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Who is humming? What is humming?

At present, no one can tell.

As the humming became clearer, Doggy Bill’s speed slowed down, and each step was very cautious.

At this time, Angel also heard the humming with a little bit of interest.

If the atmosphere of the peak suppressed in the church is temporarily set aside, without any subjective consciousness to listen to distinguish this humming, Angel finds that this humming is actually very beautiful.

Slightly provocative, itchy.

But under the pretext of this surface, there was a deep and unsettled sadness.

Angel’s own level of music may be just a half-layman, which can appreciate the quality of music, but it is a necessary skill as a noble descendant.

“Under the 绱 绻, hidden sorrow.” Angel snorted softly, what did he mean by humming?

-Who seems to be nostalgic?

Angel is still analyzing the emotional waves brought by humming, but Duoji Bill has already arrived in front of a stone tablet.

“Strange, not at all this monument when I came before.” Bill Dou lowered her sound and said to the crowd in the church.

Everyone also focused their attention on the stone tablet. The shape of the stone tablet is not natural law. It looks like a rotten stone, but the reason why it will be called a stele by Doji Bill, because there is an inscription on it.

The language used in the inscription is something that Angel has never touched, but somehow, just looking at the strange line of inscriptions, Angel feels a strong sense of sorrow and a hint of unwillingness.

“This is an abyssal language.” Madeleine whispered.

At the surface of the abyss, there are currently three languages ​​that Magus understands, Demon, Ancient Demon and Abyss.

Demon language and ancient Demon language, as the name implies, can be understood, both are Demon’s language. However, the ancient Demon language is more elegant and powerful, and only a few Demon with ancient inheritance can master it.

Abyssal language is a more extensive language. Similar to the common language in the Magus world, generally speaking is used by native people of the abyss, but most Demon and monsters can understand the meaning of abyssal language.

“The inscription reads: Undead brigade, resting place.”

When Madeleine read it out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Blu Fenfrowns: “Is that the undead brigade?”

“I don’t know, but after the rumors of the Undead Brigade expedition, they never came back. Is this the resting place of the expeditionary forces here?” Wifitte was also surprised.

As you talked to me one by one, Angel gradually learned about the situation.

The Undead Street is the stronghold city where the detainers of the embers would be transferred to. The Undead Street was actually established by humans, the half-blood Demon, and a part of the abyssal native people.

The reason why it is called Undead Street is because of the group of native people, in order to commemorate their most powerful Legion: the Undead Brigade.

If the inscription here shows that the resting place of the Undead Brigade is here, why was there no inscription here before?

Was it not long ago that someone put the inscription here?

And the person who established the monument would be the humming person?

“Are we going to move forward, or do we go around?” Blufen asked.

“Even if it’s around, where can we go around? Go ahead, the composition of the Undead Brigade is all half-blood Demon. If someone commemorates them, their strength shouldn’t be too strong.” Sneifa said this, paused: ” After all, the Undead Street was established in the first half of the year, and it ’s a half-blood Demon. Go in and see, if the inscriptions are facts and there is a chance, the bones of the Undead Brigade will be brought back to Undead Street.

Sinai made the decision, and others naturally did not refute.

Doggy Bill started to move forward, but Sinaifah also ordered it to try not to run.

Really a resting place for the undead brigade, running will disturb their sleep. Moreover, it is very likely to anger the “tombstoners”.

Doge Bill went on for a distance, and suddenly the sky outside became dark.

Sinafa pushed open the church door and walked out.

The sky outside was very dim, like it was at night!

There is no day or night in the abyss, regardless of black and white, and it will always be drowsy. But now, the sky is dark, like a moonless night.

Sinaifa’s expression is very gloomy, facing the people who walked out of the church: “We may enter a place similar to Xeno Space.”

In the place of “night”, even the elements of the riots are much quieter, obviously different from the previous time on the lonely coast.

Dorje Bill retreated according to Sinaif’s orders, and still did not leave the night range.

“Since you can’t quit, go on.” Sinaifah: “Go in the direction of the hum!”

Although they came to this strange place, the sky changed, the environment changed, and even the activity of the elements changed. But there is one thing that not at all changes is the humming sound.

Still lingering in the ear, and more clear!

Doji Bill walked towards the humming for half a minute, and the people standing in front of the church door saw something unusual.

