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Could it be that he had always guessed wrong before? At first, the person who intercepted mysterious things halfway through Silver Palm Island was really Angel? !

When Jetway began to think about this, thinking would automatically find that once it did not care, but now it has very problematic details. For example, during the period when mysterious Space opened, Angel did not show up.

When Angel appeared, Bai immediately received news, and Angel’s own statement was closed. But why is it so coincident that it is precisely when the mysterious Space opens that it closes and the mysterious thing disappears and then exits?

Obtaining mysterious things, Angel immediately ran away again, from Ferran Continent to Apocalypse Continent, which made Jetway skeptical. Angel did not dare to test mysterious things in Ferran Continent, because he was still losing music. So he has been patient, until the revelation Continent came, Angel first detected mysterious things.

As for Jetway’s previous thinking, Angel’s retreat period was to test and record his new Alchemy product, which is actually a pseudo-proposition, like the previous speculation that “Angel intercepted mysterious things”. Maybe Angel is not like other Alchemy Warlock, do you have the habit of recording in detail?

Anyway, when Jiebo had a thinking orientation, all kinds of brain-filling plots came. Many reasons that cannot be understood seem to be harmonious in the brain supplement.

In the end, Jetway was basically finalized, and Angel was very likely to take mysterious things. As for what he couldn’t figure out, Jetway ignored it subconsciously.

Thinking of this, Jetway immediately summon out of the One-horned abyssal whale and entered the long river connected to the sea, trying to communicate with the teacher.

However, the One-horned Chasmian Whale was unable to find Forsa at this time. After retreating, Jetway can only send a message to Slieu, who is still in the Devil Sea Territory … to be precise, it is a ride to Sliu’s ride Bicky.

He sent his guess to Slieu. However, Jebo did not say death, and finally hoped that Sliu contacted his mentor, França, and let França predict Magus to lock Angel, to see if mysterious things were on him.

Soon, Sliu responded.

Sliu did not respond via Bicky, but relied on the hyperopia machine produced by Sky Machinery City to connect to Jetway.

At the critical moment, Jiebo did not feel distressed about the 2 magic crystals needed to open the device. Once connected to Slieu, he immediately reported the message again.

“Sliu Lord, these all are my guess. There are some details that cannot be justified, so I hope Lord can contact the instructor and let Magus predict the final details.” Jie Bo respectfully said.

After listening to Sliu, he did not respond immediately, but his eyes rolled around, “This is not busy first. Since you have discovered mysterious fluctuations, I think Angel should not be running. While he is using it now When the mysterious thing is, you go immediately to cut it off, and I will rush over through the plane. “

Jiebo thought about it and thought it would work. He may not be able to block Angel’s speed, and Slieu Lord is present so that at least Angel can be prevented from running away.

“I see, I’m going to San Seim to hold him now.” Jay nodded should be, at this time he can’t care about the so-called relationship with Angel.

Sliu: “Remember to liberate your One-horned Abyssal Whale, I need to locate your position by its coordinates.”

Jiebo nodded, directly turning the One-horned abyssal whale into its original body shape. The huge whale immediately covered the sky above Bolai Town, but it was already night and there were not many people who found the sky abnormal.

Jetway manipulated the One-horned chasing whale and flew to the city of San Seme.

However, Slieu, who is far away from the Devil Sea Territory, entered the plane without the slightest hesitation. The reason why he did n’t want to notify França is that he wanted to get mysterious things first, and then report it. It will be bigger and can make up for some of his previous faults.

However, Sliu was didn’t expect. He did so by helping Angel. If it is predicted that Magus will lock Angel, it will naturally stimulate the bloody night shelter and find that Angel cannot be detected, which may deepen the suspicion of Angel.

By the time Slieu hurried on the plane, Jaipur had arrived in the city of San Seme.

St. Sam ’s City is close to the town of Bolai, a huge capital with nearly 1000000 people. Unlike Borai town at night, basically no one is outside. The night of St. Sam ’s City is a time when literati and elegant guests love to go out for inspiration.

Therefore, the huge whale that Jetway rode on was immediately discovered by the 100 surnames who were traveling at night. Word gets around. Soon, everyone noticed the whale in the sky comparable to the island. Everyone had a fear on their faces. After living for decades, they saw the terrifying giant beast for the first time.

Is the end coming to St. Sam’s City?

Faced with the threat of life, they also ignored the decency of the literati and began to frighten and scream.

