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Angel knew very well that these 5 mushrooms of different colors were the ecstasy eye drops given to him by Nuka. In exchange for Angel’s promise, to participate in the banquet on the day of the moon sacrifice.

Even if Angel is very resistant and wants to refuse, but it can’t resist this temptation.

When these five mushroom larvae want to become pendants and stick to themselves, Angel does not repel it, which also represents his acquiescence.

This acquiescence does not mean that Angel agreed to Nuka’s proposal, but in Nuka’s view, this is already in a good direction.

Nuka did not continue to ask, and still smiled and Angel pushed the cup for another.

Because Nuka asks for herself, Angel also took this opportunity to understand some aspects of Xinnai from the side.

With the understanding of the land of Xinnai, Angel’s heart is getting heavier and heavier.

The dinner ended after 2 hours, the first came to Davasia, and the first to leave was Davasia. Davasia didn’t talk to anyone else on the field, only to Angel, if you want to find him, go to Rainbow Mountain, he will prepare the most abundant candy feast for Angel.

The black and white maid also said goodbye to Angel after Davasia left.

Probably because their masters are asking for Angel, the attitude of the black and white maid is obviously more eager than when they first saw it. However, the farewell words look very enthusiastic, but carefully pondering their meaning, compared to Davasia, it is still too vulgar.

“I am very fortunate to have a feast with the respected Lord Shava. I hope to have the opportunity to hold a grand dinner for Lord Shava in Cape Bye or the sunken cemetery.”

The black and white maid is still turning around, hoping that Angel will agree to Nukka’s proposal and participate in the feast on the day of the moon sacrifice.

Angel’s remarks on this, but only laughed.

Not to mention whether or not to promise Nuka, Angel said that it was strange to go to the sinking cemetery for the dinner …

Menawaro also retired immediately, perhaps because “commit offense” Angel was at the banquet. Although Menawaro was a fanatic of Nouka, his farewell was quite satisfactory, not at all. The black and white maid puts forward some additional suggestions to Angel.

He bowed to Angel, then glared at the gentleman, and Menavaro finally disappeared slowly at the end of the promenade.

Today, all that remains in the hall are Angel, Boo Gentleman, Nukka, and the host, Madam.

The boiling gentleman finally drank a glass of unknown wine, and then stood up to say goodbye. Angel saw it and immediately stood up: “I’m going with you, just to see the twisting seeds.”

By the way, leave this dangerous ruin. Angel in the heart said silently.

The gentle gentleman could not be refused naturally. His interest in the twisted seeds also made him feel a great honor.

However, when Angel was about to leave with Gentleman Boo, Nuka, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Sovereign Shava, are you going to take it with you?”

Nuka’s eyes were placed on the spotted little milk dog in Angel’s arms.

Angel stopped and quietly looked towards Nuka: “What does Minister Nuka mean?”

Nuka shook her head: “It’s nothing, I just heard some rumors from Lord Shava.”

What specific rumors, Nuka not at all said, but instead turned back and returned to the Dalmatian: “It was sneaked out again at this time. If it is not sent back in time, Minister Diem estimates that it will pass soon The channel of the Cross is here. “

Angel did not speak, and continued to wait for Nuka’s remarks.

Nuka indifferently said: “After all, the Dalmatian is the first weapon under the arms minister.”

Angel’s pupil shrank suddenly. Although he had heard of Minister Diem, he still knew for the first time that the category of Minister Diem was Minister of Arms!

The Dalmatian is the first weapon of the Minister of Weapons! This may sound incredible, but Angel knows how powerful the Dalmatian is, so it makes sense.

“The idea of ​​Minister Diem is estimated to be difficult to get the approval of Lord Shava. If Lord Shava does not want to see Minister Diem, it is better to return the Dalmatians in time to avoid his coming.”

Nuka did n’t say that Minister Diem had any specific ideas, but Angel vaguely felt that Nuka had hidden meaning, maybe Shawa and Diem are giving tit for tat?

Nuka may be able to treat Shawa calmly, but Diem might do something about Shawa?

Angel’s thoughts turned quickly. He wasn’t sure whether Nuka said it was true, but Angel confirmed that he could avoid seeing other ministers of the nightmare, and try to avoid it as much as possible.

Even if Nuka lied, Diem and Shawa didn’t have any conflicts, but Angel hadn’t thought about it, and would meet Diem now.

Don’t look at the dinner 2 hours before, Angel responded very easily. Only he knew that every sentence he said was carefully designed, and he had to react immediately and quickly figure out how to deal with his identity without doubt.

This is a very difficult and tiring thing, like a clown dancing on a colored ball. If you lose your balance, you will fall to the ground. Not only will you drop a vest, but you will also be threatened by your life.

Before facing Nuka, Angel can gradually find some clues from other guests at the banquet. When Nuka arrives, Angel has established a general designation of Nuka in the heart and has a charter to deal with it. .

But Diem and Angel didn’t know their character at all. Even if Nuka said that Diem and Shava were not the same in concept, but Shawa had any ideas, how did he know?

Therefore, in the face of a completely unknown minister, even if Minister Diem was not malicious to Shawa, Angel did not want to see him.


Angel lowered his head and looked at the Dalmatian in his arms.

He really wanted to abduct the Dalmatians.

This Dalmatian, in his view, is a living mysterious book. If you can truly observe the secrets of Dalmatians, maybe in the future when he wants to create mysterious things, it will be of great help.

Moreover, Dalmatians are still … the first weapon.

The temptation is greater.

Angel’s eyelids drooped, covering the changes in her eyes. After a complicated psychological struggle, he finally decided to compromise.

He really likes Dalmatians, not to mention the functionality. The intimacy of the other party and his ability to resist the pressure from Nuka’s body are enough to make Angel want to abduct it.

But Angel still can’t take the Dalmatians away. Minister Diem is on the one hand. On the other hand, Angel doesn’t feel that his strength can keep the Dalmatians.

After weighing the 2 phases, Angel decided to follow Nukka’s advice.

However, Angel didn’t plan to let the Dalmatians go immediately, at least … wait until he left the Dolling Garden first, after all, the pressure around Nuka’s body, not at all weakened. He also needs the Dalmatians to block the pressure, otherwise his image will not be able to play.

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