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Angel was talking while watching Pattaya.

It has to be said that compared to Ku Doudou, Babaya is really hard. She has now reached the peak of level 1 Apprentice. Seeing the saturation of her magic power, she has almost reached the edge of promotion. If Pattaya is willing, you can advance to level 2 Apprentice within a few days.

However, it’s just that Mo Yuan advanced that’s all. There is no other ability to assist, no knowledge as a background, like a baby with a sharp knife, an empty threatening weapon, without the ability to use this weapon, it may even hurt yourself.

This situation is abnormal to others. But it’s normal to put it on Pattaya.

Although Madeleine did not teach her the tricks on the bloodline side, nor did she systematically choose the knowledge tendency for Baba Ya, but it certainly gave guidance.

When Barbara couldn’t get the trick or bloodline, the only thing she could do was to desperately cultivate and guide.

Therefore, her guidance method is very strong compared to Ku Doudou. But there is only the guidance method, without the aid of tricks, Barbaya will only be top-heavy in the end.

“You have reached the edge of promotion? Are you in control and not promoted?” Angel asked.

Baba Ya nodded, hesitantly said: “For some reason, I have not completed the construction of the knowledge system, so I have a little control.”

Barbara did not say why, and apparently did not intend to tell Angel about her story.

However, Babaya did not know that Ku Doudou, who was sitting next to her, had already told Angel the situation.

Angel: “Is it because of Madeleine?”

Baba Ya raised her head violently, opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she slapped without saying anything.

“At the beginning, Madeleine followed me to the abyss. I also saw Madeleine when I left. She did not intend to leave the abyss for the time being. Since your mentor is not here, you want the system to build a knowledge structure. . “

Baba Ya: “… Lord, is my tutor okay now?”

Angel: “It should not be bad at the moment, but it may encounter a disaster in the future.”

When he heard the disaster, Babaya’s expression flashed worried. Angel looked at it, and from this it can be seen that the relationship between Pattaya and her tutor should not be bad?

“But you don’t have to worry about it. Lord Rhein has sent someone to meet Madeleine in the abyss and can’t die.” After Angel finished, paused: “However, when she will come back, it is still difficult to say.”

In the prophecy, Madeleine was killed by Dong La. But now that the prophecy has come out, there is a great possibility to rescue her. However, even if she is saved, will Madeleine continue to snipe Tora, will she return to the Magus world? This is still uncertain.

“So, if you want to wait for Madeleine to come back and teach you the bloodline trick, this is still an unknown number.”

Pattaya was silent.

On the other side, Ku Doudou suddenly said: “So, Lord, is there any way?”

Ku Doudou knows the character of Pattaya. Among her peers, Pattaya has strong self-esteem and is unwilling to ask for help, so Ku Doudou can only help her silently. Of course, this is only among her peers, because of the year-on-year reason, she has some stubborn self-esteem. If faced with a higher generation, such as Angel of the same rank as Madeleine, Barbara should not refuse.

It’s just that Barbaya is clearly still in his mind at this time, without immediately came back to his senses.

Ku Doudou was a little anxious, so he exceeded the limit and asked for Baba Ya.

“Do you know the blood technique?” Angel glanced at Ku Doudou and ignored it, still looking towards Pattaya.

After a moment of stunned Babaya, he was nodded: “I know, it is a general joke textbook on the side of bloodline. I have been doing the task of storing magic crystals recently, just to buy blood surgery scrolls.”

“Since you know it, let me just say … I can give you blood.”

Angel suddenly threw out this sentence, so that Baba Ya started instantly, she didn’t expect good things will fall on her head. I even doubted if I had heard it wrong.

“Lord, you said …”

“I said I can give you blood surgery.” Angel paused, when the joy of Baba Ya just overflowed into his eyes, he added: “Of course, you should also understand what is the most important thing for Magus . “

“Knowledge and truth.” Babaya subplied subconsciously.

“Yes, because knowledge is so valuable, I have no reason to give it to you for free.”

“I understand, what does Lord want me to do?” Pattaya nodded, she put away her joy, her expression was solemn. If Angel really didn’t say anything, she would teach her blood surgery, and she would also feel uneasy. Instead, Angel put forward the conditions, and Baba Ya will be more solid.

Angel saw that Pattaya quickly sorted out her mood, and her eyes flashed appreciation. A volume of blood surgery, in his opinion, is actually not at worst, and it is okay to give it to Baba Ya casually. However, he recently lacked some talents, and it is best to be familiar with him, so he took a fancy to Pattaya.

“I have a research in my hand and need a lot of manpower.”

“Does Lord want me to join?” Nodded of the Pattaya without the slightest hesitation: “I agree.”

“Don’t you ask what the research is?” Angel raised an eyebrow.

“I’m just a junior Apprentice. Since it’s Lord’s research, I certainly can’t figure it out. I just need to listen to the order and do it according to Lord’s instructions.” Pattaya Road.

Angel: “You may have diverged. Although it is a research in my hands, I will not participate in this research. If you join, you need to cooperate, and there are others.”

“Then I agree, I believe Lord.” Pattaya affirmed again.

Angel: “Since you agree, then do a test to see if you are suitable for this study.”

Nodded in Pattaya, she once took a task to take care of the magic material in the mission hall. At that time, Magus, who initiated the task, also tested some knowledge about the care of magic materials in Baba.

In Barbara’s view, Angel’s so-called test should be the same as the task of caring for the magic material at the beginning, and requires a threshold as a qualification.

Angel saw that Pattaya agreed, and did not speak, but stretched to act and gently tapped the table of the coffee table. An illusion appeared in front of Pattaya.

This illusion is like a white drawing board, pouring various paints at random, chaotic and complicated, and crumpled into a ball.

However, the sketchpad is only flat. This illusion is three-dimensional, with length, width, and depth.

Therefore, the colors in the illusion are also more complicated and chaotic.

Just looking at it, there was a sense of dullness that forced obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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