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Eureka groaned in a daze: half-step mysterious, half-step mysterious …

She had heard Hughes say before, what half-step mysterious Angel is, she didn’t understand what was going on, didn’t expect the reason why it would be so!

Eureka’s expression was a bit sloppy, and she didn’t seem to have changed, but she was a little bit swearing in her heart.

mysterious? ! Angel actually had contact with mysterious Domain!

This is countless Alchemy Warlock, all rushing to the level! And mysterious things are also things that all Magus will scramble for regardless of everything!

Even if it is a half-step mysterious, the gold content in it is far more than Eureka’s imagination.

Eureka ’s shock is not over yet, Hughes continued: “apart from this, Angel also has some nicknames, such as Lion Heart Thorns, because his unique symbol is a Lion Heart wrapped by thorns, such as music Box Warlock, because Angel always loves to make music boxes. Last year, at the auction on the ancient river beach, Angel’s newly-made music box even made a high price of 200,000 magic crystals, which also refreshed the first-stage Alchemy works. Price cap. “

“And the aftermath caused by the music box has not dissipated. Many Magus who are quite in pursuit of music art are looking for Angel and want to ask what the name of the music sketch he put in the music box. They have mailed them one after another. When I went to the barbaric cave, I heard that it also caused a lot of trouble to the barbaric cave. “

Eureka swallowed 200,000 magic crystals for an advanced music box? This is simply profiteering!

You know, she can’t get 10000 magic crystals now!

She understands a little bit, why there are Space props on Angel, and there are many Treasure Grade potions … Even if he did not make it himself, he can definitely afford it!

Earlier, Bree also said that Bill Ash, the “whale hunter” of the ashes, had an inexplicable respect for Angel, presumably because he knew Angel’s identity.

“Recently, there is another incident in the Alchemy world that has been disturbing. It is an image of a high-grade Alchemy product refined by Angel.” Xius said at this time, he was also emotional: “He has not become an official Magus, A complete high-grade Alchemy product has been refined, and once he has contacted mysterious Domain, it can almost be asserted that he will definitely be an Alchemy Master in the future, only a matter of time. “

“If this issue of” Time Forest “was released too early, there would definitely be Angel’s name. According to the information I got, as long as Angel does not die, the next issue of” Time Forest “in ten years will definitely have him. a seat.”

Eureka is now speechless.

“Forest of Time” is the most authoritative magazine in the entire South Territory Magus field. Before Eureka got the journal of “Forest of Time”, she always read it with longing. Moreover, the concepts, techniques and latest research results recorded in each issue of Time Forest will bring new touch to her.

Now tell her that Angel is almost ready to board the next issue of Time Forest, and she can’t believe her ears.

Eureka looked at Angel with a complicated expression.

Angel has been returning to Pat Manor for so long, she has been paying attention to his actions, but has not found any unusual behavior. Even, Angel has never indicated that he will be Alchemy.

Eureka suddenly thought of something, gnashing teeth, “should this guy hide it on purpose?”

Xius looked at Eureka suspiciously, and said, “What do you mean?”

Eureka stared at Angel fiercely, roughly speaking about what Angel did at Pat Manor during this time, and at the same time, specifically emphasized the matter of letting Angel go to Royders to get the material last time.

“He obviously knows Alchemy, but he sees me confusing with the material. He must be watching a good show next to him!”

After listening to Xius, some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “Maybe he really does not want to show that he can Alchemy, but you don’t want to think about it, even if he shows it, why do you think he will help you Alchemy ? “

“Dare he help?” Eureka coldly snorted.

Hughes reluctantly laughed: “If you plan to threaten him with strength, maybe he will really help you refine potions, but do you really dare to drink?”

Eureka is silent. In fact, if you change to someone else, Eureka can use coercion. But this kind of technology-type Alchemy Warlock, leaving a little innocent and secret door in his work, dragging his hind legs at a critical moment, it will be in trouble.

“Don’t even think about intimidation, to a certain extent, his status is higher than you and me.” Xius paused: “And in terms of the value he can create, I guess the barbaric cave It is impossible not to leave behind him. “

Xius also made sense, but Eureka knew very well that Xius’s character was actually more radical than her. The reason why he could face Angel with Yan Yuese was because of his value.

“You are just because of Angel’s Alchemy talent, so you were willing to act to help Lyon before? Just to get closer to Angel?” Eureka asked.

Xius was nodded and shook his head again: “It does have this consideration, but I want to get closer to Angel. The main reason is also for you.”

“for me?”

