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When Angel stepped forward and was about to speak, Rosen turned around.

With his movements, a huge coercion suddenly hit.

Angel does not understand the meaning of Rosen, and subconsciously wants to build a Spirit defensive wall, but the next moment he only noticed that Rosen ’s coercion was not directed against himself.

It was … Toby in his chest pocket.

Toby was lying in a tender chest pocket, hiccupped comfortably. When the coercion came, he was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something. A little anger flashed in his red eyes. .

This coercion is at most Magus level. Toby not at all is under any burden, but it makes him very angry.

Toby flew into the air, his body quickly transformed into a giant snake bird.

When the shape of the snake bird was formed, the large metal hall was immediately filled with dāng dāng.

The damp and cold snake body surrounded Angel layer by layer, and Toby seemed to want to use this to protect Angel. But the snake head with scarlet sarcoma was vomiting si si snake letter, staring coldly at Rosen.

It can be seen from this action that Toby seems to think that Rosen is preparing to put pressure on Angel, so he properly protects Angel from dāng dāng. But did not realize that coercion is simply on it.

Rosen looked at this huge snake bird, his eyes not at all any fluctuations, even if Toby had already probed the snake to a distance of less than 2 meters from him, Rosen was still unmoved.

“Sure enough, Sanders was right, this snake bird was indeed the seabird.” The cold sound with a metallic feel came from Rosen’s mouth.

As the voice fell, Rosen withdrew his coercion, but Toby still stared at him with vigilance and stern eyes.

“City of Lord Rosen’s hospitality really opened my eyes.” Angel’s sound was calm, but he could read a little uncomfortably in his tone.

Rosen quietly looked towards Angel, not at all speaking, seemingly looking for response to the wording.

After a long time, Rosen said: “Super Magus is a member of the R & D Institute, and I will naturally receive it seriously. However, there are some unrest factors that I must also investigate.”

The so-called instability factor refers to Toby.

Angel also understands that the legendary breath that Toby generated when he was promoted in the void has brought much panic and trouble to Sky Machinery City. So far, the magic eyes outside are still busy flying, so from the perspective of Rosen , His actions seem reasonable.

Even more how, Rosen only used coercion to force Toby to change into a snake bird. Not at all other actions have given Angel face. Angel is indeed not qualified to accuse him of his actions.

But my heart is still a bit uncomfortable.

Angel reached out to act and stroked Toby’s snake body: “It’s alright.”

Angel soothes Toby and makes it come back first. But Toby seemed to be very angry, but stared at Rosen for a long time, and finally followed Angel’s meaning to retract the shape of the little seabird from the giant snake bird.

However, before it shrank, Toby moved towards the ground and spit out a dark black mist.

Almost for a short moment, the dark mist spread to more than half of the hall. The fog came and disappeared quickly. When the fog disappeared completely, half of the whole hall had already formed a stone shell.

“Petrochemical toxins.” Rosen said softly as he looked at the stone texture in the hall.

Toby stood on Toby’s shoulders, proudly raising his chest, and seemed to be very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Angel is didn’t expect, Toby will finally come to this suddenly. Fortunately, Toby just formed a stone shell in the hall, and it only took a little effort to clean it up, without really touching the magic patterns on the metal wall.

It was also because Toby was a little bit of a measure, Rosen just glanced at those stone areas, not at all said, it was considered the default.

After the atmosphere recovered from tension to ease, Angel’s eyes looked towards the suspended light screens behind Rosen, and the above picture was still changing.

Angel chuckled softly: “didn’t expect, Lord Rosen has interest in peeping at others.”

The picture on the light screen is a real-time image of Sky Machinery City. From the perspective of the display of the picture, it should be a film taken by the magic eye.

“In a city full of Transcending creatures, if you don’t have the means to control, what do you think will become?” Lawson indifferently said: “I do this only to control the unstable factors.”

paused, Rosen suddenly said: “speaking of which, I have some images here, I want to share with you.”

As he said, Rosen lightly tapped one of the screens.

The light screen zooms in instantly, covering all other light screens. At the same time, the content in the light screen also jumped to another screen from the real-time monitoring of the Sky Machinery City image-

The deep black sea, terrifying giant beast, and people struggling to survive.

The picture played very quickly, and in a moment, Rosen finished it, he looked towards Angel: “What do you think?”

Angel: “I thought this was the biggest stain in Sky Machinery City in the past 100 years, but looking at the attitude of Lord Rosen, it doesn’t seem to care about their life or death.”

The picture released by Rosen is exactly what purged the garden, and countless Apprentice died in this beautiful dream weaved.

Rosen not at all any emotions, still like a cold machine, said: “Purifying the garden is just a choice of interest, not just a guide from Patriarch of Sky Machinery City.”

The meaning of Rosen made it clear that the interests of various Magus organizations are intertwined behind this matter, otherwise, it is impossible to let so many Magus Apprentice enter the purification garden.

“Even more how, some people really benefited, for example, you.” As he said, Lawson replayed the previous image again, deliberately showing Angel’s picture.

Especially one of them: only 5 minutes left, the sea of ​​purification is about to collapse, but Angel is still caught in the body of the giant sea clam Oedes. Seeing that when he ca n’t escape, a huge griffin rushes He came out and took Angel to the end.

Rosen paused the picture and looked towards Angel: “This Griffon should also be your child, Toby?”

Toby can change into a griffon, in fact, in the eyes of a caring person, it is not a secret. It was just the first time that Rosen had pointed it out so clearly.

“It can be transformed into a griffin, and when it is promoted, it turns into a snake bird, and it can also exude Legend. Your little friend, it looks very simple.” Rosena’s eyes flashed a quiet Light, watching Angel quietly.

Rosen’s eyes gave Angel a feeling of being seen through.

But Angel understood that this was just an illusion, and Rosen should have used a technique similar to authenticity, trying to learn some truth from his mouth.

Faced with this situation, the best way is to not speak.

Faced with Angel’s mismatch, Rosen did not have any annoyance. For him, he was really curious about the secret inside, but if Angel did not want to say it, it didn’t matter. As long as this matter, don’t hurt his interests, as well as the interests of Sky Machinery City, that’s okay.

Lawson: “I thought you came to me and wanted to talk to me about Toby. Now it seems that this is not the case?”

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