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If it is just a strictly guarded entrance, Angel will try his best to open the infinite silence and it will not be discovered.

But Angel noticed that there was an energy film at this entrance. As long as there is a living creature in it, there will be a wave of fluctuations in the energy film.

“Don’t mention the energy film, there are Transcending guards?” Angel looked at the two mermaids behind the door, his eyes flashing in shock.

He was hiding in the shadow of a room in the corner at the moment, he pats Bulei: “What is the situation inside, why even Transcending people are sent out as guards?”

Brei: “The construction of the waterless area is actually done by some Transcending people of Continent. Because of the value of Mermaid, many Magus organizations and Magus families have set up here to buy Mermaid at a low price. Therefore, there are many Transcending people gathering in the waterless area, which can basically be treated as a mini Magus market. “

In Magus’ pursuit of benefits, Mermaid does have this value.

In any Magus market, the work of garrison is performed by the Transcending person. It seems reasonable to think so.

But because it was the Transcending who came to guard, he could not mix in with ordinary methods.

“This is your master’s Perfection plan? You don’t even have a certificate?” Angel couldn’t help but spit.

Bu Lei is like as it should be by rights: “When the owner brought me over, he used the plane directly to the waterless area. The certificate outside doesn’t need it at all.”

Angel guessed that Bu Lei’s answer would be this, ignoring Bu Lei’s chatter, but observing the entrance of the waterless area, thinking about the way to enter.

Or, just break in? Then open the veins of gravity, walk a little faster, even if the guard finds it, he can’t catch up with his speed … Angel thought secretly, thinking that this plan is quite feasible.

However, just when Angel made up his mind to break in, he saw a group of mermaids on the main road, with a black-tailed fat manfish in front of him.

2 The catfish’s black beards are wagging, a little bit of the meaning of greeted by the water. Because his cheeks were too fat, his eyes were squinted into a gap, with golden ornaments all over his body, and he looked a bit deliberately showing the financial sense of folk customs.

Angel noticed him because he had a voucher in his hand.

Looking at the voucher, Angel’s eyes narrowed slightly.

After a while, Angel swaggered and took the voucher, and entered the waterless area. But at this time, his appearance became the appearance of the manfish just now through Transformation Technique.

The man-fish deity, at this time, was addicted to a illusion covered with beautiful colors outside, unable to extricate himself.

Angel himself won’t stay in Roydes for too long, he will leave when he gets something. Therefore, he decided to “borrow” a voucher without anyone knowing it, and then return the voucher when he left.

As for the man who is not losing money, the beauty sells bones, and the spring is boundless; especially the beauty built by the nightmare technique, the pure touch can make him excited and dizzy.

I give you a wonderful spring dream, the price is to borrow a few hours of vouchers, what a reasonable transaction. Angel thought quite complacently.

No water area. It is more like a land-based city, criss-crossed buildings, with brilliant and bright colors; if the streets are full of corals and shells, it is impossible to imagine that this is the seabed under a few kilometers.

The race in the waterless area is also a complete hodgepodge as Bree said. There are many humans and non-marine human races. The mermaids here also have obvious noble temperament. ——Because only the mermaid noble, we will deliberately restrain and prohibit humans from eating.

Angel found a shadow, changed her appearance, and walked out as a human being.

Although there are a lot of humans here, in order to prevent 10000, Angel still opened the infinite silence, weakening his sense of existence. Then he asked Bree: “Where are you talking about the Ember Time Business Brigade?”

“You go to Yuanyuan first.”

“Yuan District? Where?”

Bulei pointed to the very center of the waterless area, where there was a white tower built like a sky garden, which is the landmark of the entire waterless area. “The abyss area is in the shadow of the peace tower.”

The symbol of the waterless zone, the Peace Tower, is a tower built by the Roger Mermaid Imperial Family, symbolizing the peace and unity of all races. But ironically, there is no real peace between the kins of many races. Even more how is interracial.

Especially human beings, almost every human who sees the Peace Pagoda will sneer, explaining the empty “peaceful dream” to those around him.

Even more ironically, in the shadow of the Peace Tower, there is the largest and most chaotic dark trading area in the whole Roydes-the abyss area. Worship in the abyss area is Strength, and death, fear, and sin are everywhere in this area.

Therefore, many residents who live in the waterless area have another name for the Yuan District: Guilty Tower.

The Tower of Sin is the “truth”, and the Tower of Peace is just whitewashing the peace.

