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In the presence of Frode, Angel used the previous contract as a model and re-filled a contract clause.

——If there is a change on the basis of the original contract, any turning point occurs in the middle, depending on the situation at the time of turning point, and the corresponding amount of commitment is owed.

In fact, the newly added clauses still have many loopholes. However, Frode and Angel had reached a basic consensus before this, and Frode once again witnessed World’s Will and made a promise, so they did not care about those loopholes.

Angel ’s request is not difficult: “If you need me to do it, then you automatically owe me a promise. As for this promise, I can guarantee that a proposal made without a precondition of your safety and freedom A simple request that exceeds your ability. “

Frode thought about it and agreed. Because he knows his own value very well, in his limited value, Angel can not help much. If you want to come, it won’t be too difficult even if Angel asks for it.

After the pledge was signed, Angel leaned on the sidelines, leaving a gap for Frode to communicate with Shanny and Yada.

When he was sleeping, Angel was also thinking about the value of Flode.

When at First Angel proposed to sign the new contract supplementary clause, it was entirely because he was not happy that the promise made by Frode had not been fulfilled. To be honest, he did not at all thought about what Frode had to do.

Because he is also very clear, Frode’s value is actually very limited.

Today, Flode, as a thug, is not good. As assistants, they also have no basis for mutual trust. Probably the most valuable is the knowledge in his mind. But before Frode spent more than half a year in the church of the dead, he had never coveted Frode’s knowledge, let alone now.

Angel thought about it and didn’t figure out what to do with Flode. Finally, he shook his head and put it aside temporarily.

It’s not too late to get the Dream Conch back in hand, and then to say anything else, otherwise everything will be in vain.

Freud’s reminiscence is not at all too long. After Dulu’s woke up, Frode also chatted with Shanny and Yada.

Facing Dulu who was still pale, Frode apologized deeply to him. At the same time, in Du Lu’s obsessive eyes, Frode introduced himself in a short language.

Dulu also stuttered about his identity.

“It turned out to be the innate skill.” Flode looked at the Water Element that was faintly surrounded by Dulu’s body, and praised Dulu’s innate skill in his heart.

On the other hand, after learning about Floyd’s identity, Dulu, besides being suspicious, was more disturbed in his heart. His eyes were trembling and looked towards Mr. Pat ’s direction. Before that, he was shocked and frightened 2 times. Mr. Pat criticized him decisively. As a result, he did n’t learn a lesson. The last time he actually even Frode He did n’t even see before and he fainted … When he thought of this, Dulu felt dull, and maybe he was at Mr. Pat ’s.

Dulu swallowed and moved to Angel’s side, apologizing.

Angel’s expression was very cold: “I didn’t think you would be afraid of ghosts when you were at sea. But anyway, the courage can be tempered. You don’t need to apologize to me.”

Dulu felt a little calm when he heard Angel’s words. But the next second, he felt too naive.

“I will leave with Flode for a while. During this time, I will stay in this orphanage and wait for me.” Angel said, smiling a malicious smile at Dulu. “If you can’t bear it, you can leave the orphanage ~ but only if you go out.”

Dulu suddenly shivered and stammered: “Lord, what is inheritance … can’t bear it?”

“You will be understood at that time. Do you have dry food on your side? You can make it yourself with water, so you can go live with it.”

Come on to live? ! Dulu’s heart was awkward, and a bad hunch rose from the heart.

As if there was a snake, at Darkness, si si spit out the snake letter, staring at him faintly.

Dulu leaned aside, and Frode stepped forward with a smile: “It seems that Mr. Pat loves Dulu very much.”

“Nature is love, after all, it is the mainstay of the future of the barbaric cave.” Angel took a casual sentence, and then said resolutely: “You have finished recounting the old, should you prepare to leave?”

Flod nodded: “You can go now, but can sir help Shanny …”

Frode glanced at Shanny trapped in the blood, with hope in her eyes, the meaning is self-evident

Without waiting for Angel to answer, the other side of Dulu suddenly glared at Angel while pleading. He knew that he would stay in the orphanage for the time being, and he naturally did n’t want to be with a blood butcher who was killing people like scything flax. It would be better if Sunny could stay here.

Angel received the signal from Dulu, but he ignored it directly and nodded and said to Flode: “Yes.”

Angel walked in front of Sunny and looked at Sunny who had a slightly more embarrassed expression than before, indifferently said: “I can let you out, but I need you to play a little game with this silly big man, how?”

“Stupid?” Shanny looked puzzled.

Angel pointed to Dulu who was shiver coldly in the corner.

“What game?” Shanny didn’t refuse, not to mention that Angel saved Frode, Angel’s terrifying strength alone would not allow Shanny to be qualified for rejection.

Angel pondered for a moment: “This game name, I think about it … simply called the dawning murderous intention nightmare orphanage?”

