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A foul white gas overflowed from the mouth of a blue-eyed troll.

The one eye of the troll glowed with light, reflecting it slightly, so that the white gas in front of it was in pure darkness, as if bringing its own shimmer, so that the face of the troll was clearly visible.

At this time, the troll was bowing, and his huge face was facing Angel.

At first glance, the troll’s grimacing face had a sense of violentness, but when he looked at Angel, the troll hadn’t waved the giant axe in his hand, but stared at Angel with his face tilted and confused.

In the limited brain of the troll, doubts kept coming up.

These thoughts are not thinking about how to break Angel with an axe, but the emergence of emotions that do not even understand it. If its wisdom is a little higher, it may be understood that this rise in the mind emotion is called … pleasing.

How to please the life in front of you? It is what it is thinking in this moment.

“Angel, let go!” Just as Angel and the troll stared at each other, a scream came from behind. Angel turned sideways subconsciously, and a fierce black light and shadow came from behind, and the troll, still confused, divided into two.

The troll’s body instantly split into two halves and disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, Sanders, who was surrounded by the light shield, came out of the darkness: “What did you do in a moment?”

Angel: “… I was attracted by the emotion conveyed by this troll.”

Sanders wrinkled: “Don’t be disturbed by any outside information here, and don’t easily believe your own judgment. First ensure your safety. If you want to analyze the emotions of these monsters, you must be in a safe place.”

Angel understands the nodded. Although he just felt that there was no war in the troll’s emotions, this was not the reason why he exposed himself to a dangerous environment.

After all, trolls are aliens, and they cannot be figured out with human thoughts.

“Don’t hesitate, let’s keep up.” Sanders could hear the rumbling in front of him, he said nothing more, pats Angel’s shoulder, motioned to move towards the darkness.

It has been 5 minutes since they stepped into the dark side. After entering the dark side, Angel felt the strangeness here.

In the dark channel, it seems that the Space is much larger, but after shining with a similar technique of light, it can be clearly seen that the channel 2 side actually extends at not all, and it is still a thick wall, but the darkness enlarges their Feelings.

In addition to changes in the sense of Space, the monsters here are also very strange. Not only are the monsters themselves problematic, but their numbers are also extremely strange.

There are non-stop monsters emerging from the darkness, even if the Rhine has been cleaning up, even they can still hear the sound of the Rhine cleaning monsters in front of them, but there will still be monsters that will continue to emerge.

For example, the previous green-eyed troll.

Rhein walked in front to clear the monster, Angel was in the center, and the back of Sanders. It stands to reason that Angel’s position should not encounter the monster, but the blue-eyed troll still appears.

This is not that Rhine did not clean up in time, but that the blue-eyed trolls have resurfaced again.

These monsters, even the non-stop Slaughter, they still know Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More. And here, the so-called spring breeze may be the strange darkness around Devour that is bright enough.

The reason for this is that when the monsters die, their bodies will be immediately devoured by the darkness and disappear. And it won’t take long for new monsters to be born in the dark.

This strange to unreasonable situation is more and more similar to the nightmare world.

Soon, they caught up with the Rhine ahead. Rhein was chopping a bat-shaped monster flying in mid-air and glanced back at them: “I just noticed that there was a magic wave behind you. Did you do it?”

Sanders nodded: “I met a blue-eyed troll.”

Sanders fell under the tone barely fell, and suddenly there was a fragrant wind blowing from behind.

Everyone immediately erected a barrier around the body, and at the same time used the technique of eliminating negative states, this series of actions in one go. Although they don’t know what Xiangfeng is, in this case, it’s slower to wait until Xiangfeng becomes a weapon that eats people.

After doing all this, they looked back, but they saw countless plant vines burrowing out of the darkness, moved towards the front door of Sanders and Rhine like an arrow rain. These vines have thorns on them, and occasionally they can see small red flowers blooming, and the fragrance is released from the stamens.

“Poison Sting Red Mandala.” Sanders called out the monster’s name.

Stinky Red Mangosteen, in the eyes of fragrance Alchemy Warlock, is one of the best magic materials for making poisonous incense. It can not only become the main material of poisonous incense, but also an auxiliary material of other poisonous incenses. It is extremely versatile. It is a pity that this stinger is almost extinct in South Territory.

Because Sanders stood in the last place, he took the lead in launching a counterattack on the stinger.

Angel and Rhine did not move, because the strength of the stinger red mandarin is not strong. After preventing the poisonous incense, solving it is basically cutting vegetables.

Angel even thought about it. If Lianna was here, seeing so many stinging red vines, she would be excited to go crazy.

However, it is a pity that the sting red vine will still melt into darkness after death, and cannot contribute itself to become a magic material. The only thing that can be collected is only the poisonous incense that diffuses in the air. However, there is no fragrance Alchemy Warlock and no equipment to collect the fragrance.

In less than ten seconds, Sanders used the flaming black fire to burn the stinger and red vine into ashes.

After processing the Stinger Red Manro, Sanders ’s frowned: “I feel slightly wrong, Lord Rhein. The frequency of monsters appears to be higher.”

Rhein also sensed that when he came in, it took several minutes to kill a group of monsters before new patterns appeared again, but now that they have n’t killed all of them, a new monster will be born. This is indeed Not a good sign.

The only consolation is that although the frequency of the birth of the monster has increased, the substance’s substance is still uneven.

Even if there are more such monsters of substance, there is no threat to them.

Rhine now considers whether to return. Although the monsters currently appearing are not too big a threat, any kind of variable generation may lead to changes in the results, so Rhine needs to think seriously.

After repeated repetitions, Rheinland decided to move on.

After all, it is not in a state of uncontrollability, and it is not far from the gate. If there is no demon blocking, it is estimated that it can be reached in less than one minute.

When Rhein was thinking this way, a twisted spherical monster surrounded by countless tentacles suddenly appeared in the darkness ahead.

Obviously, it is very difficult for him to ideally be free from monsters.

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