When Angel stepped into the abyss area, he immediately felt the change of atmosphere, not to mention the more dense blood-reeking qi breath, not only the blatant Slaughter robbery not far away, so that Angel’s eyes gradually deepened.

That is a junior Apprentice, it seems that it should be at the peak of level 1. With a pocket made of fish skin in his hand, he hurriedly ran out of the abyss zone, but just a few steps away from the light, a burly man in a green vest dropping from the sky and kicked him back with one foot Yuyuan District.

“Boy, without paying something, you want to leave the Guilty Tower, and you are too naive.” The burly man squeezed his fists and walked toward the Apprentice step by step.

“Give … to you.” Apprentice shrunk and handed his pocket to the burly man because of the power gap.

“It’s quite familiar.” The burly man took his pocket and checked it, but not at all left, but stepped closer to the Apprentice step by step.

“I can guarantee that you leave the Guilty Tower, but this is not enough.” The mouth of the burly man raised bloodthirst’s smile.

After a scream, Apprentice’s head was thrown out of the Guilty Tower, but his body was thrown into the trash by the burly man. When other people looked at him, he said in a frivolous tone: “Look, I said that I did it. He always has a part of his body and left the tower of sin, didn’t he?”

The scene in front of me is just the daily life of Yuan District. No one cared about the dead Apprentice, and no one condemned the burly man. There were even a lot of people who jumped to the roof to watch the calm and composed while handling pressing affairs while he was dealing with the body.

The degree of evil and confusion here is beyond Angel’s imagination.

Angel turned back, looked towards the Peace Pagoda where he could still hear the gentle song, and then looked at the evil that was happening in the shadows, and finally understood why everyone was sarcastic about the Peace Pagoda.

When the world is white, there is black. The boundary between white and black has always been a gray zone, but in Roydes it is not at all, black and white are so clear that it is outrageous.

At this time, the burly man who had dealt with Apprentice’s body walked back and forth with the harvest. Halfway through, he hit Angel, who was standing still.

“Hey, there is still a person here?” The burly man just thought he hadn’t paid attention before. When he saw Angel, he looked him up and down.

“The energy breath is very weak, it should be level 1 Apprentice.” The burly man thought about it for a while: “There is nothing on him, is it the young bird who came in for sightseeing?”

When the burly man thought about whether to solve this person in front of him, Angel glanced at him lightly, and moved towards the depths of the Abyssal Zone.

The burly man glanced at where Angel was heading, where is the trading area?

Suddenly his eyes lit up and murmured softly: “Prepare to put a long line, hoping to catch a big fish.”

Having said that, the burly man had no cover and strode up to Angel.

The burly man thinks that the sound he speaks is very small, but with Angel ’s current Fleshy body, he can easily hear the Insect Cry sound outside of several dozen meters even without deliberate perception, let alone the burly man is only 5 6 meters away from him .

“Fishing? Who catches who? Maybe.” Bulei flying high in the sky, looking at the behavior of the burly man, his eyes showed a bit of interest.

The burly man followed Angel and soon reached the trading area. Along the way, he didn’t notice at all. Everyone except him seemed to haven’t seen Angel. Instead, it was his strange behavior that attracted some people’s attention.

When he came to a dark alley, Angel stopped for a moment and looked at the sky.

Bree is circling around here, indicating that the location of the Ash Time Business Brigade is inside.

Angel looked at the burly man behind his eyes with Yu Guang, and walked into the dark alley without the slightest hesitation.

At this moment, the burly man has some doubts in his heart, but not because of Angel’s gaze, but towards towards this deep alley. Not long ago, he heard that there was a business brigade called Ash Time in the ruins of this alley. They had a lot of top grade goods there, but few people could afford it.

The person he followed entered the site of the Ember Time Business Brigade. Could it be that he wanted to buy something in the Business Brigade?

If this is the case, he will definitely make a big profit after snatching!

However, someone who can buy things from the Ashes Time Business Travel Group should have a good background. If he works on them, will he cause trouble? This is also the place where the burly man hesitates.

After considering for a while, the burly man decided to keep up.

If this vote is really made, he will make no loss. Even if there is really a problem, the strength of his level 2 peak Apprentice is enough to suppress it.

After making sure that the burly man followed, Angel continued to walk in the dark alley.

When he reached the end, Angel saw a group of ruins in the distance. While seeing the ruins, he also saw a group of people wearing black cloaks standing in the middle of the ruins, near each and everyone iron cage.

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