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When Angel frowned, trying to find new clues from the mushroom, his mood suddenly changed again.

Although he was still talking about “A Delle”, his emotions gradually changed from calm to excited! At the same time, a violent malicious erupted again.

When Angel was puzzled, a huge crack was exposed vertically down the middle of the mushroom umbrella handle. This crack was obviously its mouthpart.

Because, you can see the teeth of densely packed people at the edge of the crack.

Angel once read the snail data in the holographic tablet, saying that the snail’s mouth is densely covered with 100 rows of teeth, and the total number can reach 10000. Angel wrote down this message at the time, but never thought about it. Now, when he saw the densely packed teeth in the mushroom in front of him, he instantly recalled it.

However, compared with the snail’s teeth that have little lethality on the human body, the mushroom’s teeth are different. With Angel Alchemy Warlock’s vision, the sharpness of this sharp tooth is enough to tear the humans who opened the defense.

However, this mushroom has a limited range of motion, and the distance between teeth is not wide, so in terms of danger, teeth are not the focus.

Angel now dodges several bite attacks with ease.

Angel has nothing to do, but the mushroom is dizzy because it keeps shaking.

Seeing little bite effect, it stopped and shot a tongue full of viscous liquid from his mouth, attacking Angel frantically.

Angels can easily deal with the previous tentacle attacks, not to mention this tongue. And Angel can clearly feel that after getting close, the strength that this mushroom can manipulate becomes smaller and smaller.

In the process of evading, he even had the leisure to continue to talk about Adelya’s message, hoping to get some feedback from the mushrooms.

However, Mushroom’s feedback is only getting crazier. Even, in the end, even Delle Ya’s name couldn’t cause any mood swings in it.

Now it has completely evolved into a crazy chaos.

Angel once again escaped the tongue blow accompanied by the wind of poisonous fire, and slowly fell from the sky. He looked towards the mushroom’s eyes at this time has gradually become cold, before thinking that this mushroom may be related to the human being manipulated, but after so long, without any effective feedback.

Angel is also impatient. Since there is still no information, there is no need to continue to waste time. He now has only 2 options in the heart: either go straight or cut it and go.

Angel prefers the second choice, but after all, this is the territory of the nightmare creature, will it be a bit out of bounds if it is cut directly?

While Angel was thinking, a new round of mushroom attacks came again.

But at this time, the mushroom did not manipulate the flame, nor did it use its tongue, but began to swell slowly, just like a take a deep breath, and instantly became a “Big Fatty”.

When Angel noticed something was wrong, it had sucked in the air and moved towards Angel squirting out.

Angel thought it was an attack similar to fire and wind, at first not at all concerned, but when it breathed out the breath, it found that there was no flame element in these breaths, but something he was not new to–

Bright green mist!

It was the mist that Angel had seen before at the bee Blair!

A large amount of green light mist spit out from the mushroom’s mouth, completely covering all Angel’s routes.

Angel doesn’t know what harm these green light mists have, but he doesn’t plan to experiment in person, but he is going to open the door and leave the area covered by the light mists first.

However, he didn’t wait for Angel to activate the door of the illusion, he first felt a wave of excitement.

The source of emotions is the three fascinating larvae on the heel of his shoes.

When Angel battled before, these three little brats had been disguised as pendants on shoes, but they felt exposed immediately after they sensed the green mist. They jumped out of the heels of the shoes one after another, hopping wildly around the Angel and vomiting the green mist.

In the end, these green mists couldn’t get close to Angel at all, so they were swallowed by all three little brats.

And Angel could perceive that they were more and more excited, and even started to approach the mouth of the huge mushroom, intending to occupy the best position to enjoy this delicious moment alone.

Angel originally intended to stop them, after all, this mushroom is still distributing Evil Thought, which is very dangerous.

But when Angel looked up, he suddenly froze.

His eyes were fixed on the mushroom’s mouth. Before, he only saw the densely packed teeth in his mouth, but now, when the green light mist is spit out, Angel sees it deep in its mouthpiece. A shadow.

Although there is a lot of light and fog, Angel can’t see the specific shape of Shadow, but this Shadow is obviously a human-shaped silhouette!

In the mushroom’s mouth … there are humans?

Angel eyes shined, can it be said that the human being he could not find before was actually in the mouthparts of this mushroom?

Angel’s thoughts moved, thinking Space quickly constructed eye-catching observation techniques. He planned to see the silhouette’s true content clearly. But at this time, the mushroom seemed to realize that the green mist was useless to Angel, so he prepared to close his mouth.

How could Angel let it shut up at this time, only to see that he raised his eyebrows lightly for the first time, and activated the green streak of his right eye in Duoling Garden.

Along with the green veins, a large amount of fluid body emerged from his right eye. This fluid body quickly assembled into a mask covered with strange patterns.

This mask obscures the right face of one of Angel’s 20%.

The mask is covered with weird lines, the whole is a black bottom, and the right eye position looks squinted with a smile. But the deep color matching and contrast makes people not feel a smile, but has a dark and strange sense of absurdity.

The moment the mask appeared, with Angel as the center, a terrifying extreme pressure came instantly.

The isolated island mushroom wants to close its mouth and freeze. The movement of the three little brats also stopped. Even the mist of green light densely spreading in Space no longer flows.

At this moment, it seems that time has frozen.

However, it just seems. Angel’s current strength naturally cannot interfere with time. It’s just by activating a green stripe with a “pressure” feature in the right eye to achieve the pressure field.

This is also one of the research results of Angel’s self-precipitation during this period of time on the green lines of his right eye.

The expected effect of Angel is to stop this mushroom for a moment, and Angel will check the silhouette truth as quickly as possible. But to his surprise, the effect of this sense of oppression is much better than he thought.

Now the mushroom not only stops and moves, but even from the emotional fluctuations that come from it, Angel feels the emotion for the first time except fear and maliciousness-fear.

This unexpected effect, Angel attributed to the other party is the nightmare creature.

Green’s ability may have stronger restraint on the nightmare creature.

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