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In the secret room, Greia looked at the picture presented in the light screen, with thought in her eyes.

“Did this target appear a little late?” Grea’s sound is very light, as if murmuring, and whispering.

All of Rosen’s arrows have been shot and only the head is left. Does the arrow target appear?

Horus: “… shoot the arrow first, then draw the target.”

Really shoot arrows first, then draw the target! It’s exactly the same as Isabel described!

Greia narrowed her eyes: “Could it be said that the arrow is really the arrow of the loser?”

No one responded, but everyone invariably shifted the weight of Libra in his heart, moving towards the arrow of the loser.

On the other side, in the metal hall.

Angel came here with Muse, the main reason is to see if there is a mysterious atmosphere on the target, if it is, then it can be determined that the target is made by the sea of ​​light.

But when Angel came here, his focus was not on judging whether it had mysterious features.

Angel and Muse glanced at each other, both looking surprised in the other’s eyes.

“Did you feel it?”

Angel not at all specific description, but Muse seems to understand what he said, slightly nodded. Then he stretched out the gear-studded cane and pointed at the target suspended on the seat: “The source is it.”

Angel looked towards the target, filled with doubts.

When they stepped into the metal hall, in fact, both of them were on guard, and Angel was also ready to open the door at any time, fearing an accident. However, what is not at all dangerous, but it ’s weird that when they are going to observe the target at close range, they feel that the target seems to be escaping some kind of interpretable information. ripple.

Because of the mysterious incident, Angel and Muse dared not get closer at this moment, even if they were very curious in their hearts, what information was the arrow target escaping.

But they are not close, it does not mean that they can not interpret the information, Angel and Muse have many methods at this time, allowing them to obtain the information ripple safely. For example, to capture the information ripple through the mechanical magic doll to confirm whether it is in a safe frequency band; or, for example, send a Magic Pet directly to see if it will be harmful; or use other methods to directly interpret the information ripple …

However, they not at all chose the above method. Muse directly tapped the floor, and Anthony Ao appeared on their side.

Looking at the pale blue humanoid light, Angel flashed clear comprehension: Anthony is a special Spirit Body. His Spirit body can split and monitor the entire Sky Machinery City.

The Spirit body split out can also capture the ripples of information. Just let Anthony Ao enter into it, and you can determine the specific situation. Even if there is danger, Anthony can abandon this differentiated Spirit body at any time, and will not cause any harm to its Host’s Body.

After Anthony understood the meaning of the muse, without any hesitation, he went directly into the radiation range of the target.

After Anthony entered, he immediately stood still.

Although he could not see his face, he could feel that Anthony seemed to be thinking about something. Perhaps it was the information it got from the target.

After a while, Anthony turned around: “It seems that Ms. Isabel is right, this arrow is really the arrow of the loser.”

Muse: “Why are you so sure?”

Anthony Ao pointed at the target: “It told me.”

Paused, Anthony said again: “The ripples from the arrow target are just a repetitive paragraph. At present, this ripple is a pure information ripple, not at all dangerous.”

Anthony has finished his word, and has not yet waited for verification, so Muse stepped directly into the scope of the information ripple.

Angel hesitated for a moment and walked into the information ripple class.

One minute later, Angel and Muse came back to his senses at the same time from the information capture. As Anthony said, this information ripple is not at all dangerous, it just expresses a piece of information repeatedly.

The content of this information is actually describing the reason for the existence of the target.

After Angel and Muse returned to the underground chamber, Greia immediately asked about the target. Their conversation in the metal hall was all presented in the hall, so they were also curious about what information the target was spreading. ?

“The loose information ripples only describe a natural law.” Angel gestured to the muse and confirmed that it could be spoken, which was the only information he had received before.

The natural law described by the target is not a logical sentence, but through analysis, several results can be learned.

First, the cause of the arrow target. When the arrow hits the selected object, it will start to form the target. This is called shooting an arrow first and then drawing a target. Anthony Au also infers that this arrow is the arrow of the loser.

Then, it is when the target disappears. When an arrow target is formed, it means that the selected object has been hit by an arrow. After a long time, the arrow target will appear at the position of the arrow striker until-

The arrow of the loser selects the next object and launches a new arrow, this target will disappear.

Also in other words, the existence of this target can let people know when the next arrow of the loser was launched.

The last paragraph gets information, which explains an iron law about the arrow of the loser: it is impossible to shoot 2 arrows at the same person.

Also in other words, if the arrow striker is fortunate not to die, the arrow of the loser cannot lock him for the second time.

This also indirectly illustrates one thing: at least Rosen need not be afraid, there will be a second arrow shot.

The above is some useful information that Angel has compiled from the target.

After listening, everyone fell into meditation.

“I don’t understand, why does it disseminate this information?” Greia frowned, habitually thinking from a conspiracy perspective.

Anthony: “Perhaps this is what Ms. Isabel said, a certain characteristic of the arrow of the loser.”

Greia couldn’t find a place to refute. She finally insisted on her own thoughts: “It always feels a little strange.”

“I think the message from this target should be true.” The muse said: “It’s a simple truth, it doesn’t need to deceive people.”

Rosen also opened the mouth and said at this time: “It is true, and there is no place for the information to be interpreted. I also tend to believe that the information is true.”

At this moment, a light laughter suddenly came into everyone’s ears.

“Now that mysterious things have been determined to be the arrows of the loser, you might as well think about other things instead of discussing these issues. For example …” Sanders said indifferently: “How do they determine that Rosen is the target?”

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