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When Frode learned that Angel had learned to dream, and it only took more than 2 months of fragmentary time to learn, the whole person fell silent.

When he first learned to dream, it took half a year, and he had the dream skill innately.

To his knowledge, Angel’s innate skill is actually … Illusion technique.

“Mr. Pat, are you sure you don’t have dual innate skills? Maybe you have hidden a dream innate skill.”

“I don’t have an innate skill in dreams.” Angel said very firmly that if he follows the normal learning rate, he has to learn dreaming for at least 2 years. There are other reasons why he can learn dreams quickly.

However, these reasons involved too many secrets, but he could not tell Flode. Unless, Flode swore.

Frode sighed and smiled bitterly: he lived in the same era as Angel and didn’t know is it fortune or misfortune … oh, no, he was already dead.

“The second question, which type of dream reading does Lord want to learn?”

Seeing Angel did not understand, Flode explained briefly:

“Dream reading is actually not a simple trick. It can even cross the trick class to achieve the effect of the spell.” Frode gave an example: “Like the hot melting method of Alchemy, it can evolve into fusing and fire. The melting method … Although the effect is similar, the order is different. “

“The same is true for reading dreams. Although they are all called reading dreams, they are divided into 4 levels according to the effect: listening, guiding, commanding and tampering. Listening is a level 2 trick, and you can simply communicate with the person in your dream. A dream can communicate normally like in reality. Guidance is a level 3 trick, which can guide the dreamer to say what he wants to ask. When I am alive, the level of reading dreams I reach is guidance.

“The command is a level 3 top-level trick. No guidance is required. In the dream of others, you can order the other party to do anything and say anything. As for the final tampering, you have reached the stage of elementary magic, and only official Magus can learn.

Although Frode didn’t say the effect of “tampering”, he can probably guess that it is estimated to be anti-guest and tamper with others’ Dreamscape at will.

Angel learning to read dreams simply wants to communicate with Jon. There is no need to boot and no commands.

“What I want to learn is listening.” Angel said without hesitation.

Flod nodded, thinking for a moment: “Reading dreams is a dangerous thing, because in other people’s dreams, he is the master. If you simply dream, others will not find you, but as long as you read the dream, communicate with the other party, others will be sure Will perceive you, once the dreamer cuts off your dream bridge, and makes you extremely weak in the dream, then you are in danger. Although not fatal, if the dream tentacles are wrong, Spirit will also fall into a long The weakness of time. “

“You just learn to listen, there is no self-preservation ability in your dreams. Even if you are in the dream of your friends and family, but as long as the other party is not in the state of a dream, how can you ensure that he will not treat you in a chaotic dream? Start? “

Angel thought for a while and said with certainty: “He won’t. I’m going to dream, and it’s a dream.”

Angel recalls Jon’s dream, even though Jon is in the dream, he has exercised restraint.

Because many people dreaming of dreams, they will basically go through a period of heart and soul. They wantonly act in their dreams, sit in Supreme power, take in countless beauties, and do all the things they dare not do in reality.

In Jon’s dream, Angel felt peace and quiet from beginning to end. Many times, without a word, it is like a mime that is at ease.

There is no impetuosity, nor frenzy, and even less resentment for a long time in bed. Only indifferent tranquility, and even a trace of it, even in a dream, do not want to show it to his wife and daughter … regret.

Therefore, Angel is very sure that Jon is dreaming. Once Jon knows that he can enter his dream, Angel also believes that he has any harm to himself.

Frode met Angel with a determined face: “Since that is the case, I want to ask the last question, why do you learn to read dreams?”

Moreover, Frode is curious. Since learning to read dreams, why only learn how to communicate with others in dreams, rather than trying to gain something through other people’s dreams? In the past, Freud used to read dreams to get the information he wanted, and even a lot of trick knowledge, he obtained it by reading dreams.

Looking at Angel, he is quite sure that the person who read his dreams will not harm him. It is equivalent to saying that this is a person who is extremely close to him and even completely trusted.

So, why not talk in person, but to communicate in a dream?

Frost’s question made Angel fall silent.

After a while, Frode scratched his head: “If the husband has a hidden word, you don’t need to answer me. I’m just a little curious, not trying to spy on privacy.”

“It’s not impossible to say.” Angel finally opened his mouth: “I have a family member who is extremely respected and has a physical problem. I have fallen into a long coma and can’t wake up. At present, there is no cure.”

