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When he came to George’s house, Angel saw that he was irritated and writing.

Jordan Knight stood aside, his expression full of helplessness.

“Angel, wait for me a little bit, and it will be fine soon.” George saw Angel come in and said quickly, and then continued to write quickly with a quill pen.

Two minutes later, George put the written one-page letter into the envelope, pressed the ink and handed it over to Jordan: “You are going to Watford immediately, and be sure to hand the letter to the sheriff.”

Jordan was nodded, took the letter and turned away. When passing by Angel, I did not forget to perform a Knight salute.

Listening to the footsteps behind him, Angel raised his head and asked, “George Uncle, it looks like your expression is not good. What happened?”

George sighed: “Well, those who are not in the jurisdiction, seeing that Watford can’t pretend that many refugees, they hit their ideas on the towns under their jurisdiction. Even our small towns have been arranged to Diversion to accept refugees. “

“It’s not that we don’t help. In fact, every day we arrange people to take the initiative to send food to the nearby refugee camp, but some of the thorns in the group are not satisfied with this, and they often come to the town to sneak in with the family. How can we accept such a person? “

“And, most importantly, there is no house in the town of Gru for refugees.” George spit out bitter water: “Only a light sentence above, we have to pay that many costs below, how can there be such a good thing! I The urgent letter I just wrote was a protest to them. “

Angel didn’t know what advice to give after listening. After all, he just came back and didn’t know anything. Moreover, these township affairs are the affair of the sheriff and the landlord, and he is not good enough. Can only be replied: “So, when I go back, let the big brother come over to you to discuss how to deal with this matter.”

“Fortunately, this matter does require Viscount to come up with an idea, after all, it is related to the interests of the entire town.” After George finished speaking, the words changed: “Angel, did you have nothing to do with going home? I kept watching that day Pat Manor found that the sound of hong long long sounded inside. “

Angel thought about it. The so-called booming sound in George’s mouth was probably the sound made by Eureka when she cut off the head of the hill.

“Do you look like I’m fine?”

“It really doesn’t look like that.” George rubbed his chin for a moment, revealing the expression of 8 gossips, and asked, “Then do you know what happened to Pat Manor these years? Why are all the people who come out of it shut their mouths and closed the garden Do n’t let in? “

Seeing Angel in hesitation, George quickly added: “If it’s not easy to say, forget it, anyway, the situation in the town is the same as before.”

“It’s not difficult to say, it may be that there is an extra guest in the manor. And this extraordinaire doesn’t like to have foreign visitors and disturb.”

After George heard it, his eyes flashed. He didn’t ask about the identity of the distinguished guest, but asked about Angel’s intentions around the topic.

“Are you looking for Dulu? He lives next door.” George said as he took out a bag from the drawer and handed it to Angel. There were some Silver Coins in the bag. According to George, it was the money left by the maid maid from a week ago, which meant that Dulu was temporarily living in George’s house. These are the living expenses.

“Chief Mana gave George Uncle, you just take it. And even if you want to pay it back, you give it back to Mana, not me.” Angel put the bag back on the table and followed George to the next door.

Dulu temporarily stayed with Jordan these days. When Angel pushed open the door, he found Dulu sitting on a fluffy animal skin rug and taking a nap.

The opening of the door awakened Dulu, and he looked blankly at 4 Gu. It took a while for the eyes to focus on Angel at the door, confused for a moment, and then remembered that this face seemed to be the real face of Pat Lord. When he was scared, he jumped up and put on his shoes hurriedly to Saluted in front of Angel.

Angel talked with Dulu for most of the day, mainly in other words that he might stay in the town of Gru for a long time, asking whether Dulu intends to stay in the town temporarily, or follow him back to Pat Manor.

After thinking about it, Dulu decided to follow Angel back to the manor. There are many people in the town, and refugees come and harass from time to time. It is impossible for him to calm down and practice the guidance method.

Angel thought about it and agreed.

When taking Dulu back to the manor, Angel explained the situation in the manor roughly, and told him not to go to the Diaojiaolou area, and then pay attention not to provoke Eureka, but the other can be handed over by the manna maid Cháng’ān.

In the past, if an outsider entered the manor and the Owl the Owl hidden in the branches, it was estimated that his temper would explode immediately.

But Angel brought Pat in, but it was on the sidelines, not daring to speak out. In particular, it felt that the gloomy and dull bird in Angel’s pocket was looking at it with the sight of harboring malicious intentions, making it even more afraid to move.

Angel introduced Dulu to the identity of the owl, and then took Dulu to continue walking inside.

In the hallway of the main fort, Angel met the maidservant chief. The Dulu was handed over by the Mana maid, Cháng’ān, to go to the main hall first.

