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After a long time, Rhein broke the silence: “Let me go in.”

Everyone understands that the “entering” that Rhein refers to does not mean staying in the channel outside the ruins, but really entering the inside of the ruins.

The first person who responded was Shu Ling, who frowned: “We haven’t fully grasped the situation in the ruins now. Now you go in. This is not a good time.”

Rhein: “I naturally understand your worries. However, we can figure it out slowly before, but since Angel fallen to the enemy is in the ruins, we also need to make timely changes.”

“No matter what, the matter of the ruins must be solved. After all, we still have to enter one of them. Now if we go in, we might find Angel.”

“Be that as it may, you need to be more cautious. Even if you must enter, we also need to be fully prepared for 10000.” Shu Ling also understands the importance of Angel, but when he knows that the ruins may exist and the Rhine equal level is even more When it comes to powerful creatures, he still hopes that Rhine will be more cautious.

Rhein shook his head: “No need to prepare, I took it with me, and the worst result was nothing but a serious injury and I returned to the Magus Tower that’s all. I plan to go in right away. It has been 3 hours since Angel disappeared. The sooner the better. “

Peripheral channels are already in danger. Rhine can be certain that the danger in the ruins will be even greater. Angel can encounter fatal threats at any time in the ruins, and the earlier the chance to go to Angel to survive.

Everyone was a little silent. They actually wanted to refute Rhein ’s hasty decision, but from a rational perspective, this is indeed a relatively acceptable strategy.

As Rhein himself said, with that thing, he could come back alive even if he encountered a powerful threat.

But is this kind of risk really worth consuming? They don’t understand the value of Angel, but now Angel is like a cat in a surprise box of a clown. No one knows what this cat will encounter in the surprise box.

The surprise box has always been overjoyed. The cat is too dangerous to stay in, and the possibility of already dying is very high. Even if this cat has amazing value, once it dies, it is a white rescue.

Moreover, if Rhein is really seriously injured, there may be hidden dangers within the organization.

When everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the mother in armor picked up the hot tea and took a sip: “Since you decided to go in, then go in. If something unexpected happens, I will flow from it Come out. “

The iron-clad mother-in-law has always been the source of mobility, cultivation with the attitude of hermit. Her statement today is to tell other Magus who is worried. If something goes wrong, she will stand up.

The strength of the mother-in-law has always been a mystery, but when she said this, it means she has absolute ability to control the internal balance.

Hearing the iron armour mother-in-law’s statement, everyone’s previous worries were slightly less, but the thoughts were still a bit complicated.

On the other side, Rhein stood up and nodded to the mother-in-law, apparently not planning to speak too much, intending to practice directly.

At this time, Sanders, who had been silent, said suddenly: “Your Excellency Rhein can stay in the ruins for a while. I contacted Angel. He is now … not at all in danger.”

The atmosphere of the observation booth was dignified, depressed and impetuous. But Sanders’ words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and instantly scattered all the condensed atmosphere.

Everyone’s expression is suspicious, and the change of thought is somewhat completely unprepared.

“Can you contact Angel? How is it possible?” Wallace asked, waiting for Rhein, “Isn’t Angel fallen to the enemy in the ruins? How can you contact him? Or is it, actually Angel? I was put into the Spell garden by you. Is that a puppet that fell into the ruins? “

Wallace’s brain filling made Sanders glance at him angrily. Wallace said earlier that Sanders should bring Angel into the gravity garden, or else it wouldn’t happen.

Wallace’s original intention was only to mock Sanders. If it were replaced by him, he would not actually put Angel into the Spell Garden. After all, Angel was first a Magus with a free Will, not a baby in the cradle.

“Angel is indeed fallen to the enemy now, but I have a way to get in touch with Angel.” Sanders pondered for a moment, but decided to speak up.

“The relic body is in a multi-layered in the sky attached to the Magus world. It is logically impossible to contact. How did you get in touch with Angel?” The mother-in-law of Iron Armor could not help but ask curiously.

Without waiting for Sanders to answer, Shu Ling seemed to think of something: “Could it be that Angel said before, the information interaction he studied?”

Not long ago, Angel was the hand of the tree spirit who took away Pattaya and the others, so the tree spirit immediately remembered what Angel said at the time.

Sanders nodded: “Yes, the specific research report may require Angel to explain to you, but I did communicate with Angel through this new type of information interaction.”

“I just saw that you have been sleeping, is it contacting him through sleeping?” Nice nicely said, after returning from Sanders to the observation kiosk, he has been sleeping with his eyes closed, without making any contact action, so Nice Immediately reacted, before he teased that Sanders was not nervous and ran to sleep, perhaps only because he was asleep before he could contact Angel.

Sanders ignored the inquiry from Nice and looked at the Rhine.

Rhein also sat down again at this time, and he actually felt that Nice’s guess made sense, because both Sanders and Angel were practicing dream tricks, and he knew this.

However, Rhine not at all asked at this time, although he was curious about the so-called new communication method may be related to sleep, but he is more concerned about the current situation of Angel: “Since you are in contact with Angel, then he is now What is the situation and what are the dangers around? “

“I want to have an instant communication with Angel, which is currently not possible. However, not long ago, I got some location information from him.”

“He is now in an area full of various types of mushrooms, and there is no danger nearby for a while.”

“Mushroom area?” Rhein didn’t know what was going on in this mushroom area. He could only continue to ask: “Which was the both hands that took Angel before? Haven’t you attacked Angel?”

“According to Angel, when entering the mushroom area, the owner of both hands left without saying anything.”

“Also in other words, Angel is now stuck in a mushroom forest.”

“It’s not a complete dilemma, he is currently looking for the way to leave …”

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