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The shy and crazy fangirl, the cute but Gluttony davasia, the elegant but indifferent black and white maid … Angel never thought that he would one day stay at the same table banquet with these extreme nightmare creatures. And he is still waiting for 3 new guests who might be more terrifying than them.

Angel’s inner thoughts are 10000 1000, and he is thinking about leaving all the time, but he is also very clear that as more and more guests come, it becomes more and more unrealistic.

His only hope now is to be able to successfully pass this deadly dinner.

In order to realize this little wish, it is natural to need to know more about the dinner and about the guests. And the chat of the black and white maid became his best channel of understanding.

“Speaking of which, gentleman boiling did not come, I can understand. The candlestick corridor he was on was far away from here, and it would take a while to come over. But why hasn’t the tentacle monster yet arrived?” The white maid looked around the guests at the dinner, Suddenly asked.

The black maid was displeased: “Why do you care so much about him?”

“I’m just a little curious. Both the Cape Baye where I am and the sunken cemetery where you are are farther than the cross where the guy is. But he hasn’t come by now, but there is a new one in the cross. The situation? “The white maid’s voice was calm and calm, and the black maid’s complaints finally swallowed her belly.

The black maid stayed silent for a moment: “Maybe, when I was on a tour of the Sunken Cemetery, I felt a strong source of breath coming, perhaps from the inner area.”

“Is it true? No wonder I felt before …”

What do you feel?

Angel is eavesdropping, and their chats reveal too much information, so that Angel can’t even stretch her ears upright. But didn’t expect, when he overheard, the white maid suddenly paused half of the words.

Angel thought that her little movement was found, and secretly glanced at the white maid with Yu Guang, but found that the white maid did not at all go to the main seat, but inhaled the air deeply, as if sniffing something.

On the other side, the black maid seemed to smell something too, and a bit of longing flashed in her eyes, but at the same time, she also had a strong fear: “It’s a boiling taste.”

Angel has been paying attention to their conversations, but hearing the black maid’s “boiling taste”, her brain is blank. Boiling and taste?

Angel smelled it secretly, in addition to some sweet food aroma in the air, not at all other flavors. So, he did not understand what happened to the smell of the black and white maid?

White maid nodded: “The boiling of Source Strength, this taste really fascinated me. My kinetic energy furnace has begun to regenerate and escape steam.”

As the voice fell, Angel noticed clearly that the white air from the white maid’s steel tutu began to increase noticeably. On the other side, the black qi under the black maid’s skirt, with the abnormality of the white maid, also suddenly became thicker.

And this change comes from what they call “boiling taste”.

Angel doesn’t know what a boiling taste is, but they just mentioned a word with boiling meaning in their conversation.

—Boiling gentleman.

There are currently 3 empty seats left at the banquet, one of which is the so-called “Nuka Lord”, which can be heard from the conversation between the black and white maid. The “tentacle monster” in the mouth of the gentleman and the white maid should all come to the meeting. Also in other words the remaining 2 positions should be them.

Since they all mention “boiling” now, does it mean that the boiling gentleman is here?

When Angel thought about it in this way, all the wall lights in the far corridor were off, and the section of the road from the corridor to the gate fell into a thick darkness.

Only the gate of the castle is open, so you can vaguely see the light outside.

When Angel looked up, he saw the bright part of the castle gate, with a pair of simple but shiny leather shoes.

When he saw this pair of leather shoes, Angel only felt the sound of his head. He was no stranger to this pair of leather shoes. It was the pair of shoes that Sanders saw in the channel outside Star Pond.

And the owner of the leather shoes is also the object of the later battle of the Rhine in the corridor full of weird creatures!

Angel is completely didn’t expect, is he coming to this dinner too?

Would he just be the gentleman in the black and white maid’s mouth?

When Angel’s thoughts kept turning in his head, his eyes suddenly moved, and he just seemed to have sighted something flying past the leather shoes and into the darkness of the corridor.

Is it an illusion? While Angel was wondering, the book of madness flying in midair opened the mouth and said: “The gentleman is here.”

Maybe it ’s because Angel did n’t know the boiling gentleman. When Madness introduced the guests, he added an additional sentence: “The reason why the boiling gentleman can be called a gentleman, because he is also a respectable moonlight noble in the inner zone. The black and white maid is also related to the gentleman. “

As for the specific connection between the black and white maid and the gentleman, mad not at all said, after all, the party is at the banquet.

However, the white maid did n’t seem to feel that this was a secret, and she smiled and said, “You do n’t have to hide it either. His Excellency Shawa is the crown of Wang Ting, and naturally knows these secrets. The gentleman boiling was created by Minister Diem, who inherited Diem Minister Will, and the power stove of the black maid and I are the works of the gentleman. “

After the white maid finished speaking, she lowered her head and looked at the white gas that kept coming out of the skirt. A trace of blur flashed in the pure white eyes: “Every time you approach the boiling gentleman, the power stove will automatically perform a hot start renovation This feeling is really wonderful. “

While they were talking, Gentleman Boo had entered the dark corridor.

At the moment when the boiling gentleman entered the dark corridor, mutation suddenly emerged, and a wave of terrifying energy came from the corridor.

Angel hadn’t understood what it was like before.

Now, he probably has some clear comprehension.

When this terrifying energy struck, the atmosphere of the calm nightmare surroundings suddenly began to become restless, like hot boiling water, rolling around.

Even without any outside help, the rolling nightmare breath alone made Angel feel a strong threat.

However, Angel’s breath of riots, Angel was slightly tolerable.

But what made him feel palpitations was that there was not only boiling strength coming from the dark corridor, but also an energy pressure that was so suffocating.

Angel can feel that this kind of coercion is not directed against him, just a kind of oppression force field attached to the restless energy.

But even so, the degree of oppression is far beyond Angel’s imagination.

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