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Although the relationship between the Song of the Deep Sea and the Barbaric Caves is not good now, if the relationship becomes worse, it is caused by him. The group headed by Imagan, who had seen him for so long, would definitely play by the question.

After all, this is a matter related to the 2 Grand Magus organization, and I am afraid that Florence will not be able to protect him.

Under the 2-phase trade-off, it is simple to do Angel, but it will cause no end of trouble. Thinking of this, the killing intent in Sliew’s heart slowly subsided.

However, the arrow is already on the string, so if he closes the arrow, he will damage his prestige.

When Sliu was in trouble, Angel was still performing his own design and tried to find an opportunity to escape.

Jebo saw the plight of Sliu’s difficulty in stepping down. He thought about it for a moment, took the initiative to step forward, and took over the conversation.

“You said that mysterious things are not in your hands, how do you explain why mysterious waves escaped here before?”

When Jiebo spoke, Sliu was sighed in relief, his face pressed back, and he stepped back to the side.

When Slieu withdrew his coercion, Angel thought that “the opportunity is coming” and could take the opportunity to escape.

Ke Jie’s question made him pause, and looked at Jie Bo strangely.

“Just because you felt the fluctuations of mysterious things before, you came running and detained me a lot of unjustifiable charges?” Angel looked towards Jetway.

Jetway turned his head and didn’t look directly at Angel’s eyes, but his attitude was clearly set.

Angel remained silent for a long time and suddenly laughed without warning.

“Yes, I did test mysterious things just now, and I just got them.”

The mysterious thing you just got? Jetway looked at Angel carefully. Although there was no Jianzhen trick, he didn’t think Angel would lie at this time.

However, after carefully reviewing Angel’s remarks, Jebo suddenly froze … When did mysterious things rotten the street, so coincidental? Can you get it casually?

“What are you talking about?”

“Am I lying, you can’t tell?”

Angel’s attitude is frank and impeccable.

Based on the previous details and questions, Jetway has gradually believed that the mysterious fluctuations he felt before may be really wrong.

But Angel, a “new mysterious thing”, got it so coincidentally, and it was a little weird.

“A new mysterious thing? It’s better to take it out and let us appreciate it.” Flashes through a bright light in Crow’s Eye, looked towards Angel.

“Appreciation?” Angel sneered: “The words are really beautiful. However, I don’t think you are appreciating, you want to snatch it? If I don’t hand it over, you will be killed here? Then, continue to give me some peace Do you need to be guilty? “

Faced with Angel’s question, Jetway has some sorry, but Sliu is cold-light glittering, and doesn’t care about the so-called skin. If there is any new mysterious thing, after he obtains it, he may be able to reduce some errors.

Angel looked angry, but he actually calmly observed the attitude of the two people in front of him.

Especially Sliew’s attitude, after all, the other party is the official Magus, he is now in the “rebellious” design, he must grasp the intensity of the words.

Jiebo’s expression seemed guilty, but Sliu was cold and cold. From the perspective of his expression, he probably already weighed his interests and drawbacks after robbing mysterious things.

However, Sliu has not yet done so. It is estimated that he is worried about the special strength of the mysterious thing in his hand. He must first determine the attribute of the mysterious thing.

Angel thought for a while: “I can transfer this mysterious thing I got to you. However, I will not transfer it in vain, after all, this is what I have worked hard to get. As long as you produce a thousand thousand magic crystal, I will immediately Leave it to you. “

Hundred thousand magic crystals are not expensive for mysterious things. He offered this price, and it also happened to let Sliou start thinking. If you can buy it from Angel for a little money, it seems not bad. You do n’t need to commit Angel commit offense too much. Can’t speak.

However, isn’t there a little thousand magic crystal?

Angel’s attitude of neglecting the transfer, coupled with such a low price, made Jiebo and Sliu somewhat confused about his routine.

hundred thousand magic crystal? mysterious thing? Angel himself is also an Alchemy Warlock and should know that these two are simply not equivalent.

However, there are exceptions.

For example, some ribless mysterious things, Sliu almost immediately remembered a mysterious thing, that mysterious thing that only took 10000 magic crystals.

However, for the vast majority of mysterious things, there are still few thousand thousand magic crystals. As long as it is not the one he thinks about, there is still profit.

“Mysterious things are also suitable for not suitable, you may wish to take it out and see, if it is suitable, I don’t mind buying it for collection.”

Because Angel had Zhang Youchi’s attitude before, Sliu knew that he didn’t need to commit commitense too much for the time being, and his words obviously eased a lot.

“Want to take a look? No problem.” Angel took the Dream Conch out of the bracelet and put it in his palm: “This is what I got from Neya today. If you don’t believe it, you may wish to ask her ? “

Jetway immediately turned to look towards the non-existent Neya on the vine, and Neya appeared nodded.

Neya’s performance, you can see Angel not at all lying without the skill of truth.

