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Perhaps it is because of the identity of Shawa, or perhaps the gentleman who has been reforming alone, looking forward to sharing his achievements with others.

So, along the way, Angel didn’t even ask, and Gentleman took the initiative to make a general overview of these monsters and said it.

The core of the monster transformation mastered by the boiling gentleman lies in the power stove.

On the black and white maid, the power furnace is the heart; on the bone leopard, the power furnace is the glowing metal ball in its belly skeleton.

At first, the power stove looks a bit similar to the power source in Angel.

The power source is actually the source of strength for maintaining Transcending energy efficiency.

For example, an Alchemy prop suddenly loses its intended effect. The reasons are generally two cases, either the Alchemy prop itself is damaged, or the consumption source of power to maintain the Alchemy prop’s effect is exhausted.

The concept of this power source is a bit similar to a battery. Its appearance is to enable a kind of efficiency to be turned on, supplemented or endured.

Generally speaking, most of the power sources used by Magus are magic crystals.

The power furnace is a bit of a magic crystal. By burning the power furnace, it can continuously supply energy to the bone leopard. Therefore, in Angel’s opinion, the power output of the power furnace is similar to that of the power source.

But with the gentleman’s explanation of the power stove, Angel found some obvious differences. The objects of the power furnace are all creatures.

The object of the power source basically has no creature body. Even if it is some fleshy body puppets made by mechanical Alchemy Warlock that use a power source as the core, they can only be counted as a semi-mechanical man, and cannot be completely called a creative body.

Moreover, when the energy of the power source is supplied to the creature body, media conversion is required.

For example, all Magus know that there is active energy in the magic crystal, but no Magus will choose to directly absorb the energy in the magic crystal, because the energy in the magic crystal does not fit its own energy system, and it is not pure. Only through some special media, the impurities in the energy are expelled, can it act on itself.

The energy output by the power furnace is directly into the creature within the body, and participates in the energy cycle of the within the body. This point is far from the power source!

Angel heard the bright rays of light flashing in his eyes after he heard the summary of the power stove.

no doubt! If an atypical power source such as a power furnace can be mastered by Magus, this can not only change the current form of Magus’ energy application, it may even change the cultivation method!

Maybe, you can directly draw energy from the power furnace for cultivation, to achieve the purpose of rapid promotion!

Angel thought more and more that the power stove was useful, and her curiosity about the power stove reached peak.

Rare gentleman is rarely recognized because of technology, and that he is also the honorable Lord Shawa, so the more excited the more, the more I hope to immediately put out the various power stoves he cherishes.

However, even if you are eager to show your results, you must first return to the transformation laboratory.

The Midge Corridor is a very long labyrinth. Even if Gentleman Boil is very familiar with the route here, it takes a while to return to the transformation laboratory quickly.

On the way to the reform laboratory of the boiling gentleman, Angel is also observing the candle corridor. From time to time, some modified monsters will pop up. These modified monsters are not only black panthers, but also many grotesquely shaped postures, and even a head. The void slugs that occupy almost the entire corridor of Space, like a python, can’t see the end at a glance.

These all are the monsters captured by the gentleman from in the sky, they stay in the candlelight corridor, once outsiders invade, they will become the front line of defense.

In addition to the transformation of monsters, some doors appeared from time to time in the hallway of the Fan Candle Corridor. Some of these doors are disguised as monster mouths. Once they enter the door, it is equivalent to entering the belly of the monster. Some are really rooms in the corridor, but these rooms are not safe enough, and some resurrection monster statues will appear inside. And the paradox of living in painting.

However, for Angel, these monster statues and paradoxes are relatively safe. Because they are all nightmare monsters, they are naturally suppressed by Shawa’s identity. Unlike transforming monsters, they don’t care who Angel is.

After walking around 20 corridors with the boiling gentleman, it took nearly half an hour for the gentleman to finally stop at an inconspicuous doorway.

“Here is my remodeled laboratory.” Boss gentleman pointed to the doorway.

Hearing the gentleman’s words, Angel’s expression was calm and nodded, but there was a sigh of lament in his heart. This candle corridor was even harder to go than he had imagined. It took so long for the gentleman to lead him, if Magus in the Savage Cave Attacking here, it is estimated that it will stay in this endless maze forever.

The boiling gentleman opened the door, revealing a dark channel.

Angel was about to walk in with the boiling gentleman, but suddenly smelled a gust of wind.

The wind came from the left hand side, and Angel looked over. But I saw a corner not far from the left hand side. There were candles rays of light shining at the corner, and a vague shadow could be seen behind the corner.

Firelight pulled the shadow very long, and it looked a little scary.

The gentleman boiling also noticed Angel’s gaze and explained casually: “There is a mother of twisted seeds in the corridor over there, which is responsible for controlling the nightmares in the dark dream tunnel outside.”

The mother of twisted seeds? And … the nightmare in the dark dream tunnel?

Angel suddenly realized what the gentleman said was the nightmare. Is it the monsters hidden in the darkness that he encountered when he followed the tutor and the lord Rhein into the ruins?

If it is really the monsters hiding in the dark, does that mean …

“Over there is the exit of Demiplane?” Angel asked with some restrained emotion, pretending to be calm.

The gentleman boiling did not doubt that he was there, nodded and said: “Yes, there is not far from the exit of the land of Chennai.”

really! There is really an exit there!

Angel heartbeat throbbed, after he was dragged into the Dolling Garden, he had been trying every way to leave this ruin, now only a few steps away!

Angel wanted to leave immediately, but he knew he was in a hurry. He is still playing Shawa now, continue to follow Shawa’s script …

He had said at the dinner before that he was interested in the twisted seeds, so even if he were to leave now, he had to follow the gentleman to see the twisted seeds.

At least one pass.

Angel thought about this, hiding the glaring light in his eyes, indifferently said: “I am also very interested in the twisted species, since it is the mother of the twisted species, I wonder if I can go over and see?”

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