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Angel knew that Eliza and Xius were siblings, so she wasn’t surprised to see that the blood-colored king that he had refined had appeared in Xius’ hands.

But thinking of Eliza’s expression at the beginning, he was a bit gnash the teeth. For Angel, this is a black history of wanting to vomit blood.

Xius continued: “Sure enough, Eliza didn’t lie to me.”

Eureka also got up at this time, carefully looked at the Scarlet Kingship: “This is what you just said, portrayed the fakes of the magic energy array?”

Hughes is nodded.

“In terms of appearance, it is indeed very similar to the authentic product.” The authentic product is on Eureka, so it is her who has the most say. “However, the magic energy array on it is really the same as the magic power array of the Scarlet King. same?”

Xius pointed to Angel: “Then ask him.”

Angel was silent for a moment: “If the picture the Lord Ghost Face gave me is true, then the magic energy array depicted on it is indeed a blood trace back.”

“Isn’t it a blood trace back, it’s understood to directly compare it with the real thing.” Xius looked towards Eureka, motioning her to take the real thing of the bleeding king.

Eureka did not hesitate, without the slightest hesitation took out the Scarlet King and handed it to Angel.

Angel didn’t pick it up, his expression was hesitant. He had been back to Pat Manor for so long, knowing that there might be Scarlet Kingship in Eureka, but he never said that, and he never even inquired. Because a long time ago, both Sanders and Greia had warned him that ten million should not be involved in this matter.

Angel himself accidentally blended in, so when Eureka handed over the Scarlet King, he really didn’t want to pick it up.

“How?” Xius raised an eyebrow.

“Xu Yisi Lord, I don’t know what you mean by pulling me here,” Angel: “When I delivered the Scarlet King Power fake to Lord Ghostface last time, I already made it clear, since the fake is handed over to you, follow-up Nothing has anything to do with me, and I will not be responsible for it. “

Xius took a deep look at Angel and replied: “I know what you are worried about, and I accidentally pulled you into this vortex. I dragged you into exile Space, just want to ask you a question.”

“what is the problem?”

Xius took the real product of the Scarlet King from Eureka. The gorgeous crown glittered in the color of mysterious. At a certain moment, even if he saw countless times, he was also absent-minded.

Xius looked away from the Scarlet King with difficulty, and said to Angel: “Before asking you this question, I need you to determine whether the magic energy array on the Scarlet King is a blood trace back?”

Angel glanced at the real product of Scarlet King Power, even if he had refined almost the same fake product, but it has to be said that this genuine product is indeed more dazzling than the fake product.

“Yes, it is the magic energy array that portrays the blood source backtracking.” Angel glanced at it and was surely replied.

“Is it really the blood source backtracking?” Xius thought for a moment, and asked: “Understood blood backtracking has a blood source backtracking magic energy array, can it directly erase the blood and blood connection on it?”

The blood source traces back this magic energy array, which can connect the blood and the item, no matter where the item is, it can perceive the specific position. The reason why King Guman can judge the precise location of Eureka every time is also because of the blood trace back.

Therefore, the main purpose of Xiu Si to find Angel this time is to know whether he can erase the blood and blood of the magic energy array.

Seeing Angel keep silent, Angel Huis asked slightly disappointed: “Can’t it?”

Angel did not answer directly, but said: “I wonder if Lord Lord Seuss has ever heard of the Deep Lord?”

Huyce nodded: “Deep Lord, naturally heard, the abyss of the Great Demonic God. Why did you suddenly mention him?”

“Now that Lord has heard of the Deep Lord, he must have known about the sacrifice of Blood Soul he created, should he know something?”

Blood Soul sacrifice is actually to combine the sacrificed object with its own bloodline. Since then, this object can move with the heart, the effect is greatly increased, and can not be taken by others, it is regarded as an advanced version of the “Contract Moire”.

“I know.” Hughes naturally knew the Blood Soul sacrifice, and he also knew the disadvantages of the Blood Soul sacrifice. Those who used the Blood Soul sacrifice were basically equivalent to registering in front of the deep Lord. When the level is low, he will not care about you, but once you grow up, you have to be careful.

“Blood source backtracking actually also has the function of Blood Soul sacrifice.” Angel paused: “In other words, once an item is portrayed with blood source backtracking, it is equivalent to its binding. Unless he dies, there is almost no way to wipe it. In addition to the hard work connection. “

Xius frowned. If Angel did say it, then this road would not work.

However, it is not impossible.

Suzy suddenly thought of something.

