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This is an empty secret room, completely constructed of silver white metal, located under the infinite battle tower, and is also one of the highest defense levels in the Sky Machinery City.

Muse brought everyone here by short-distance transmission.

Muse began to check on Rosen ’s situation. During this period, Angel also learned from Anthony ’s mouth that the reason why he could n’t get in contact with Anthony was because he was breaking into the temple of creation in order to shut the Muse Headmaster off. State wake up.

After confirming that Rosen was okay, Muse was sighed in relief.

He looked towards Anthony, with a serious expression: “Why was Rosen attacked, what happened inside?”

Anthony Ao did not answer immediately, but quietly looked towards Greia and the others in the distance.

Muse seemed to realize that it was apparent to Anthony that it was a secret thing, and it was inconvenient to talk to outsiders.

Thinking about this, Muse decided to take out a special isolator and talk to Anthony alone.

However, before he could do anything, he only heard a ringing finger, and Assaz, who was behind everyone, disappeared.

Muse looked at Sanders. He felt the fluctuation. It should be Sanders who installed Asaz into the gravity garden.

“Except Horus, we all know the germination.” Sanders paused, looked towards Horus: “If Horus’s words, I believe he is qualified to know about it.”

Muse didn’t know the specific situation yet, and gave the decision to Anthony.

Anthony Ao thought for a while, or nodded: “I also believe in the Winter Kingship.”

Horus’s expression remained unchanged, waiting quietly for Anthony’s remarks. He was also curious. What happened inside, why did Rosen encounter this attack?

“This matter has to start with Mr. Pat.” Anthony O’Angel went to find Rosen as an entry point, and all of the original appearance of the matter, including the disappearance of Irene and the exile of Siman, were all told.

Greia and the others only knew about the disappearance of Irene, and it was the first time they knew about Siman’s captivity, and they listened very carefully.

As for Horus, it was frowning, and didn’t expect involved a mysterious thing out of order.

Horus has been walking in the outer realm all year round, and he also knows the general situation of some mysterious things, so when he knows the connotation of this “sterile” mysterious thing, he can’t help but be surprised.

The effect of this out-of-order mysterious thing is so powerful that its range of influence is beyond imagination. Most importantly, the key to the budding rhythm is so simple!

The law-abiding guild was unable to recover the budding, and gave the madman a chance to revel, taking the budding as a belief, and spreading the “key” in various circles. The ignorant person thought it was a miracle, but did not know that only the eternal and endless darkness ushered in after the key was opened.

After listening to the introduction of the budding believers, Horus only had a sentence in his mind: Never let the budding faith spread to South Territory!

Muse had a similar idea, even deeper. Because the budding believers have already appeared in the Yi Rong Kingdom, and even caused the disappearance of dozens of people. The expulsion of the budding faith is an urgent matter!

“City Lord Rosen also had the idea of ​​expelling or destroying budding believers, so through the method of prophecy, we found their hiding place …”

Anthony Ao detailed the process and deliberately pointed out the other party’s threat on the “arrow”.

Muse frowned: “Also in other words, the arrow that caused Rosen to be seriously injured, is most likely the ghost of the budding sect?”

Everyone agreed, because only the threat of the budding believers was related to the arrow.

Greia said: “The arrow must have been shot from outside the void. How did they aim at Lord Rosen accurately and did not cause any damage to other things in the physical world?”

This is not only powerful, but also weird.

Everyone is also thinking about this problem, at this time, Angel suddenly said: “I probably have an idea.”

Angel’s words attracted everyone’s attention: “When I went in to investigate the condition of Lord Rosen, I felt the light in the hall and a little faint familiarity.”

“Familiarity?” Muse recalled the previous situation. Although he was alert to the lights, he didn’t at all perceive what was wrong with the light. Perhaps it is because he not at all personally touched it?

“Yes, there are some very subtle breaths.” Angel paused: “And this breath has a mysterious nature.”

mysterious nature! Also in other words, is that arrow most likely a mysterious thing of some kind of attack?

There was a sudden flash in everyone’s eyes. If it was really mysterious, it was indeed possible. The strangeness and terrifying of mysterious things are clear to everyone.

“I also think it may be mysterious.” A cold sound of metallic feel sounded from behind.

Rosen was speaking, and after experiencing energy balance, he finally opened his eyes.

“When the arrow hit my heart, I could clearly perceive a mysterious fluctuation, and at that time I could recognize very clearly that I couldn’t resist. So, I gave up my control of the heart and took all Energy is supplied to the head. Fortunately, the arrow made my body all split up and in pieces, but did not completely annihilate my head, so that I would not die on the spot. “

“It’s really mysterious …” Muse frowned. “That’s trouble.”

Everyone knows what the trouble Muse is referring to.

The characteristics of mysterious things are extremely strange and unpredictable.

The man who threatened Rosen with an “arrow” could hang the “arrow” in his mouth so simply that he could infer that this mysterious thing that can shoot arrows is definitely not a disposable item.

As long as the cost of using this mysterious thing is not too serious, the other party can shoot this arrow, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no 2nd arrow, 3rd arrow.

This is where Muse worries.

If the other party not only wants to kill Rosen, but also kills Muse, or other high-level Sky Machine City leaders … then the consequences will be very serious.

“Then what should I do now?” Greia asked with some concern. The enemy was secret, it was very difficult to prevent.

“Information inequality has caused the current situation. As far as my advice is concerned, the first thing you need to do now is to understand the germination and have a deeper understanding of the mysterious thing.”

Everyone agrees with Sanders. Indeed, only by knowing the specific situation can one know how to respond.

But now the problem is coming, what is that mysterious thing?

After a moment of silence, Greia turned to look towards Angel: “Angel, do you know?”

Angel shook his head. Although Froth talked to him with Bud, he didn’t say that the Bud sect had anything mysterious.

Angel doesn’t know, everyone can only look towards the muse.

Muse thought for a moment: “I don’t know very well, but someone might know.”

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