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Two days later, in the town of Bolai, which enlightened Continent.

With a surprised attitude, Frode listened to Angel talking about Dreamscape, the endless wilderness.

However, Angel also kept a little while telling, about the nightmare he simply used “special magic power” to express.

After listening to it, Flod fell into a period of contemplation. During his thinking, his expression kept changing, and he returned to Divine Dao for a long time: “Every time Mr. Mr. enters Dreamscape through the dream conch, he sees the same A wilderness. And the dream conch was inspired by Mr. special magic power, then … “

“This wilderness is really very likely to be a special Dreamscape combining fantasy and dream, as Mr. guessed.”

Frode said that at this time, his eyes seemed to glow and murmured in a low voice: “It seems that the direction of my research topic is correct, but I don’t understand the special illusion that my husband has, leading to my own The research looks fake. What is going on with this special illusion, and why is it related to the dream world? “

For Frode ’s question, Angel helplessly said: “I once said that this special magical cultivation method is self-mentoring, and I cannot pass it on unless you swear it.”

“Oath …” Frode hesitated. He was too curious about this special illusion, but because he didn’t understand it, he didn’t dare to arbitrarily determine its effect. If the effect was not as expected, wouldn’t he lose the oath? .

Luo Luo also concerns all his future.

In the end, Flode didn’t make a decision and sighed: “Let me think about it again.”

Angel didn’t bother to say anything, but asked Freud: “Since you think that Dreamscape in the wilderness is most likely related to your research direction, what do you think I should do next?”

“Study it and get more data. The most important thing is to find out that it is different from ordinary Dreamscape.” Flod said without hesitation.

“You are so sure that it will be different from ordinary Dreamscape?”

“Activate the unique and unmatched dream wilderness produced by Dream Conch with special illusions. There must be something special about it. Find it, understand it, use it, and control it!”

After talking with Frode, Angel stayed in Bolai Town temporarily.

Before leaving Continent, he said goodbye to Lyon, and Jon also explained that he would not be able to go back for a while. After all, to study dreams, he knows nothing about the dream world, and he still needs someone with special research to assist him.

Angel found an empty house in Thyssen Lane near the orphanage.

For the next period of time, Angel explored in Dreamscape, which Flode named “The Wilderness of Dreams.”

Each time, the activated Gondola was forced into the dream, and Angel went into the dream Gondola to explore. As for Gondola, it is now given to Flode to operate. Although he is soul, his soul force is full. He has been able to pry the material world a long time ago and simply operate a flying vehicle, which is very important to him. simple.

In the wilderness of dreams, at least 20 Gondolas fell, the exploration time was close to 30 hours, and the journey exceeded the severe tens of thousands of li. Finally, when she entered the wilderness of dreams, Angel saw a different scenery.

To be precise, the scenery is the same, it is still a boundless wilderness.

But there was a very delicate table in the wilderness.

After Angel leaves Dreamscape, he expresses the table through the illusion. Frode looked at it carefully for a long time and said silently: “This table seems to be the table in Neya’s room.”

Angel was at a loss for a while before thinking of the first time he used Dream Conch for the first time, in the room of Yinya Imperial Palace Niya. At that time, when he first tried Dream Conch, he randomly regarded Neya’s table as an experimental object.

According to Frode, once a non-living body enters a dream, it will remain in the dream unless it is intentionally destroyed.

Angel was a little disappointed, thinking that she had found a different place, but didn’t expect was Nieya’s table.

But Frode was pleasantly surprised, although they had assumed that all the non-living bodies in the wilderness were dream wilderness. But after all, it was only their speculation, which is difficult to corroborate.

Now, the evidence is coming. Frode can almost now conclude that Angel started the dream conch with a special illusion, and finally these items will enter the wilderness of the dream, and it is the same wilderness of the dream!

This is one step closer to his vision!

The dream world itself is too broad, and the item that was pulled into the dream by the dream conch is difficult to find in this official magus. It is even harder to find than the sand in the sea.

But if the items pulled into the dream by Dream Conch appear in the same wilderness, it is easier to find them!

After Frode received this information, in addition to joy, a question arose in his heart: The birth of the wilderness of the dream, is the dream conch the main reason, or the special magic is the main reason?

Frode said his thoughts, and Angel couldn’t judge for a moment.

Frode thought: “I personally prefer the special illusion to be the main reason. Let’s do an experiment: If we don’t pass the Dream Conch and simply use the special illusion, can we send living people into the wilderness of the dream?”

Angel hesitated after listening: “It should not work, I think other people dreaming, and no one has ever entered the wilderness of dreams.”