There are a large number of Sacrificial Offering tombstones and sarcophagi placed in disorder.

Blu Fin frowned: “Is this the cemetery of the Undead Brigade?”

“Whether it’s right or not, that hum is right in front, let’s go in and see.”

Doge Bill went on, and as they entered the cemetery, they also saw some words on the tombstones. The above symbols have basically allowed them to confirm that this undead brigade was the Expedition Legion worshipped by the abyss native people.

Even though this information has been confirmed, none of them moved the coffins, but prepared to meet the hummer first.

After a while, Doggy Bill stopped.

Looking at a lighted room in front, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the depths of the cemetery, there is a lighted room, there seems to be nothing wrong with it, maybe it is the place where the tombkeeper lives.

but! This room is very different! It’s not just a room, it’s a …


Although there is no signboard, the wooden fence dedicated to the bar and the extremely bright cloth enclosure illuminated by the inner lights all indicate that this is a bar.

In addition, a big abyssal language was written on Bu Wei: wine!

Through the lower part of the cloth fence, you can see that there are some tables and chairs in the room, as well as a bar.

The breeze in the cemetery lightly flicked, and the cloth surrounding was blown up and down. Through the shaking gap, they can even see a pair of pale hands covered with Kou Dan on the bar counter, and the positive and dynamic bartending.

The humming they heard before was from the bar.

Everyone’s expression is different, but there are doubts in his eyes: Why is there a bar here? In 4 Yeran Ran’s cemetery, could this bar invite ghosts to drink?

“Invented this set on purpose, did you want to confuse anyone?” Sinaif jumped directly off Doki Bill, without the slightest hesitation moved towards the bar.

However, before Sinaifa approached the bar, she heard a dull rock rubbing.

Looking back, I saw a nearby sarcophagus suddenly pushed away, and Sinaif frowned.

A hand stretched out of the sarcophagus and grabbed the edge of the coffin. His hand was covered with armor and he could not see the inside. With the sharp metal sound of the armor, a human-shaped shadow stood up from the coffin.

This is a knight in armor, with a huge sword on his back.

However, the armor was outdated, the giant sword was broken in half, and there were signs of corrosion.

When Knight appeared, not only Sinaifa, everyone else was ready to fight. But an unexpected scene appeared, that Knight ignored the atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent, but walked into the bar with the “ka ka” sound of boots stepping on the ground.

When Knight walked into the bar and lifted up the cloth, everyone vaguely saw a lithe and graceful woman in the bar.

When Knight entered the bar, it seemed to entertain Knight, and the humming broke for a moment.

“Really invite ghosts to drink?” Angel is now outside the church, looking at the scene in front of him, can’t help but slander.

Sinaif coldly snorted, still swearing in my heart to make mystery, and then went to the bar without the slightest hesitation.

However, when she stretched out and straddled inwards, a soft wall of light suddenly appeared at the door of the bar and flicked her out. Sinaif was directly bombed, but this force was not at all threatened, she adjusted her figure in the air and fell steadily.

As soon as he landed, Sinaif’s eyes flashed with anger. The fist was burning, and fiercely moved towards the bar and smashed it past.

However, as soon as the flame touched the light wall at the entrance of the bar, it returned.

How much power did Sinaif use when casting, the light wall gave back how much power it gave back.

Fortunately, Sinaif was only testing the water at that time, otherwise she would be injured because of the force feedback.

The current situation is quite obvious. The bar in this cemetery does not seem to entertain Sinaif.

Senna looked towards the bar, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes. In the first trial, she didn’t feel anything, but in the second trial, she felt something was wrong.

There was a terrifying breath faintly in that light wall. This breath was very powerful. Even if she was not cursed, she could not be equal to that breath on the terms.

Perhaps, only Lord Monch can compare.

Also in other words, setting up the existence of this light wall is at least the existence of the pinnacle of level 3!

Although I do n’t know if the true level 3 pinnacle exists in the bar, Sinaif knows that she can never act blindly without thinking. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, she may not even have time to forcefully build the plane.

Sinafa’s expression changed, and he said to the bar with a lingering look: “Before I did it, it was mainly because I had some greedy drinks, I was rude.”

After Sinafa apologized, there was no sound in the bar, but the humming stopped.

She continued: “I wonder if I can enter the store for a drink?”

As Senna’s words fell, the bar finally responded—

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