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Menavaro continued to explain the progress of the Cross, and also mentioned some major and minor events that occurred during the construction process.

Among them, the Dalmatian was specifically mentioned.

When Menavalo talked about the Dalmatians, his eyes were rather awkward. This is probably the most absurd thing that happened when he came to guard the cross.

——Illegal immigrants from the nightmare world.

Moreover, these Illegal immigrants are still Dalmatians!

In the eyes of Menavaro, this is something weird.

Because the Creatures of Dire Realm basically don’t like to come to Magus Realm, there is no Dire Realm breath, even in Demiplane, their strength will be reduced a lot. Even Menawaro himself would not have thought of coming here if he were not to follow in the footsteps of Nukka Lord.

Because of this, the spotted dog’s “smuggling” is really unbelievable.

Most importantly, Dalmatians is the most distressed pet of Minister Diem. Why did he sneak into the Magus world?

Menavalo asked the question in his heart while talking about the Dalmatian.

Nuka heard Menavaro ’s question and twisted his beard to glance at the Dalmatian in Angel ’s arms, with small eyes hidden in a faint mood: “I met Minister Diem before he came, when he met It was mentioned that the Dalmatian is too indulgent and runs around in the inner zone. Why does it sneak here, I do n’t know, I have to ask him. Or … “

Nukka looked towards Angel: “Your Excellency Shava may know the answer.”

Menavalo also looked towards Angel, although he did not ask, but his eyes were full of curiosity.

After the Dalmatian slipped out of the nightmare channel, like a sharp arrow, moved towards the outside of the cross. Menawa Logan couldn’t catch up. After searching for a long time in the place of Chennai, he didn’t find the spot of Dalmatians. When he came here, he found that they were comfortably in the arms of His Excellency Shawa.

Calculated from the time, after it slipped out of the cross, it did not go anywhere else, and went straight to the Douling Garden, as if it was for Lord Shava.

Looking at the Dalmatian who was caressed by the Lord Shava to become a little pig, Menavaro in the heart secretly: not like it seems, this guy simply came towards the Lord Shawa.

So, Lord Shava may really know the reason.

Angel was secretly listening to the news of the cross, how didn’t expect, suddenly he became the focus, everyone looked at him.

Although they saw Dalmatians next to Angel, not at all said more; but that was only because of the identity of Lord Shava, in fact, they all had doubts in their hearts, and now Nuka Lord is taking the lead to ask, they naturally hope Can get rid of doubts. After all, Dalmatians are the first weapon in the hands of the minister of weapons.

Feeling everyone’s eyes looking at him, Angel suppressed the slightly panicked mood and opened the mouth and said lightly: “It’s also beyond my expectations.”

Angel’s answer, it is naturally impossible to convince other guests, but Shawa’s identity is there, he is willing to answer already very nice, they are not good to continue to ask. Only way, maybe there is an inside story here, and Lord Shava didn’t want to say that’s all.

Menavaro: “Lord, this is the situation at the Cross.”

Nuka nodded, although something happened to Dalmatians, but the cross is generally satisfied with Nuka, after all, the cross is the most important area, responsible for the core work of the advent of Chennai.

After everyone said it, Nuka looked towards Angel: “Sir Shawa, what suggestions can you make about the progress of the construction of the land of Chennai?”

“The construction of the Xinnai is now proceeding step by step. Blind advice is not a good thing.” Angel paused said again: “And, as I heard it, everyone is on duty very well, at least I didn’t find any Suggestable place. “

Angel actually wants to pick out some loopholes, it is best not to have any conscience. But he also knew that this was obviously impossible. Earlier Nukka said that Xin Nai came to the Queen for approval. Angel no longer has confidence in the identity of “Shawa” and knows that his status is definitely no better than that of the Queen. Now that the female Royal Capital agrees, if Shava sings a contradiction, he is estimated to become a funny deity.

