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Angel really did not expect that this small test to check “consciousness” would be so simple for these 2 people. Originally, he only thought that Pattaya had a chance to pass, who knows that Ku Doudou also passed.

However, think about it not bad. At least it shows that the focus of these two people is certainly no problem, and the thought can be changed at the same time as pure. Even if you do not participate in the research of the mother tree network, it is also qualified to train as an assistant.

When he returned to the inner hall of Shuling Great Hall, Angel could still hear the hidden laughter of Ku Doudou behind him.

Ku Doudou also joined the research of the mother tree network like Baba Ya. For Pattaya, this research is her chance; for Ku Doudou, seeing Pattaya cheer up and work with her at the same time, this is something that is worthy of happiness.

Because of this, even if Ku Doudou tried his best to cover up his inner excitement, the laughter escaping from the corner of his mouth, or is clear how excited he was.

Babaya did n’t understand why Ku Doudou kept smirking. She was too lazy to guess Ku Doudou ’s thoughts. Instead, she walked to Angel: “Lord, I might have to leave for a while, I need to go to the mission hall to hand over To go to the Magic Island to report to Lord. “

“I don’t live in Phantom Island now. If you hand over the task …” Angel thought about it: “Come with me.”

Angel moved towards great hall. One side door walked away. As soon as the side door was pushed open, I saw a bare leaf not far away. The tree spirit was lying on a rocking chair, shaking back and forth leisurely.

Seeing Angel coming over, Shu Ling smiled and waved at him.

Angel bowed respectfully: “Tree Spirit Lord, you said to me before, can I directly publish and pick up the task with you?”

Shuling nodded: “Yes.”

Because the information on the bone card is updated, the ability of the tree spirit is required as a plan, so the information on the side of the mission hall is connected to the tree hall great hall.

Shu Ling looked towards Angel curiously: “You finally decided to take the task?”

“I haven’t considered the task of taking the task yet. However, I want to post a task.”

Shu Ling yelled: “Publish the mission? What identity do you … you intend to use to post to the mission lobby?”

“You don’t need to publish it to the mission hall, just make a private mission.” Angel said, looking back at the 2 little brats behind her eyes: “Let them pick up 2 people.”

Angel can actually take Ku Doudou and Pattaya away without publishing tasks. However, he knows that Apprentice stage actually has certain task indicators.

Since you want them to do research with themselves, then simply solve their task indicators.

Therefore, through the release of tasks, let them pick up is actually the most direct way.

When Angel said this, Shu Ling immediately understood what he meant, and he nodded: “Yes, you can tell the mission situation, I directly bypass the mission hall and update them to their bone card records.”

“If the mission is introduced, it means that I have a research in my hand and I need to find a helper. The time is about 2 months.” Paused, Angel continued: “As for the mission reward, I will roll up the” Blood Technique “in Pattaya.”

This is the reward that promised Babaya before.

Angel looked at Ku Doudou again: “Kudou Dou’s words …”

Ku Doudou: “Lord, I don’t need a reward. I just go to Lord to learn!”

Angel can see that Ku Doudou is telling the truth, and he has the opportunity to do research with Pattaya, which is a reward for him.

However, since Angel decided to take the formal task channel, there will naturally be no less rewards for Ku Doudou. He thought about it for a while and said, “If Ku Doudou, a” primary trick. Change. “

The tree spirit is nodded, out of emptiness, and in a short time on the bone cards of Ku Doudou and Pattaya, the column about the task record appears updated.

Shu Ling also stopped the construction task of the tea party before Babaya, and also ended it. You don’t need to go to Pattaya again.

After doing all this, Shu Ling was curiously asked: “Are you going to let them both do research for you?”

In Shuling’s view, the strength of Ku Doudou and Pattaya is too high. Angel hired them to be a magic material cleaner, which is more reliable than being a research assistant.

“My research does not require too much strength, they should be competent.

Shu Ling: “I don’t need strength research? I’m a little curious about your research topic … Is it that Rhein had said before about the subject of undead and soul?”

Angel shook his head: “No, it’s a study of information interaction.”

Information exchange? Shu Ling pondered for a moment: “You mean, communicator?”

“It’s a bit similar, but there may be more tricks than communicator.” Angel’s mind showed Jon’s blueprint for the future of the mother tree network. In his eyes, there are indeed many tricks.

Shuling thought that it was the research and development of some functions of communicator, nodded: “speaking of which, many Magus complained to me about Rheinland’s aesthetic obsession with communicator. If you can really develop a better communicator, don’t do it again. Ten million Come out of Crystal Ball. “

Angel smiled nodded, Crystal Ball … he was actually bored.

“Then I look forward to your research results.”

Say goodbye to Shu Ling, Angel let Baba Ya and Ku Doudou arrange their luggage separately, because in the next period of time, they will most likely live in the ruins.

After Baba and Ku Doudou left, Angel came to the shade of the Eternal Tree, which is the layout area of ​​the tea party.

Because accidentally, the wilderness of dreams will also arrange the venue of the tea party.

Angel intends to take this time to first look at the style of the tea party here, and then think about how to design in the wilderness of dreams.

Of course, at the level of Angel’s planning, he will definitely not let him design. However, no matter who designs it, he can always comment.

Angel looked at the layout of the tea party with observation. Although I saw it before, it was basically a glimpse, but now I look closely and can see many details.

The Foundation Establishment was built with spires and roof tiles, with hollow color windows. At first glance, it looks a bit Gothic, but the carvings on the building are carvings of various flowers, which use a lot of thorn vines and roses, symbolizing Lianna’s preferences.

Moreover, the building walls are basically pure white, without the gloomy Gothic style, but with the characteristics of Mediterranean architecture. A large number of buildings undulate continuously and form a huge contrast with the gorgeous rose red.

There was a strong rose fragrance in the air, and Angel walked in it, feeling quite comfortable.

After wandering around in an area comparable to a small town, Angel had some personal experience.

On the whole, Angel is satisfied with the tea party arrangement here. If it is simply used as a tea gathering point in reality, there will be no problem.

However, if you move to the wilderness of dreams, there are some problems to be solved.

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