Oli waited outside the hall and saw Angel’s eyes, and quickly followed.

Lyon was already waiting in the hall at this time. When he saw Angel, he stepped forward and gave a big hug. Then he looked curiously at the direction outside the hall.

“Huh, what about Mana? Didn’t I ask her to wait for you at the door?”

“I asked Mana to arrange Dulu’s residence. During this time, Dulu may have lived in the manor.”

Lyon was stunned. When Angel asked him to arrange Dulu a few days ago, he also considered letting Dulu come to the manor, but when he thought of Eureka Lord, he hesitated again.

“Will Eureka Lord object?”

“Relax, I have already spoken to Eureka Lord.”

After taking a seat with Lyon, Angel did not immediately express his intentions, but said George’s troubles.

After listening to Lyon, he also showed a troubled expression and rubbed his temple: “Have these refugees begun to sneak into the room?”

“I heard Palsha said that his cattle were also dragged out by the refugees to be cooked.”

“When I last went out, I just heard that there was a wave of refugees making trouble in Zhenkou. Didn’t expect has developed to this point.” Lyons thought for a moment: “I will see George later.”

“How are you going to deal with these refugees?” Angel looked towards Lyon, he knew exactly what the refugee problem meant for the entire town of Gru. How to deal with these refugees effectively is what Lyon must face now.

Lyon pondered for a moment, “I have some ideas, but I may need to discuss with George, and may also depend on Watford’s attitude.”

paused, Lyon looked at Angel curiously: “My dear younger brother, if it were you, what would you do?”

Angel hardly thought, and said directly:

“From the perspective of Transcending people, this matter is not a problem.” He can even create a prosperous town in a short time and let the refugees stay. He can also go directly to the source and resolve Hailan as soon as possible, and things can end quickly.

“But if you don’t use Transcending, I tend to … quick sword cuts through tangled hemp. Kill the spikes and appease other refugees. Without those spikes, the others will return quickly, and it will not be difficult to solve them by then.”

After listening to Lyon, he glanced at Angel deeply, and said after a while: “I think your behavior has changed a little bit. You wouldn’t say that before.”

Angel: “It’s better to adapt than to change.”

“But that’s fine. I have been worried that you will be emaciated when you are out of kindness, but now it seems that my worry is superfluous.” Lyon stretched out: “Actually, my thoughts are similar to yours. The thorns in the refugees have nothing to fear. Anyway, if you lose them again, you ca n’t lose anything. Then I want to see if they are really ready to lose everything? “

While they were talking about refugees, the curtains of the hall were lifted, and the long maid maid came in.

After seeing the ceremony, the maid maid stood aside.

“Since the maid maid has come and the people are all together, I can say some things.” Angel’s words attracted everyone’s attention.

Lyon also looked towards Angel, waiting for his remarks. But after waiting for a long time, not at all waited for Angel to speak, but when he saw him gently wave a hand, a small person appeared on the table.

It was a small person with a physical appearance and dress similar to them, that is, a figure smaller than a slap. Looking at its appearance, it was a fat middle-aged woman.

After she was released, at first was still a little confused. After a while, she turned to Angel and asked, “Lord, here is …”

“Ku Miao Miao, as accidentally, you will live here in the future.” Angel indifferently said.

Ku Miao Miao is the mother of Ku Doudou. It was the third person in the Soul Garden at the beginning, in addition to Pattaya and Ku Doudou, who surrendered to Angel.

In the Soul Garden, Ku Miaomiao is the village head of Blue Crescent Village, and has a strong ability to dispatch personnel and organize work. Since Barbara left, Angel arranged for her to temporarily replace the patriarch of the Kura Kuka tribe.

Ku Miaomiao’s reaction was a little excited. After all, he stayed in the bracelet for so long, even if there was water and meat, but he always felt lack of freedom. Now I am very happy to learn that I can return to the outside world.

“Angel, what’s the matter with her? Why is it so small?” Lyon pointed at Ku Miaomiao in surprise, his face stunned.

Not only Lyon, Maid Maid and Oli, all looked towards Ku Miaomiao.

Although there are many races in the Magus world, various human races can often be seen on the Continent, so the mortals there are already strange. But in the old soil Continent, here are basically all Homo sapiens. Normally, there is no human race. Coupled with the remote and closed Gru town, all of them saw this kind of creature for the first time.

Oli’s eyes glowed, surprised: “It’s so small, it’s like a fairy in a fairy tale.”

After Angel heard, said with a smile: “Actually, what you said is true. Their family has another nickname, called …”

“Fairy in the attic.”

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