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The Sina Trench is one of the many trenches in the Whale Sea, which is not very noticeable. The depth and width are in the middle of the medium grade, but because of the rich sea reserves, a special snail shell that is extremely beneficial to the Mermaid Race is produced, and a mermaid city is built.

Angel also heard this information for the first time. No matter whether it was on the Beibeihai city or other charts, he did not see the city mark here.

At the beginning, he left Continent, and went through this section of the road. But it’s didn’t expect, there is a paradise in the sea in the trench deep in the kilometer.

“Prepare to dive. According to the information received by the owner, the Ember Time Business Brigade should arrive in Roydes within these 2 days.” Owl Bree fluttered her wings and said to Angel.

Angel nodded, in order not to waste time, directly plunged into the sea.

But after diving for several hundred meters, it was discovered that Bulei not at all followed. Helpless to return to the sea, but seeing Bray’s face aggrieved and said: “I don’t know how to tease water.”

Angel expanded the scope of the purification force field enough to wrap up the bud, and then dived again.

All the way down, the magnificent scenery in the sea made Bree keep turning her head like a rare treasure.

But after leaving the surface sea, without the light source, Bree can’t see the surrounding scenery clearly, and can pity request Angel to release Illumination Technique.

“I heard that the night vision ability of owls has always been excellent, but you …” Angel glanced at Bray, and the meaning of contempt was self-evident.

“Night vision also needs shimmer!” Bree: “And I am different from other owls. Other owls have poor daytime vision and good night vision; but I have good daytime vision and poor night vision … Actually I used to have night Depending on the ability, but you broke my unilateral glasses, I will not be able to see at night. “

Seeing that Bu Lei had to hold the one-sided glasses to talk about something, Angel changed the subject.

“Eureka Lord said, you have been to Roydes, and the other party knew you before you let you follow. However, at present, you don’t look like you have been here.” Angel indifferently said.

Bree: “I’ve been to Roydes twice, the first time was with the owner, and the second time was with the red-haired Lord. They all came to Roydes and opened the plane to pass.”

“So you are sarcasm me, the strength is not enough, will not open the plane between the way?” Angel raised an eyebrow.

“No!” Brei immediately denied: “I mean, this dive is the first time I have seen the real seabed scenery, and I’m a little curious … you know, we birds generally can’t sip water.”

As soon as Bree’s words fell, Toby “sou” flew out of the purified force field like a sharp arrow, swam around on the seabed, and came back with high toes. As soon as the feathers shook, the sea water shook everywhere, and many drops of water fell on Bulei, just like a demonstration.

Bremer added silently: “Of course, there are exceptions.”

Angel finally satisfied Bree’s wish, because when diving into the deep sea, he could not see anything around, the road was not easy to find, and he still needed a light source.

But Angel did not use Illumination Technique, but asked Toby to take out a fluorite.

After Toby took out the fluorite lamp, he was more proud in Bree’s envious eyes. If it wasn’t Angel, it wouldn’t have to fly out for a lap.

Soon, they dived to the bottom of the sea, and after swimming for ten severe li, they saw a trench like an abyss.

“Where is Roydes in the trench?” Angel went to a very deep trench in the Purified Sea. He knew that the trench was also interlaced in depth. If he didn’t know a specific location, the carpet search would be very time-consuming.

“Just swim in the widest direction, and there are many mermaids in Caibe near Royds. Maybe we haven’t dived to the bottom of the trench, we saw the mermaid, and we can ask them if it’s enough. replied.

Angel nodded, decided to walk according to Brei’s argument, it is always a bird coming, there is a general direction.

The trench is like a black and dark giant mouth. Angel is extremely small under this “big mouth”. Even though he has been to a lot of trenches, Angel still has awe of this huge mouth of nature.

He slowly descended, and the place where the fluorite shone was dark.

Buley, who was originally interested in the scenery under the sea, was a little counseled at this time. In this absolute darkness, not only face the suffocating pressure, but also listen to the terrifying sound when the ocean currents collide. That kind of oppression makes Bree wish to close her eyes.

Not long after the dive, a faint song came, and even scared Bu Lei’s whole body.

“Yes … is it a ghost song?” Bree shivered.

Angel felt the faint charm in the song and shook her head: “It’s a mermaid.”

“It seems that you are right. We haven’t dived to the bottom of the trench before encountering the mermaid.” Angel said as he moved quickly towards the location where the song came.

While swimming, Toby advanced from time to time with the veins of gravity, and soon they found Target.

It was a little mermaid looking for shellfish on a ditch wall platform. When they came, because of the brilliance of fluorite, the little mermaid thought it was some kind of monkfish in the sea, not at all escaped.

But when he saw the silhouette behind the light source, he was shocked and almost dropped the lantern in his hand.