Unable to stop Xin Na from coming, Angel naturally cannot help with advice. Even if he really heard something wrong, he would only secretly applaud instead of thinking about saying it to give them a chance to change it.

Even more how, he really didn’t hear any bad flaws.

“It seems that Lord Shava is very appreciative of the advent of Xinna, so I am more at ease. After all, Lord Shava is more familiar with the advent.” Nukka grinned his narrow mouth, and seemed to feel emotionally It was smiling, but it looked strangely weird.

Shawa is very familiar with “advent”? Angel doesn’t know if Nuka is tempting now, or whether Shava is really familiar with the coming.

The only reaction he can do is to laugh. Do not deny or confirm.

“I am very happy that the construction of the land of Chennai can be affirmed by His Excellency Shawa. However, now that the land of Chennai has arrived, there is also a trace of lack. If you can get the help of Shawa …”

Angel looked at the flames on the candlestick, his expression looked calm, but his heart was secretly:


His participation in this dinner was completely passive. Until now, he didn’t know why he appeared here.

But there is no doubt that Nuka must know everything.

There must be some reason for Nuka ’s invitation to come here; because of doubts about his identity, or is there another purpose?

For now, Nuka not at all has made too many tentative attempts on his identity. It seems that he has been recognized as Shawa. So, to dispel the suspicion of identity, Nuka held this dinner, perhaps it is hoping to grab some benefits from “Shawa” and achieve its own purpose?

So, when Nuka suggested that Shawa needed help, Angel immediately responded.

Why would Nuka invite himself to participate in this dinner? It is estimated that the moment when the answer was revealed was reached.

Angel raised her eyebrows slightly, and a light green light circulated in her right eye: “Need my help? Let’s listen.”

Nukka: “This is the case. Your Excellency Shava should have heard about the coming of the Akana Labyrinth that Menawaro said …”

Nuka did not conceal, and accompanied by the candlestick’s obscure fire, he slowly revealed what he asked for.

Before Nuka did n’t reveal the answer, various speculations flashed in Angel ’s mind: “Shawa” was very close to human beings. The nightmare creature should have known for a long time Or today’s fans of the Golden Lady, the Boiling Gentleman, etc. should all see the picture of Shava and human beings coexisting; therefore, Angel even speculates whether Nuka wants to make herself a traitor.

But after listening to Nuka’s remarks, Angel’s expression was dumbfounded.

What Nuka asked for was incredible.

“Arkana’s Labyrinth is coming soon. But Lord Shava should also be clear that I don’t have too many people here to take charge of the Labyrinth area, so …” Nuka’s eyes slowly dropped on Angel.

“So, do you want me to be at the Akana Labyrinth?” Angel showed a faint smile, even slightly mocking in his eyes.

Even if Angel was stupid, he knew that Shawa ’s identity must be much higher than that of the so-called Minister of Agriculture. Nowadays, Nuka let himself go to guard the Akana Labyrinth, at least from the perspective of respect, it is definitely unfit. Even, it was an insult to Shawa.

Since Angel wants to play the role of a good Shava, even if there is something else in her heart, at least her expression must show Wrath.

But pure Wrath seems to be a bit disqualified. With sarcasm, it is more suitable for people.

Nuka: “Please do n’t be angry, Your Excellency Shawa, I do n’t mean to let you go to guard the Akana Labyrinth, mainly because I lack some manpower on this side, I hope I can get some men from you to serve as this important rule . “

Angel’s expression softened slightly when he heard this.

But, let his hands come down to take over the Akana Labyrinth … Angel also thinks that if someone can be stationed here, there is a chance of destruction.

But where did he find his men? Perhaps he could find a lot of humans, but Angel knew very well that Nuka wanted nothing more than a human, but a nightmare within the realm, under the hands of Shawa.

Angel So far, even Shawa is still confused, let alone to understand Shawa’s men.

Moreover, if Shawa’s men really see him, it is estimated that his identity will soon be dismantled. After all, he is not a real Shawa.

