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… creature in leather shoes.

According to normal logic, it is estimated that it is human or humanoid, but the nightmare creature obviously does not follow the normal logic. At first, the frog chanter and the fox harpist were able to walk upright and dress up in a well-organized and heterogeneous manner. Therefore, it is difficult to judge his specific identity before seeing the true appearance of the creature wearing leather shoes.

“What did you gain from reading the emotions just now?” Sanders asked Angel.

Angel: “Basically, they are very vague and incomplete emotions, and it makes no sense to interpret them. However, among all the useless emotions, there is a coherent emotion that is very special.”

Angel spoke out the message she felt.

“Minister, advent, repair.” Sanders muttered these words in a whisper and fell into short-term thinking.

“Literally, it seems that there is a person Minister came from the nightmare world.” Angel frowned, “I don’t know if it’s the real body, it’s just his Envoy. If it’s the former, I There is a bad hunch. “

Sanders’ expression also became very serious: “The nightmare creature has a strong sense of class. If the official position is included, then based on my previous speculation, the strength of the ministerial level is probably not low. Even, there is a great possibility Above Legend. “

Although Angel also speculates that the ministerial level is very strong, but didn’t expect Sanders will give a guess above Legend. But Angel is wondering, if it really reaches the Legend class, will World’s Will let it enter the Magus world so easily?

Angel’s doubts were quickly answered by Sanders.

“As accidentally, there should already be a half channel in the ruins. The appearance of a half channel means that it already belongs to Demiplane. Demiplane is the gap between the nightmare world and the real world. World’s Will is not the highest Ruler, so as long as it does not invade the real world, the Demiplane It is possible to have Legend. “

Sanders paused: “Also, basically all the nightmare creatures come to the Magus world, even in the cracks, there will be a great loss of strength. Therefore, the ministerial level may be above the Legend in the nightmare world, in reality It may have been discounted. “

However, the above two guesses are just speculations. Sanders can’t be completely sure of the opponent’s current strength level. But in the nightmare world, the ministerial level should be accidentally outside, definitely above Legend.

Imagine that there are creatures above Legend on the periphery of Dire World. Where Greya’s body was lost, Legend creatures got together.

The creature in the core circle of the nightmare is also a ministerial class, and the Legend class must not have run.

Angel sounded a little tremble, if the minister-level creature came to the ruins and its strength was still above Legend, then the barbaric cave would be unsafe.

“Hope, like the last sleepless city, it was just a minister’s Envoy coming, but the minister himself.” Angel whispered.

Sanders’s expression is not very good. Their suspicion of ministerial level is actually a fantasy of low level to high level. This illusion is always an unequal blind guess, just like Xia Chong is difficult to say, any guess is futile. Perhaps the ministerial level is more powerful than they thought, and it is even more disregarding World Law.

Thinking of this, the atmosphere became slightly condensed.

Angel: “At the beginning of the twilight auction, the owl doll calling herself Oli mentioned some ministerial information. Among them, Minister Mana seemed to be in charge of supervision, and Minister Glenn liked to speak. Apart from this, I also know one The Minister, the owner of the Dalmatian in Sleepless City, is named Minister Diem. “

“If the minister really came, would it be one of these three?”

Sanders shook his head, no one knew the question. None of the currently known three ministers have exposed their strength, but the spotted dog of Minister Diem, such as accidentally, is a living mysterious thing. Even if it is placed in the source World, it is estimated to be an anecdote and can become The master of the Dalmatian, Minister Diem, is by no means trivial.

Angel: “Will the owner of the pair of shoes be the minister?”

“This should not be, if it is really a minister, he will definitely come out to meet you.” Sanders negates softly, in his opinion, the class of the owner of the pair of leather shoes should be much lower than Shawa, so he dare not appear in Angel Within the field of vision. Just like the Dark Demon City in the Demon Country, once the wisdom is there, it will take the initiative to bypass Angel, just standing in the far “praise Shawa”, you can see it.

However, even if the owner of the pair of shoes is not a ministerial level, Sanders still dare not relax easily. Because when I saw the pair of leather shoes before, the sense of crisis still lingered in his heart.

If the relics are of this level of creation, I ca n’t imagine how dangerous it is.

Sanders stood in the pavilion, staring far away at the sparkling Star Pond, with deep worry in his eyes.

“Now that your initial investigation is over, let them return first, and the rest will be discussed together,” Sanders said.

Although the remains of Star Pond seem calm at the moment, who knows when he will change. Even for safety, Sanders did not dare to let the three defenders leave for too long.

Now that Angel has got some clues, it’s time for them to come back.

About ten minutes later, the guarded Magus returned to the three observation kiosks. Rhein and Shuling also appeared in front of them, but Nice and Ferro not at all followed.

“… Minister, advent, repair?” Rhein had learned these keywords from Angel’s mouth, frowning, as if thinking about something.

At the same time, the Magus guarding the other two observation kiosks is actually paying attention to the movement here.

The iron-clad mother-in-law’s expression was a little solemn, and she seemed worried about what she thought of.

On the other side, White old man Wallace’s expression is not good. Although he does not know what the ministerial level means, his natural sense has already felt uneasy.

“If you want to open the ruins again next time, must say ahead of time.” Shu Ling pretended to teach Sanders a pretense and turned to the topic: “Leave aside other things first, no matter what shoes, and the identity of the minister, regardless of , The most important of these keywords should be the last word. “

“Repair.” Shu Ling’s tone emphasized the word: “What the hell are they going to repair? Is the minister coming specifically to repair?”

Sanders: “Repair means to revise and restore it as it is, in other words, it is to repair and improve on the basis that it already has. I have a guess, maybe the thing they repaired is originally in this ruin. of.”

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