However, when I looked closely, I found that it was actually a person.

The little mermaid’s eyes were bright, and he licked his lips unconsciously. But she has always listened to the elders saying that human flesh is very beautiful, but her singing is not enough to charm, and has never lured sailors who have successfully passed the sea. So, when she saw a human being at this time, her first reaction was: “I can finally enjoy the beauty of human flesh!”

With her undeveloped brain capacity, she never thought about how the ordinary person class might appear in the deep sea.

She wasn’t ready to start the hunting plan yet, and Angel was squeezed in the palm of her hand with magic power.

She was still struggling nonstop, and at the same time, she showed her fierce intentions to Angel.

“Looking at her, it seems that she is going to treat you as food.” Bree looked towards the little mermaid with pitiful eyes, but she looked pretty, but unfortunately she had no vision.

Shocked by powerful energy, the little mermaid finally succumbed.

“Take me to Roydes.” Angel ordered directly.

But the feedback that came from it was that the little mermaid was puzzled, and there was an unknown word in his mouth.

Angel glanced at Bulei: “I didn’t learn language analysis, can you speak mermaid?”

Bray shook his head immediately: “I’m a bird, how could the language of the mermaid!”

Angel was silent for a long while, and finally he sighed: “Why do you want it.”

Although Bree does not speak the language of Mermaid, sometimes it can be good without creating conditions. Angel didn’t want to waste time looking for Roydes in the dull trench, he thought for a moment, stretched to act, and a faint illusion fell into the mermaid’s eyebrows.

The next second, the little mermaid’s eyes appeared extremely frightened, as if he saw a deadly natural enemy. Originally no longer struggling, this time it is struggling even more fierce.

Angel released her magical hand and released the little mermaid.

The little mermaid turned and ran, ran all the way, and cried out in horror, Angel followed it leisurely.

He used the nightmare fear technique to let the little mermaid see the most terrifying picture, and shielded it from certain judgment. In this case, the little mermaid will subconsciously run to the safest place, and in this dark and secluded trench, the safest place should be Roydes.

The little mermaid was frightened, but the Angel behind it was slow-paced, and even had leisure time to ask Bree about specific information about Roydes.

But when Bree was just about to speak, she suddenly saw a gray shell falling out of the panicking little mermaid backpack.

It eyes shined and encouraged Angel to catch the shell.

Angel grabbed the shell in the palm of his hand, and Bulei immediately said: “This is an ordinary sea shell. My stomach is just a little hungry. Why not give it to me?”

Bree stared at Angel, but Angel weighed the shell and smiled lightly in Brett’s glittering eyes.

“Ordinary sea shells? Has the original owned mermaid shells been reduced to ordinary sea shells?”

Upon hearing Angel name the mermaid, Bree’s expression immediately collapsed: “So Lord knew that this was a mermaid …”

Bray knows the value of mermaid. So it knows that it is estimated that the mermaid will not be able to get it.

But what made it didn’t expect is that after Angel pointed out the name of the mermaid, he casually threw the mermaid to it.

This surprised Bulei and couldn’t help but ask: “Don’t you know the efficacy of mermaid?”

“Of course I know.” Angel looked at Bulei suspiciously and gave it to him. Why did it put on such an expression again.

Mermaid is a very special ingredient that can clear comprehension. When she was in Phantom Magic Island, Greia once made “Mermaid Shell Soup”. At that time, Angel added a value of 0.5 to the Spiritual Force, and it did not consume potential.

Of course, this is the point where Greia can achieve mermaid shells to such a limit, which also contains many top-quality ingredients.

However, the mermaid shell soup has only one effect. The next time Greya does it again, it will not increase the value of Spiritual Force.

Therefore, Angel does not at all demand mermaid.

Angel alone can’t look down on the role of a “clear comprehension mind”. Although it is placed in the Continent, a mermaid should also have 100 magic crystals, but Angel can make 1000 magic crystals if he refines anything. Naturally, he can’t look at this thing.

But Bree does n’t know this, it ’s still guessing at chirp chirp twitter twitter: “You know it ’s returning to me? Why is this? … Hey, I ’m understood! Do you want to borrow? To please me, come to be the master ?! “

Bray seems to have found a reason to be proud again, and said with a high stance: “I tell you, although I am the most favorite and most infamous Magic Pet, but I want to please me to make the owner feel good about you, this is impossible ! Unless, you can do the following … “

Before waiting for Bree to say “what are the following points”, Angel directly stuffed the mermaid shell into Bree’s chattering mouth and shouted: “Shut up! If you say anything more, I will kill you!” “

Seeing Angel’s eyes really gave birth to some killing intent, Bree quickly withdrew her swollen heart and shut her mouth obediently.

But it was a little puzzled in his heart: Did Angel really simply give this mermaid to it?

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