“Mr. Pat, don’t you forget that those people who dreamed are actually dreaming on their own. If you drag them into the dream by tricks, will you enter the wilderness of the dream?” Flod Paused: “The dream system The four basic tricks that Apprentice must learn are enlightenment, entering dreams, reading dreams and controlling dreams. Among them, enlightenment is a trick that drags people into dreams. “

“Enlighten dream, is it a kind of hypnosis?” Angel thought, if it was pure hypnosis, he could do this with nightmares.

“Qimeng has the characteristics of hypnosis, but its main function is to drag people into dreams. Moreover, people who are dragged into dreams usually do bright dreams.” Frode said, “Mr. tricks about dreams, The special magical powers used are all used as the energy source. If Qimeng can drag people into the wilderness of the dream, it means … the appearance of the wilderness of the dream, the special magical power may be the main reason. “

Angel’s suggestion was accepted by Angel. However, the dream-opening technique is still a level 2 trick. Angel needs to learn for half a month.

Angel consciously is very long, but Frode said with a bitter expression that ate stool: “Why is it preferred, there is always fear.”

At the beginning, Frode learned to enlighten dreams, it was a history of blood and tears. Now that others have been learning dreams for half a month, they still think it’s too long? !

Of course, Frode didn’t understand Angel’s position. Angel is well aware that his cheating learning method is a sword, and it takes him a few years to learn this cross-system trick normally. The reason he feels long is simply because Jon’s body is getting worse and worse, making him feel more urgent about the ebbing of time.

Angel handed over the analysis of the dream control to the holographic tablet background calculation, and he continued to search for more data in the wilderness of the dream.

Time passes, a week later.

Frode originally stayed in the room next to Angel at Thyssen Lane these days. But early in the morning, he found strangers in Thyssen Lane. He said goodbye to Angel and returned to the orphanage.

Without Frode’s cooperation, Angel did not continue to let Gondola into the wilderness of the dream, but sat in the house and tried to control the dream conch to pull the small building where he lived into the dream.

Speaking of which, he used dream conch to pull small items into the dream, this time he tried to pull such a big building for the first time. There is no difficulty in manipulating it. It only needs to wrap the mysterious fluctuations in a small building to achieve it.

After pulling the small building into the dream, Angel directly went into the dream to explore.

Originally he was just a boring experiment, but what he didn’t expect was that entering this time into the wilderness of dreams brought him unexpected gains.

Frode always wanted him to find a special place in the wilderness of dreams, but Angel sat on the gondola and patrolled countless times, and found nothing. But this time he experimented casually, but brought surprises.

He only entered the dream building, still adjusting the position of the viewing angle, he felt the abnormality of Dreamscape.

Angel immediately looked out through the wide field of vision. But all around is still an endless wilderness, not at all changes, the only abnormal place that appears is that he feels that the wind seems to bring a familiar breath.

It is a pity that he is now in the state of the tentacles of dreams, and the breath he feels is somewhat distorted. However, when he soaked in this aura for a long time, he suddenly reacted, and this breath was exactly the same as the nightmare breath.

However, it seems a little thinner than the pure nightmare breath.

Instead, it looks like … Nightmare.

But Angel clearly remembered that Sanders once said that the nightmare is the intermediate zone between the nightmare world and the real world, but now it is clearly in the dream world?

Could it be said that this nightmare is the middle ground between nightmare world and dream world?

Angel felt a trace of horror for her conjecture. The last time he encountered the nightmare, he was accidentally tinkered. At that time, he was almost going to be the murderer of World Destruction, and with a layer of nightmare Realm film, he saw the suture woman sitting on the deep throne .

Laughter alone can match Legend’s coercive woman.

If the wilderness of dreams also belongs to the nightmare, does it not mean that it is only separated from the nightmare world? Angel shuddered, and suddenly hesitated, whether he wanted to continue searching.

Angel shook her head, throwing away her unprovoked thoughts, breathless, and muttered silently:

“If there is no other way, this is the only way to see hope. Even more how this is not really a nightmare, even if it is a nightmare, at worst … cut it off!”

Angel decided to temporarily put the “maybe a suspected nightmare” into the heart, and wait until the dream-learning society is learned, and then investigate again.

Angel left the dream wilderness with a heavy heart.

Because it is a matter of nightmare, this matter cannot be told to Flode, it would be nice if Sanders could be contacted, at least Sanders could give him advice.

But now that he is in the distant revelation of Continent, it is impossible to go back to Continent exclusively to see if Sanders is back?

Angel thought of the Baibei Shipping branch in Continent, Ferran, where there was a remote communicator that contacted Sky Machinery City. Is it true that Continent has similar machines?

Angel decided to ask Frode.

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