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Angel asked Babaya to come over to tell them about the high demon area, so that they could cultivate here and record their own trick progress in the future.

He did not tell them the truth about the high-magic area, but a little mention of virtual magic does not affect their reality cultivation, but it can give them more experience in the construction of trick models.

Maybe they have been here for a long time, and when they come back to reality, they will guess about the wilderness of dreams. But whether they guessed right or not, it didn’t matter much for Angel.

“This is the kind of welfare you will stay here. I will give you the benefits.” Angel: “You can come here to cultivate between missions.”

“As for what tricks you are cultivating here, whatever you want. If you want to cultivate” Kana Blood “and” Elementary Tricks. Change “, you can apply for it from Frode. This is the task reward I promised you before. “

After speaking to Baba Ya and Ku Doudou, Angel looked towards Baruba: “You can also come here for cultivation during this time. After the construction task begins, the new city will also set a similar height You do n’t have to worry about the progress in the magic area. “

3 people thanked Angel saluted. However, their thanks are just for following the etiquette. At this time, they do not know how much the high demon area will affect them in the future, and may even directly change their future.

After saying goodbye to 3 people, Angel and Sanders returned to the original heart city from the proving ground outside the city.

Still choosing the tree house bar, they talked about the advancement of virtual magic and some topics of open testing with the wilderness of dreams.

Virtual magic now only allows Magus to release Level 0 and Level 1 tricks. To advance, you must increase the overall magic energy level.

Although Angel can control the energy level limitation, he knows very little about energy, so only Sanders can do things to improve the energy level.

The answer given by Sanders is much faster than Angel previously expected.

According to Sanders, by the end of the Stargazing Day exchange meeting, it should be able to increase to the magic level of Apprentice of Tier 2, and the upper limit of casting tricks can reach Level 2 and pseudo Level 3 tricks.

“In the early stage, the energy level can be increased quickly, because only the measurement needs to be increased. The level 1 and level 2 energy levels are not much different, just like changing the water cup to a bucket, it only takes a week or two. It can be done. However, according to my current plan, from the energy level of level 2 Apprentice to the energy level of level 2 Apprentice, although it is also an increase in measurement, it has become the difference of replacing the bucket with a reservoir. It will only take 3 months. “

“As for the level from Apprentice to the level of official Magus, this is the gap between quantitative and qualitative changes. I will definitely have to find a new energy scale by then. I ca n’t figure out how long it will take, maybe a few months, Or maybe a few years, or even longer. “

Angel can see this too. For example, the wilderness of dreams today is actually a bit similar to the new low-magic World that has just entered the Transcending society. When the energy level limit reaches the official Magus level, the low-magic World begins to transition to the middle-magic World.

Although this is just a metaphor, because the wilderness of dreams is not essentially the so-called low-magic World, but it can be seen that an energy level Transition of the entire world is definitely not that simple.

Therefore, quantitative change to qualitative change will definitely become a big hurdle.

However, Angel believes that no matter how big it is, it will eventually be able to leap. Because, in this level transition battlefield, he is not alone.

“I want to fully carry the strength of Official Magus into the wilderness of dreams, and now there is still a little distant, you can put it aside. Now, first set a recent Target, before the tea party comes, I will try my best to reach the wilderness level 3 Apprentice Energy level. “Sanders said indifferently, after all, in his opinion, the tea party will be a turning point in the wilderness of dreams. Therefore, if you can pull the upper limit of the energy level as high as possible, it is as high as possible. This is not a bad thing after all.

Angel also nodded to agree that since it has been determined to carry out small-scale external testing at the tea party, it is certainly the best to be as perfect as possible.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if this Target is not reached. Because in Angel’s view, the unique function of the wilderness of dreams is already very powerful, enough to deal with the picky witches at the tea party.

After talking about the overview of energy level caps, they talked about other issues. It is worth mentioning that they reached a decision-

After the stargazing day ends, choose a day to tell the Lord about the wilderness of dreams.

In fact, this is not a consensus. They themselves decided to tell His Excellency Rhein recently that with the support of His Excellency Rhein, the wilderness of dreams will develop at an extremely rapid rate. It is definitely not that they can be more beautiful than others. It is the endless heritage of barbaric caves.

However, telling must be told, but what kind of words to tell, and to what extent, it still needs to be grasped.

The past few days, Angel will come up with a charter.

After finishing these formal topics, they talked about things in reality, such as the prophecy of the stargazing day, and the situation of the ruins …

During the chat, an episode happened.

Toby, who spent most of the month in the wilderness of dreams, sensed Angel and hurriedly ran to the tree house bar to stick with him for a while.

Before Angel asked Toby how this time had passed, Toby moved towards the south without looking back.

Looking at the silhouette of Toby flashing away, Angel first froze for a moment, and then looked at it from the perspective of God. It turned out that Toby flew to the Stone Pillar Colosseum in the south of the city.

“As soon as Turas entered the fighting state, he ignored the public facilities, and in order to prevent more buildings from being destroyed, the two of them went to the Stone Pillar Colosseum duel. Now, it is quite lively, A lot of people ran to watch. ”Angel glanced at it, said with a smile:” However, Toby ran away not to watch the excitement, but Lafite sang there … I didn’t know what operation it was. Do we need an active atmosphere for opera actors before the battle? “

In addition to being a foodie, Toby loves music the most. Even if it doesn’t have 5 tones, his love for music has never diminished.

In the wilderness of the dream Toby, the two who served the most, one was Jon and the other was Lafite. Jon’s piano made Toby indulge; Fu Lafite’s sound, comparable to the sound of nature, completely conquered Toby. Tof Lafite is going to watch every time he performs. Now that he feels that Lafite is singing, even Angel, the young lord, can’t take it anymore. He flew to the Stone pillar Colosseum.

Although Angel is a bit tasted about this, Toby can find fun here, and he is also very happy.

Because of this episode of Toby, Angel suddenly remembered something.

“By the way, I promised Greia before and will give her an answer. When will we tell her about the wilderness of dreams?”

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