It seems that the conch-shaped mysterious thing was indeed obtained from Neya. Thinking of this, Jiebo carefully observed the conch in Angel’s palm.

The more he looked, the more he felt that the conch seemed a bit familiar.

“Sliu Lord, I always feel as if I have seen this conch in a book before?” Jie Bo asked with a frown.

Sliu recognized it at a glance. I still thought that as long as it is not the mysterious thing, even if it is tasteless, the hundred thousand is considered to be a profit, but didn’t expect it really.

Sliu sighed: “This is the mysterious thing that was the lowest price in history on the sky auction 30 years ago.”

“Dream conch on the moonlight coast.”

After reminded by Sliu, Jiebo also reacted: “Yes, I remembered it, indeed it was the most useless mysterious thing in the rumor!”

After they said the name of Dream Conch, Angel’s sound came into their ears: “Give me a thousand thousand magic crystal, this thing is yours.”

The appearance of Dream Conch means that Angel’s previous statement has been confirmed.

The mysterious fluctuations that Jetway sensed at the beginning should be Dream Conch. Moreover, Neya can testify about this.

Everything is an oolong. In the end, the result of the oolong is that the commit offense Angel, and lost the previous friendship.

“Hundred thousand magic crystal?” Sliu coldly snorted, and thought secretly: even if it is 10000 magic crystal, I won’t want it.

However, he knew that the commit offense Angel commit offense was a bit cruel, and the contempt for the dream conch in his heart did not need to be placed on the countertop.

Slieu fiercely glared at Jebo and said coldly to Angel: “This Dream Conch is not suitable for me, I don’t want it. Maybe Jebo will need it, after all, he found it.”

Sliou finished speaking, without the slightest hesitation turned into the plane pinch, and a sound came out: “There is no conclusive thing in the future, don’t call me again. Otherwise, even if your mentor is Florence Will give you an unforgettable lesson. “

These remarks were obviously for Jiebo.

Watching Sliew leave, Angel’s crush on the heart of the stone was slightly lowered. Facing Jebo alone, he was not afraid at all.

Jiebo’s complexion became darkness because of what Sliou said before leaving, but in the face of Angel’s indifferent doubt, he must also put on a pleased expression.

If the misunderstanding is resolved, then another of his missions, which was handed over by França to obtain the Alchemy thing that Angel refined and has an effect on the marine lineage, will be placed on the table again. But what he had done before had already consumed the previous friendship, and it was difficult to please him again.

“Do you want more?” Angel shook the dream conch in her hand.

“Don’t want it.” Jiebo didn’t have that many magic crystals on her body, and quickly waved her hand.

Angel sneered, put away the dream conch. Then he pulled out Gondola, came to the attic below, and took Flode, who was still there, to board the ship, and was ready to leave.

This series of actions simply ignored Jetwave.

Jetway hesitated for a moment, and when Angel was about to leave by gondola, he shouted: “It was my fault before, but in fact it was all a misunderstanding.”

Seeing that Angel didn’t pay attention, Jiebo’s expression was heartbroken, and a white soft pouch was taken from the eyebrow: “There are some materials in it, I hope you can accept it. Just, it is an apology I misunderstood.”

Angel glanced quietly at Jetway: “I said before, after this matter, we don’t owe each other.”

“However, I accepted this apology, and I was injured for no reason. This is considered compensation.” Angel said and turned to leave, but after the silhouette of Angel disappeared in front of the sky, a sound transmission fell into the ear of Jebel: ” It ’s okay if you followed me before. But after today, you ’d better not follow me. “

Obviously, in this time, Jetway not only destroyed the previous relationship that was brought closer by means of money, but also because he discovered mysterious fluctuations so quickly and locked Angel as an object, he also exposed his previous tracking of Angel.

In this situation, Jiebo is a little bit doubtful, whether he can still complete the task given by França.


Angel, who was sitting on the flying boat, was also in deep thought.

After this rivalry, Angel also figured out a lot of doubts, and also had a rough guess about what happened after he left the island.

However, what makes Angel feel most horrified is that Jetway has been following him, but he has never found it.

Looking back now, after Ferran Continent left, he felt that there was always a strange energy dissipation on the bottom of the sea. He always thought it was Sea Beast, and it was estimated that it should be Jetway.

As for why Jetway would follow him, the high probability is also because Lucas’ skull was cut off halfway, and he was listed as a suspect.

However, after this incident, Angel also realized that Magus with a long lifespan is not a fool, they are smarter than anyone else.

Like this time, even if his tail is extremely clean, even if he confirms that there is no omission, but as long as there is something wrong, he is included in the tracking Target.

Since then, he must act more carefully. After all, although Magus always has an attitude of arrogance and prejudice, when they really start to fall into the real world, they will never ignore any clues and let anyone go because of arrogance and prejudice.

——The attitude I put out is the Pride I gave birth from in the bones. But my guideline is not to ignore any details I despise because of Pride.

In short, in terms of attitude, we despise others; but in principle, we must pay attention to others.

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