“I miss him very much, and I want to communicate with him by reading dreams.”

Frode frowned: “People who are unconscious usually don’t dream.”

“Dream-weaver, I once got a dream-weaver in Sky Machinery City.”

“If it is a dream-weaver, then this can be done.” Frode suddenly realized, then he shook his head regretfully: “I also wanted a dream-weaver, but unfortunately there was no trace of death.”

Frode said, and said: “Mr. Pat, in fact, your loved one can choose to transplant if there is a problem with the fleshy body.”

“No, he’s just a mortal.” Angel saw Frode look curious and thought about it. He simply told Jon’s general situation in detail, only concealing that he came from outside the world.

Perhaps it was too much annoyance that had accumulated in my heart over the past few months, and I was restricted by Eureka, and I couldn’t vomit. Angel explained Jon’s situation in detail, and even 3-state balance, Angel did not miss it.

It’s just that Angel described the erosion of Big Will in 3-state balance as a mysterious curse. This mysterious curse cannot be lifted by most of the official Magus.

When Angel told Jon’s story, the boulder that had been pressed into his heart seemed to be lighter. Even the depression in the chest dissipated a lot.

Frode listened quietly, thinking about what he was doing from time to time.

After Angel finished speaking, he took a long breath: “Less than 2 years of lifespan, and now 10% has passed, I still can’t come up with a solution … I really failed.”

“If the husband is a failure, then I’m the one who can’t dig into the soil.” Frode: “I learned from Neya that you are now in Continent, but according to the gossip, In the next issue of “Time Forest” ten years later, you can definitely be published on it … After all, you are the one who made high grade Alchemy works as Apprentice! “

“Time Forest” Angel is known, compiled by the True Knowledge Council of the City of Truth, and is called the most authoritative magazine in South Territory Magus. “Forest of Time” will only publish people who deserve to be named for future generations, as well as the latest and most Peak and authoritative paper research.

Angel doesn’t know what his reputation is in Continent, and he doesn’t feel qualified to post it. It’s just that Frode is joking.

However, what puzzled him a bit was how did Frode know that he produced high grade Alchemy works? When the rhythm of the sea was refined, shouldn’t it be transmitted? Even if it really spreads, can someone else believe it?

Just when Angel wanted to inquire further, Frode suddenly turned his head: “Actually, the treatment of the relative of Guan Mister Yu is not without methods if he is not limited to the Fleshy body.”

Angel raised her head violently, looked towards Flode: “Do you have a cure?”

Flod was nodded and shook his head again: “Since Mr. said that there is no way to even official Magus, how can I have a way? The method I said is actually just my idea.”

“What idea?” Angel quickly asked.

“I listened to the description of the husband. Your relative has reached the state where the fleshy body collapsed. Even if there is a way to save it, it is estimated that as a mortal, it will not live long.”

Although the words are hard to hear, Frode is telling the truth.

Even if Jon did not suffer any subsequent changes, Angel successfully pasted the inscription on Jon and resisted the erosion of World’s Will, so at most only 20 years of lifespan.

Since then, even if Angel finds a way to prolong life, mortal lifespan will eventually have its limits.

“So what do you mean, let him die and become soul? Then soul can survive?” Angel shook his head: “No, the probability that a mortal can become soul is too low. Even more how, his brain suffers Damage, the Spirit Force has a problem, even if he dreams, his dream world is not complete, this is a sign that the Spirit Force value is less than 3 points. In this case, after his death, he will only turn into a blinding aura, Or soul fragments. “

“I don’t mean that. Didn’t you forget my pursuit?” Flod suddenly said: “For example, let him live in the dream world?”

“Although the dream world is barren, if the husband can really combine the illusion with the dream conch, then there is no difference between living in a dream and reality.”

Angel’s expression froze, completely didn’t expect Flod suddenly turned to the topic again.

Moreover, Angel also felt that what Flode said seemed reasonable. Just like in the Earth novels, those who abandoned the fleshy body and lived in holographic games.

If he can perfectly control the dream conch and pull the reality into the dream, then the dream is not much different from reality.

Seeing Angel’s expression seemed quite intentional, Frode said, “I once said that dreams actually have creatures. I have read in the book that even if you live in the creature of dreams, you can’t enter the realm … “

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