Earlier, he and younger sister Eliza had speculated that if it were really blood traced back, it would be absolutely impossible to connect his hard work with the personality of King Guman. Because once the effort is lost, it is also a great blow to King Guman, even an irreparable deficiency.

The blood source traces back this magic energy array and slowly loses its way. Few people know so far because of the need for hard work.

Since it is not the hard work of King Guman, as long as the hard-working owner of the Scarlet King is found and killed, isn’t it all over?

Thinking of this, Xius quickly asked: “If we kill the blood and blood owner, can we make the Scarlet King recognizing Master again?”

“Kill the blood and blood owner on the blood source backtracking, then the blood source backtracking will immediately destroy itself.” Angel paused: “The self-destructive formidable power is great. It ’s hard to tell.

Xius was a bit disappointed, and didn’t expect the blood trace back effect is so domineering.

At this time, Eureka suddenly said: “In fact, we don’t need to kill the owner of the blood, as long as we find him, and then take him away, and become a living puppet, not the same.”

In Eureka ’s words, Hughes ’eyes shined and instead asked Angel:“ Can you find the owner of the blood through the blood of the blood source? ”


Angel looked gloomy and left the living room.

Although Huise kept on saying, he would not let him blend into this vortex. But in fact, when he began to answer the effect of blood source backtracking, he had fallen into this mud pond, but it was only a matter of depth.

Fortunately, he is not involved in the matter now, as long as he no longer manages, he still has the opportunity to evacuate.

Angel wanted to go to the ice room to see Jon, but this day there were so many bad things that made him a little bit upset. He didn’t want to use this attitude to meet Jon.

After thinking about it, Angel returned to his room.

After throwing a dream revelation to himself, Angel came to the wilderness of dreams.

As soon as he entered the wilderness of dreams, Angel heard a burst of noise, looked up, and found that he appeared at the door of the tree house bar, a small round square.

Not far away, Daluq, who was dragged by Angel into the wilderness of dreams at noon, was being entangled by 7 or 8 children, forcing him to play a hide-and-seek game called “Scarecrow and Black Crow”.

Among these children, Angel also found Yada, who is a tiger.

Shanny was sitting on the roof of the tree house bar at this time, looking at the game player below with disdain.

There are some other people around the square. Most of them are talking, looking at each other, and are full of deep curiosity about the surrounding environment and buildings.

The appearance of Angel was first discovered by a smiling young boy who was sitting on the balcony of the clock tower and said to Angel: “Are you new here too?”


The teenager pointed to Daluk, who was dressed as a “scarecrow”: “Well, that silly scarecrow came in before. I have warned him, don’t take care of those Brat, he must listen. Look, be Grab it as a prop. “

The young man each minding their own business said, a person who came over, nagging for a long time before remembering not introducing himself: “My name is Rab, and one of the Brat playing games over there is a young man with a red tie. Brother, it ’s called Rado. Both of us have a strange plague, which was thought to be mortal, and was brought to New World by the kind Thysson Lord. “

New World? Angel rubbed his chin, and the wilderness of dreams for this group of people, saying that New World is indeed not an exaggeration.

“What about you? Are you sick?” Rab curiously asked.

Angel not at all replied, but his eyes slowly moved to the other side, but saw that Flode was running towards him quickly, and the people who met him along the way were all saluted to him respectfully.

Even Rab jumped from the balcony and bowed his head to Flod.

Frode just waved his hand and let the people around him disperse before respecting Angel: “Lord, you are here.”

Lord? Rab raised his head in doubt, but saw the young man before him, and the most kind Thyssen Young Master in his eyes, but he went further and further.

“Who … who? Why did Thyssen Lord call him so respectfully?” Rab murmured suspiciously.

“Huh, I heard you just called him new here, is it stupid?” I don’t know when, Shanny appeared on the side of Rab, flicking the small white jade foot, and said to Rab with a mocking tone .

Rab didn’t care. After all, from his perspective, Shanny was a child. As a “Lord”, she didn’t care about children.

“Why, do you know who he is?” Rab curiously asked.

Sani Nunu mouth: “What have you been talking about New World, New World. Then in your words, he is this piece of New World, the real master.”

Although Sunny usually likes Angel, she also knows that without Angel, she may only end up in the end and only fall into the undead, and Frode may never be able to return home. Therefore, when Angel is not present, Sunny is still willing to help Angel to say a few good words.

Rab heard Shanny’s words, but was a bit dumbfounded: “Master of New World …”

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