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In the process of flying in, Asaz encountered several relics, some of which were only an entrance, and some of them basically showed the whole picture. For example, on a small mound beneath them, a group of ancient buildings with glittering halos appeared, and there is a relic exposed.

It can be clearly seen that there are traces of smoke in the vicinity of this ancient building complex.

After seeing the various ruins everywhere, Asaz also frightened and flustered from the very beginning, slowly calming down.

Ruins from other places may be precious, but there are too many ruins on the Pamiji Plateau … and every ruin seems to have been developed, which is basically of little value.

Half an hour later, Gondola finally entered the central area of ​​the Pamiji Plateau. At this time, Sanders raised his head and observed the surroundings with a calm expression. I want to see if there is anything strange that Siley said.

The cool wind blows the stray clouds. The color of the sky is blue as a flawless gem.

The surrounding Space energy is not too disordered, and the original Primordial Demon force is at a normal level. Everything looked calm and no abnormalities were seen.

Sanders looked towards the ground again. On the high-altitude field, in addition to the barren ground, the messy cold-resistant plants are large, large blocks of cold-colored stones.

There are still some ruts and animal hoof marks on some open ground. It can be known that someone should wander in the vicinity in the near future.

Sanders closed his eyes and Spiritual Force penetrated the ground directly. Under the ground, he saw the track of the underground steam train, which should be the track of the night monster city to various underground villages. There are still oil traces on the track, also in other words, at least one day, there is a steam train rumbling from here.

Whether it is on the ground or underground, everything looks calm and peaceful. Sanders said secretly in one’s heart, and it seems that there is a slight difference from the danger of Siley De. Has the barbarian cave dealt with the danger? or is, the danger is hidden in a more hidden and unknown place?

Sanders doesn’t know, but he still observes quietly.

But there was nothing wrong with Gondola until he came to the giant crater of the Pamiji Plateau.

And after entering the giant pit of Tiancao, you will reach the end point-the entrance of World in the mirror.

“It seems that I think too much.” Sanders muttered.

On the other side, Greia also stopped communicating with Angel, stretched out a lazy waist, and put on the red heart sunglasses again: “Finally arrived, I heard at the small tea party before leaving Sky Machinery City, Lianna It seems that I have returned to the barbarian cave. After a while, I can go to the rose garden, find her a cup of tea, and talk about how to arrange the next large tea talk. “

As Greia said, she signaled Assaz to go gondolas down.

When Gondola came to the top of the pit, Asaz looked at the dark and dark cave below, and there was still some hair in his heart, which felt like he was about to fall into the mouth of the abyss.

But Greia was urging, and Asaz did not dare to pause, and continued to control Gondola to descend. From approaching the surface, slowly to the surface, and deep into the giant pit.

After falling for about ten seconds, Greia suddenly frowned: “It seems a bit wrong.”

It’s not that Greia perceives it, but according to the rate of descent. At this time, the surrounding should not be so dark, because there is an airport parked by the windmill town near Airship.

Also in other words, the light of the airport can be seen on the cliff. It shouldn’t be like it is now, it seems to have entered the dark cave completely.

Before Greia’s words fell, Sanders actually found something wrong. He directly explored the Spiritual Force into the cliff. His vision was changing rapidly, and he soon came to the airport of Windmill Town.

“Today, the airport in Windmill Town seems to be resting, and I saw the overhaul sign near the port.” At this time, Angel’s sound came out.

Sanders glanced at Angel and nodded to confirm his words.

Greia: “It turns out this way …” Greia greeted Asaz to continue to fall, and then looked towards the opposite, although it was dark, but she knew that she was facing Angel.

“Will the airport be repaired at ordinary times?”

Angel: “I don’t know much about this.”

Sanders: “It will be overhauled. However, it is usually fixed on the 7th day of the first month of each month. At this time, it is the moment of rest in Windmill Town, and no one will travel.”

Greia: “But today is not within a fixed time, is this because of what happened? For example, what happened to the airport, or is there something wrong with Windmill Town.”

As soon as the words came down, Greia denied herself.

There should be no accident, after all, Windmill Town is very close to the Savage Cave. Any wind and grass in Windmill Town will involve the situation of the barbaric cave. Against the background of such a Pang Grand Magus organization, if there is a problem with Windmill Town, it really hits the face of the savage cave.

Therefore, windmill town is basically impossible.

Sure enough, when Gondola was about to reach the bottom of the pothole, dim light appeared on the side of the cave wall, as well as various openings, winding walls, and busy people.

These all are ordinary people living in Windmill Town. They will transport some food and daily necessities to the barbaric caves for sale through the transportation track.

This is the way of windmill town to discuss life.

Since these people continue to operate, it shows that the Savage Cave still maintains a stable life.

However, Angel noticed that although this group of people did the same thing as before, their expressions seemed to be much more serious than before. In the past, when Angel came out of the world in the mirror, he could still hear some laughter, and now their atmosphere looks obviously heavier.

Has the atmosphere really changed? or is, influenced by Siley D, let them subconsciously think of bad places?

At present, Angel can’t get an answer, but he doesn’t have to deliberately distinguish. Anyway, he has reached the barbarian cave, and he will understood when he returns.

When they were more than ten meters away from the mirror surface of the pit, Angel put away the gondola.

They fell directly, but when approaching the mirror, everyone seemed to turn into feathers, stepping on the mirror gently and steadily.

Angel looked at all around, not at all, any white smoke and silhouette came out, it seems that Jing Ji Lord still did not wake up.

“Go in.” Sanders took the to act stick and lightly tapped the mirror. The light source immediately began to diverge, and a channel appeared in front of them.

Just as they were about to enter the channel, a burst of exclamation came from the hole in the cliff.

“Ah! Why is Iva here, how did he escape!”

“Hurry up! Hurry up and stop him!”

“No, let’s not touch him!”

“This is near the entrance, let’s find Magus Lord!”

As he said, several sweaty men rushed out of the hole in the cliff. When they came out, the first thing they saw was Angel and the others.

This group of mortals will naturally not recognize Angel and the others, but the light of the mirror glittering shows their identity as Transcending.

“Very good! Magus Lord!”

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