“It’s not even a matter of this. No one should be interested in this place.” Angel hesitated 3 times, and still rejected this extremely tempting proposal. Although he really wanted to ask, let a watchman come here to watch and do not work … this watchman naturally refers to Sanders, but Angel did not ask in the end, after all, he would n’t pit himself, nor would he pit his mentor. The strength of the people present at the scene, in Angel’s opinion, even the fans are estimated to be similar to Sanders, here is simply a big Fire Pit, whoever comes to burn.

“Aiya, Aiya, Lord Shava was right, who would be interested here …” Angel tone barely fell down, the gentleman sitting on his right side said.

The gentleman’s words also attracted several other guests. Among them, the black and white maid and Menawaro are not nodded, but they are actually recognized in their hearts.

——Everyone stays well in the nightmare world, who wants to come here.

For the nightmare creature, other places outside the nightmare world are nowhere.

Nuka naturally understands the mood of the crowds. He also has many subordinates in the nightmare world. Those who are willing to come with him are black and white maids, fans of the golden lady and Menawaro.

“Since Lord Shava has said so, let this matter be put aside for now.” Nukaman was regretfully sighed. This matter is actually of great significance to it. If Lord Shava can agree, there are many Things have more control over Space, but He Shawa rejected it.

However, Nuka is not discouraged, and it has long been expected, and Lord Shava should not agree, so it has a second option.

“I have heard the Queen mention that Lord Shava often comes to the Human World. I don’t know how long Lord Shava intends to stay here in World this time?” Nuka’s slender both hands carried cheeks, and the whiskers on the cheeks were windy Swing, posing a curious look.

“Is Minister Nukka very interested in my whereabouts?” Angel asked indifferently, but at the same time, he had some doubts in his heart: Is it true that Nukka said? If it is true, Shawa often comes to the Human World because of herself?

In addition, Shawa’s ability should far exceed the warning line of World consciousness. If he comes to the human World, he should respond to it. or is, the advent of Shawa is actually another type of advent, such as clone puppet? Or a projection similar to Demon God?

If this is the case, it can explain why they can clearly see that their strength is not high, but they still believe that they are Shawa.

They recognize only breath, not strength. Because Shawa came, it was not the real body at all.

“Your Excellency Shawa, don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean at all. I just want to say that if you stay in World for a long time. Come on, occasionally come to participate in the banquet in the place of Shinana.

“Oh?” Angel didn’t refuse or agree, just looked at Nukka with an inquiring look.

“It is an honour for us to have your patronage in the land of Xinnai. If the future of Xinnai is under construction, you can get your instructions and it will save us from taking detours.”

“At the same time, I also hope that I can give you the greatest help when you stay in World.”

Angel looked at Nukka carefully, seeming to read from Nukka’s eyes whether he was lying.

Of course, this is only a part of Angel’s performance. With the strength gap between him and Nuka, it is absolutely impossible to judge the other party’s real thoughts.

However, Angel can feel that the urgency Nuka showed, indeed has several points of sincerity.

Angel certainly won’t believe his instincts. There must be other reasons behind Nuka’s sincerity.

However, Angel always has a feeling that Nuka seems to really want to be involved in the construction of the land of hope … why? Is it because of Shawa’s identity, or is Shawa really able to play some role in the construction of the land of Chennai?

What Angel didn’t know was that when he thought about it, Nuka was actually quite anxious.

It really expects Angel’s answer.

Although Chennai’s arrival was agreed by the Queen, the Queen not at all really ordered, but she did not oppose that’s all. If you have the participation of Lord Shawa, even if you only show one face, it will also be of great help to its development at the time of Chennai.

“Every month on the day of the moon sacrifice, we will open a dinner. If Lord Shava agrees, we hope to be able to have a banquet with him at that time.” Nuka said earnestly again when she met Angel.

Angel seemed to absent-mindedly glance at Nuka, and still did not answer directly, but vaguely said: “I will talk about it later depending on the situation.”

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