At this time, in an elegant and scented room in the Imperial Palace, Angel was sitting leisurely at the table, holding a conch in his hand. There were 2 people sitting opposite him, a man and a woman. The man is Frode, and the woman is a middle-aged beautiful woman named Neya.

Frode is telling Neya about her story. Neya seems to be chatting with Freud, but her eyes are thrown at Angel and the conch in his hand from time to time.

Conch looks like ordinary conch, but its color is pure black, with a little yellow spot on it, like a starry sky at midnight. At the other end of the conch, in addition to the light like a star, there is a curved crescent.

With crescent moon and starry sky, this conch has a pure black background and looks very artistic.

It is precisely because of this sense of literature and art that Neya has selected it for collection in the item collected by the bitter berry Knight under his hand.

But what made her didn’t expect is that this is actually a mysterious thing, although it is just a very sweet “dream moon snail on the coast of the moon”, but it is also a mysterious thing after all. At first, sky auction can sell 10000 magic crystals, and now it is estimated to have a value of 7 8,000 magic crystals. This is a huge sum of money for Niya which has never been seen before.

However, now the founder of Dream Conch is here. Not only that, but also brought a big man in the Alchemy world to ask for it.

Originally, they wanted to resist, but the people of the Imperial Family Magus group came out and brought a team of 100 Transcending racial Knights. Fish and sheep slaughtered by man.

Unable to fight and win, Li couldn’t stand. Neya walked out of the hiding place in desperation, first praised Angel, and finally returned the dream conch.

Before handing over, she did not know the specifics of Dream Conch. After handing over, she learned that it was a mysterious thing. Although I regretted it, it quickly recovered.

Don’t look at the revelation Continent is very remote, but the news is not a block. She also knows that the new star in the recent Alchemy world is Angel who is asking for the dream conch. She knows very well that Dream Conch is just a research material for Alchemy Warlock like Angel. If you have a forced rebellion, she actually hopes to make such an Alchemy Warlock.

It’s not a loss, anyway, Dream Conch has been in her hands for so long, and it’s okay to return it to Frode. Neya thought so, and her mind slowly relaxed.

On the other side, Angel took the dream conch and carefully observed the structure of the dream conch.

According to Frode, the dream conch can only be activated if it has dream-like energy.

Frode is now dead, and the only energy available is soul force. Dream Conch is definitely unusable. Angel can’t learn the tricks related to dreams in a short time, so he can only test the Dream Conch with all kinds of energies he can with a bet mentality to see if there is any energy that can activate it.

Neither elemental energy, nor Illusion technique, or even the energy of food can activate the dream conch.

When Angel thought that Dream Conch might not be activated for a while, the power of nightmare surprised him.

Nightmare activates Dream Conch!

Although Angel does not know why Nightmare can activate Dream Conch, this question can be put aside for now. What he needs now is to try the function of Dream Conch and to understand its mysterious power.

The strange mysterious wave of Dream Conch, after activation, began to spread to all around. It was also at this time that Neya was sure that Frode was right. This was the most mysterious thing in the legend.

“Can this only pull non-living bodies into dreams?” Although Angel had already understood the effect, he couldn’t help confirming to Flode again.

Frode nodded: “Yes, ignoring class, can pull all non-living bodies into dreams. It also has a certain effect on human sleep.”

Angel’s eyes wandered around 4 times, and finally fixed her eyes on the round table in front of them.

“Try to pull the table into the dream.” Angel muttered, trying to use the nightmare to start the dream conch.

at first He hasn’t grasped the trick, how to pull the non-living body into a dream. Later, under the direction of Frode, he successfully pulled the table into his dream.

A wonderful mysterious force wrapped the table. Soon, the mysterious force disappeared, but the table was still in place.

“Is this successful?” Angel looked puzzled. Why didn’t the table look the same? The mysterious power was just too perfunctory just now, as if it just disappeared after a walk.

Even if it’s a gust of wind, it’s time to start the ripples!

“Successful.” Frode was determined.

“Then you have to go to the dream to see if there is a table in the dream?” Angel asked.

Frode shook his head: “generally speaking, you can’t see the table in your dream.”


“If you think of a dream as a realm, then it is indefinite. And the dream of an ordinary person is actually the feedback of memory fragments. If you cannot complete the dream, you cannot integrate it into the world of the dream.” Magus Apprentice, whose nickname was “reading dreams” during his lifetime, has done a lot of research on dreams.

“And, even if the dream is complete, it is not always possible to enter the realm of the dream. After all, everyone can have a complete dream, and in other words, everyone can enter the dream. But why their dream, But it ’s not connected? There are actually some secrets. “

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