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In the vision of the Eye of Nalda, the door in front of it has a clumsy taste. The main material is an alloy that combines Space stability and the suitability of carrying magic patterns.

This alloy is exactly the same as the alloy used on the gate of the ruins where Angel lives. Because it is doped with some magic gold materials that are completely unknown to Angel, he has a good memory of this alloy.

Although judging from the similarity of the main material, it is too arbitrary to judge the connection between the two, but this alloy is too rare. Such an rare alloy is also used in 2 similar ruins at the same time. ?

In addition to the previous traces, Angel is more and more certain that there must be some connection between this ruin and the ruins he is in!

“I didn’t pay attention to the problem of main material when I came here, but since you are sure that it is the same, then these two relics are getting more and more interesting.” The ambiguous glare flashed in the eyes of Rhine: “The matter of main material , You can go back to your ruins and study again. Now let ’s take a look at the magic pattern behind the door. “

Angel nodded, to determine whether there is a magic pattern on the door, you must push the door open to see the situation behind the door. He stretched out to act without the slightest hesitation, ready to push open the door.

“I’ll come.” A short stick stopped Angel’s hand, and Rhein stepped forward.

Previously, when Rhein came to the channel, he pushed open the door, and not at all appeared strange. However, in order to prevent 10000 one, he decided to personally push.

The gate was not at all locked, and with a dull “ga zhi” sound, the gate was slowly pushed away from the 2 sides.

At the same time, a glimmer of light shone through the door, showing that there was light behind the door.

Because the position of Rhein is just opposite the door crack, Angel pays close attention to Rhein’s expression, trying to infer whether the situation behind the door has changed.

Fortunately, as the door opened and closed, Rhine’s expression did not fluctuate.

When the door was completely opened, Angel looked in.

There is still a corridor behind the door. There is a wall candlestick on each side of the corridor. The fire is very weak, but at least it dispels some darkness around, making people feel a little relieved.

This corridor extends less than ten meters, and there is an almost right-angle turn, so they can see only a short ten meters. However, in the ten meters scene, there are no monsters.

“It seems that luck is not bad.” Rhein slightly sighed in relief, looked towards Angel: “Next I see you, remember not to step inside the door, you try to use Spiritual Force to go behind the door and observe.”

Although the environment of the ruins oppressed their Spiritual Force to the extreme, it can still be done by simply checking the surrounding environment.

Angel nodded, stepping inside the door means that you have really entered the ruins, no one can be sure of what will happen, so try not to step inside the door.

Angel closed her eyes and manipulated the Spiritual Force to slowly reach out.

Just as Angel was preparing to probe Spiritual Force into the door, a murky sound came from behind. After a look at Spiritual Force, he saw a skin of various colors stitched together in the darkness behind him, and his stomach swelled. Tall humanoid monster.

“Stitch the corpse demon?” Rhein called out the monster’s name, but as the monster was recognized, Rhein’s brow furrowed slightly.

The zombie is a monster transformed from corpses contaminated with negative energy. Most of them were born by chance. The “stitched corpse demon” was created by a group of Magus who delved into partial door magic. Through surgical organ reorganization and skin stitching, the corpse demon gains a stronger strength while accumulating larger response qi.

So, if Rhein sees just an ordinary corpse, that’s all, such a stitched corpse makes him frown, does this mean that behind the stitched corpse, there is still a hidden Smart life with artificial transformation?

“I’ll deal with it, Sanders, you continue to guard Angel.” Rhein stood up and moved towards the stern corpse with a stern expression.

To measure the strength of the stitched corpse, it depends on which organs are stitched within the body, and the level of the technique behind the controller. The stitched corpse in front of me is very ordinary monster skin in terms of skin composition. It does not have the defense of Peak. Generally speaking, the strength of stitched corpse is not too high. However, there are also extreme sutured corpses with deliberately weak skin composition, giving the appearance of illusion, but in fact the internal organs are extremely powerful … Of course, this is a minority, because you want external defense and internal organs Reaching a balance is not so easy.

The stitched corpse in front of him is not the exception.

Its external defense is very weak, and its internal organs are not strong. Rhein solved it easily.

However, after solving the suture of the corpse, Rhein did not show a relaxed look, but continued to look into the deep darkness. Although he did not feel the obvious emotions like Angel could feel, in this seemingly calm darkness, He faintly noticed a restlessness hidden in the darkness.

On the other side, Angel moved the Spiritual Force tentacles towards the door towards the door.

The moment the Spiritual Force tentacles entered the door, he felt a slight sense of obstruction, as if he had penetrated a layer of water and entered the space of different degrees.

At the same time, a more condensed strength is applied to his Spiritual Force tentacle, making it more difficult for him to control movement.

Angel also has some clear comprehension at this time, why not try to enter the gate as much as possible, because the inside and outside of the ruins are definitely 2 Heaven and Earth. There was a slight suspicion in his heart, maybe the area within the ruins already belonged to Demiplane.

This kind of speculation made Angel a little uneasy. If the ruins really belong to the Demiplane area, Spiritual Force tentacles enter it, and it is very likely that they have been discovered.

Because Demiplane is actually very similar to the wilderness of dreams, and already has the prototype of Law.

Just like when Angel entered the Demiplane in the Sleepless City, immediately would be discovered by the creature that controlled Demiplane Law.

But now that Angel has entered into it, he can only brace oneself, speed up, and detect the magic pattern behind the door as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Angel cautiously controlled the Spiritual Force to go behind the door. However, what makes Angel feel tricky is that perhaps it is because the Spiritual Force tentacles have traversed the Demiplane and the reality, coupled with some of the breath suppression in the Demiplane, makes his Spiritual Force tentacles move very slowly.

It can only move a few centimeters per second, and it takes at least two minutes to detect the door!

If you add the observation time behind the door, it may be longer. This made Angel feel more and more uneasy, and his expression became more and more dignified.

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