“Scarlet King Power.” Xius whispered a name: “Angel has also refined imitations of Scarlet King Power, and the imitations he has refined are almost ridiculous.”


While Xius and Eureka were secretly speaking, Angel was seriously reading Midola’s Alchemy notes.

This book of Alchemy was left to him by Midola when he left the mechanical city, and it recorded the experience of Midola when refining potions.

He remembered that there were detailed methods for refining the antidote of Xi Spider.

The reason why Angel is confident in refining the Xidian Antidote is that he had stayed in the potion house of Midola Master to study potions during his previous period in Sky Machinery City. A method of refining potions.

Among them are antidote.

When Angel was in the potion cabin, although he did not succeed in refining, he did not fall out of potions during this period, especially the types of potions that Midola had directed.

The low grade potions, such as antidote, were successfully refined when he was at Yunluo.

The speaking of which is the special antidote to Xi Spider, but it is actually just a variant of the antidote.

After reading Alchemy’s notes, Angel basically determined that it was almost the same as the antidote refining, but the process in the middle was a few more steps.

Angel simulated it for herself, and with Midola’s unique interpretation of the antidote, Angel had great confidence to refine it.

Put away the notes, Angel not at all immediately began to refine, because he was still blind to the main material.

The material of Xi Spider Antidote is available in most Angels, because the degree of coincidence with the antidote material is extremely high. But Angel has to get the main ingredient.

This is the venom of swamp.

The poison of Xi spider is not only used as the main material, it is also an initiator.

If you want to get the poison of the spider, you have to find the swamp spider. Angel didn’t feel the traces of Xi Spider in the vicinity, and simply released a puppet to explore the surroundings in a carpet style.

The search process went smoothly, and the swamp Xi spider could not be too far from his nest. Angel finally found a swamp that was walking on water on a tributary of a river.

Its size is comparable to a calf, but it can stand steadily on the water, and at the same time, it uses a light green spider silk to drag a shallow water crocodile forward.

Angel has seen the crocodile bones in the vicinity before, and it seems that this spider is not satisfied with Lyon’s size and is also preparing to store some spare grain.

Originally Angel was going to kill Swamp Xi Spider and take out the poison sac, but Xius seemed interested in this Swamp Xi Spider. Angel did not at all choose to kill it, just confuse it with the illusion, let it think he was entangled with new prey, and spouted out the venom.

After getting the venom, Angel did not care about his surroundings and immediately entered the refining process.

Angels already has a lot of experience in epigraphy in potions and temperature control, so it is not difficult to refine such low grade potions. This is why many Alchemy Warlocks in epigraphy are easier to learn when they are studying potions, and vice versa.

Angel uses the innovative method of refining. Although he can’t say that he is not inspired by the clouds and flowing water, he has at least completed the refining one by one, and has also succeeded in refining.

Angel himself thinks that refining is very old-fashioned, but for Hughes, who also has a taste of potions, he can see with keen interest pleasure. Because Angel has incorporated the unique technique of the magic potion Master Midola in his refining, which is very worthy of consideration for Xius.

Although the Xidi Antidote was successfully refined, Angel did not dare to completely ensure that he could save Lyon.

After all, Lyon is still a mortal. The antidote of Xi Spider is based on the poison of Xi Spider and is very domineering. He does not know whether Lyon can survive it.

Xius seemed to see Angel’s hesitation, “It seems that you are too small to look at Lyon. Lyon can cultivate Will’s cultivation method to the breakthrough Transcending limit, which is enough to see its tenacious. Even if the medicinal antidote is overbearing, it still It belongs to the category of low grade potions. “

Angel also knew that he might be too worried, but after all, it was his only blood relative in the world, and he had to be careful.

Using the eyes of Nalda to confirm the effect of potions again, and then re-examined Lyon ’s physical condition, Angel used this medicine to infuse potions into Lyon with the body.

Almost instantly, Lyon’s whole body trembled.

It didn’t take long for his blood vessels to bulge, and an unusual blush appeared all over his body.

“Ah-” Under this extreme pain, Lyon finally woke up from the Dreamscape made by the vine juice.

Looking at the painful Lyon struggling, Angel’s heart followed.

He had originally planned to drag Lyon into the wilderness of dreams, just in case 10000. However, he knew that the use of Xi Spider Antidote would produce extremely overbearing medicinal effects, and Lyon will inevitably hurt to wake up, so even if he enters the wilderness of dreams, it is useless.

Unless Angel has mastered the real entry and exit authority of the wilderness of dreams.

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