The chunky Apprentice pointed to the shadow, “Well.”

“Oh, you mean Ruye Lord?” Braid child looked over and admired in his eyes: “Ruye Lord is smart and knows the true meaning of supervisors! If you use naked eye to supervise supervisors, it is difficult to guarantee that there are lazy people in the visual dead ends. . But if you cast a shadow around yourself, other people do n’t know where Rud is looking, so you do n’t dare to be lazy and save magic. “

After the braid child finished, he quite proudly said: “I’m right? You are also worried that Lord Ye is watching us?”

Chunky Apprentice looked at the braid child with the look of a fool: “I think you may need to check your head.” After all, Chunky Apprentice glanced at the large amount of lazy Apprentice around him, and said: “Also Your vision. “

In the child’s puzzled eyes, the chunky Apprentice pats stood on the other side of the white robe young man: “Pobota, you explain to him, I think to say one more word with him, I feel IQ is not Stop it. “

Popota shrugged, and gently touched the pigtail on the back of the child’s head: “In fact, when Night Lord is a supervisor, it is when all of us can be lazy … because he didn’t pay attention to it at all. On us. “

Braid child looked shocked: “So, what is he doing now?”

“I seem to have heard people say, like Lord Lord seems to be … playing games?” Chunky Apprentice said.

“Play games?” The braid child obviously didn’t understand the meaning of the word.

Chunky Apprentice pointed to Popota: “I don’t know anyway, but I remember that Lord Rudak was closed last time, and I called Popota to solve it.”

Popota is nodded: “Yes, as Lord Lord is playing a fantasy game, according to him, it is called Monument Valley.”

“Phantom Game? Monument Valley? What the hell is this?”

Popota looked at the gate of the fortress, with an aftertaste in his eyes, and said with emotion: “It is a very interesting game.”

Interesting, how is it interesting? Both Chunky Apprentice and Braid Child are born with curiosity, don’t look at Chunky Apprentice knowing what Ru Ye Lord is doing, but he never knew the content of this game. Nowadays, the “player” Popota rarely reveals something, so he quickly hits the snake and sticks with him, asking about it.

“This game is actually a little girl named Ada …” Popota just halfway through and suddenly paused.

“What’s wrong with Ada?” The braid child asked suspiciously.

Popota did not speak, pointing to the critical forest in the distance: “It’s coming.”

The crowd looked around, but saw a huge white bear like Snow Mountain in the critical forest, moving step by step towards the fortress.

In Apprentice here, no one doesn’t know the white bear. At the beginning, they came to the watch fortress and were also carried by the white bear.

“Doki Bill ?!”

Almost instantly, news of the arrival of Doggy Bill spread throughout the fortress. The appearance of Duoji Bill means that there is a new “hard work” coming, and it also means that more people will share their work so that they can relax a little.

Therefore, when I saw Doggy Bill, all Apprentice were happy.

The chunky Apprentice looked at Apprentice rushing towards the entrance of the fortress and said to Popota: “Let ’s go too. If we can be ordered as the new instructor of Apprentice, the past few days will be much easier.”

When they become guide instructors, they will instruct the new Apprentice to adapt to the life rhythm of the fortress and allocate their work scope. This kind of thing shouldn’t be too easy for them who build haha ​​and go around every day!

Popota was a little bit reluctant to go, or he didn’t want to meet Frost Moon’s Magus.

However, the chunky Apprentice didn’t think about that many at all. He held Popota in one hand, and took the braided child over in one hand. He couldn’t help but drag them to the gate of the fortress.

The movement at the gate of the fortress finally alarmed Kanter, who was addicted to the game.

“Noisy, I didn’t see me studying?” Kanter panting with rage exited the illusion. He finally took advantage of Sanders to leave and quietly went to his room to “borrow” the monument of the strange ring. You can pass the customs today, but the result was just stuck again.

Even if the card is out, there is a noisy sound outside, these little cubs, when he does n’t know that you are all lazy?

Before you understand, just turn a blind eye, now I dare to come and quarrel me to “learn”!

Kanter exited the illusion and decided to give this group of little cubs an unforgettable lesson. By the way, he went to Popota to give him some pointers.

Yes, this is just the way.

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