When Angel and Shanny talked about the natural law of the game, Dulu looked towards Floyd with help-seeking eyes. He knew that Floyd and Shanny seemed to have a good relationship …

“Relax, Shanny won’t kill you.” Frode only expressed such a sentence.

This makes Dulu more trembling in fear.

Dulu turned to look towards Yada who had been obediently standing in the corner. He hid sadly behind Yada. Yada comforted Dulu softly: “It doesn’t matter, Shanny is actually very good. Really … really If not, you can hide in my house. “

“Your home?”

Yada yelled, “This building is Shanny’s site. My site is in the playground behind. Shanny doesn’t usually come to the playground.”

“Playground? Do you usually sleep on the playground?” Dulu looked sympathetic.

Yada didn’t care much: “I think the playground is very good. There are small wooden horses, slides, and sometimes wild cats. I used to see the crowd outside through the playground, but now it is deserted. Now … “

The more Dulu listened, the more distressed Yada was. What kind of life do these little brats usually live? There is no good day when they are alive, and it is so miserable to die. It is also due to his innocence of temperament, otherwise, if transpositional thinking, Dulu may not be able to persevere not to fall.

At the same time, Angel has also finished speaking. By destroying the energy node, the blood array is easily erased.

But after erasing the blood array, Angel left a little blood and identified it with the eyes of Nalda.

The result of the appraisal Angel didn’t pay attention to it for the time being, but walked to Dulu and said to him: “I have already said to Sunny that she will chase you down during this time, I hope you can live … Oh, yes By the way, Yada ’s playground is your Safety Sector, and Sunny will not attack you when you are on the playground. “

Upon hearing this statement, Drew eyes shined, wouldn’t he stay in Yada’s playground all the time?

But in the next second, Angel caught Demon’s smile: “But Yada’s playground is only open for 6 hours before dawn every day. As for other times, you can’t get in.”

As Angel said, he released a large number of Illusion technique nodes from his fingertips.

In just a few minutes, the entire range of the orphanage was made into a dark playground by the Illusion technique.

Angel patted Dulu’s shoulder: “I left some eggs in the illusion, maybe it will be useful to you. By the way, come on and live.”

After all, Angel and Flode looked at each other and the two moved towards the door towards the door.

On the other side, Dulu was staring at Sunny. Sunny raised a smile full of paradox and blood: “Ten minutes later, the game began …”


When he left the orphanage, Frode couldn’t help but look back.

The orphanage covered by the thick fog was strangely full of children’s laughter. That kind of laughter is not caused by two people at all … If a mortal unfortunately breaks in at this time, probably he will find that he is not entering an orphanage, but a World full of ghosts and ghosts.

The eggs that Angel has left for Dulu are not necessarily good, and there are new executioners made by the Illusion technique.

“Mr. Pat, is this really okay?”

“Relax, you can’t die anyway, and Shanny will be well-balanced.” Angel shrugged, just to experiment, and use this “mini-game” to replace the possibility of 9-cabin blood fighting.

After Frode heard this, he said nothing more. He was a little guilty for Dulu, so he asked more.

He also understood that Angel was actually for the sake of Dulu, but that little game … Flod shook his head, which was more psychologically stressful when being chased than visually terrifying.

If Frode can really support it, it will be of great help to him in the Magus world.

Angel took out Gondola, greeted Flode to board the ship, and moved all the way towards Saint Seim, the capital of the Central Empire.

On the ship, Frode first expressed some shock at Gondola’s appearance. Seeing that Angel’s expression had not changed, he casually found a topic:

“Mr. Pat, I think the previous illusion test you designed in the orphanage is very interesting. In fact, if the Dream Conch can create a world, it can be moved into it, and it will be a long-term test for some innate skills.”

Angel looked at Frode and talked, but he was wondering, did he copy some of Game’s novels from Earth to Frode?

It seems like not at all. The books he made in the illusion are either transfiguration or traditional literature. There are hardly any books that reveal the existence of technological civilizations in different Magus circles.

But what Flode said is very similar to the game plot.

“I used to think that Frode’s research report was like a virtual reality, but now it has evolved into a game.” Angel tsk tsk 2 sounds, feeling a little emotional about Frode’s thinking jump.

“Mr. Pat, what are you talking about?” Frode wondered.

“Nothing, although the scenario you conceived is interesting, but the premise is that Dream Conch can be combined with the illusion. I think that the possibility is not too high.” Angel said: “And, the bigger premise is that we need to have Dream Conch Row.”

As soon as Frode was suffocated, Angel seemed right. Without Dream Conch, everything was said in vain.

“My instinct tells me that the Dream Conch must have not been sent away.” Flod looked towards the prosperous city of San Seme in the distance, very determined.

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