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Toby is describing his heroic fearless from beginning to end.

The more you talk about it, the more hot-blooded it becomes, the more you talk about it, the more it boils, as if you have forgotten the grievances that you showed before.

However, Angel and Greia listened very carefully. After all, Toby’s previous experience in the house of heart was never concealed.

Although Toby may have used a slightly exaggerated method when telling, from its description, it is not difficult to see the dangerous degree of this robbery.

This overlapping trap, wave after wave of dark waves, and harassment of various monsters. Let Greia have to sigh, if Angel did not use the “Mengmeng Trial” method, Toby may not even have a 1% success rate.

Toby portrayed his heroic deeds, which took more than half an hour. Finally, when he said that he should end, his expression changed from being proud to being wronged again.

“… Grunge!” Obviously I have reached the last high platform, I can easily defeat the idea of ​​extreme grievance, I have practiced countless times, but didn’t expect, was preempted by the monster who doesn’t know what exists!

The feathers on Toby’s angry head began to stand upside down, jumping from Angel’s shoulders to the table, turning around on the table, his to get really angry can be seen in his eyes.

“This is why you are angry and wronged?” Greia asked after a long time.

Toby was wronged by nodded.

Greia: “…” Is your concern wrong? ! What you should pay more attention to is who is the existence of the dialogue with you, not that it grabs your first blood!

Although Greia madly vomited inwardly, she looked at Toby’s aggrieved expression with a symbolic comfort.

“Actually, you can think differently. It is a good thing for someone to help you, at least it saves a lot of time.”

Toby was not happy when he heard it, and whispered that he wanted not to help, but to do it himself!

Greia sighed, she understood that Toby valued this sense of ceremony more than just a result. She was so arrogant when she was young, but as her experience grew, what she valued more now was whether she could achieve the final result. The process was not so important.

Whether the ceremony is important or the result is important, it is difficult to clarify who is right and who is wrong.

Greia would like to share this speculation process with Toby, but looking at Toby’s panting with rage now, you should not be able to hear a long story. She couldn’t help but looked towards Angel.

As a younger generation, Angel may understand Toby better.

Angel laughed, stretched to act and stroked Toby’s head. The warm touch and the comfort of comforting along the feathers calmed Toby’s mood slowly.

Seeing Toby no longer showing anger, Angel said.

Angel did n’t struggle with whether the sense of ceremony was important or the result was important, but just made a suggestion to Toby: “You said that the existence of the idea of ​​killing extreme grievances is most likely to anger you, so are you really angry? It’s not that it’s tricky. “

Toby rolled his eyes, as if this were the case.

“If you are really Wrath, it is better to beat it with the mood you want to beat the extreme grudge when you see it later. When you step on it, you should change it You mock it. “

Angel’s A Tooth For A Tooth theory, won the heart of Toby, it was nodded again and again, waving its wings and flexing its fists, it seems to have seen the “destiny enemy”, the flapping air lifted waves.

Although Toby calmed down here, Angel and Greia were not so relaxed at this time. They glanced at each other, and they both saw the positive color in the other’s eyes.

After talking about Toby ’s grievances, it ’s time to talk about business.

——What is the creature that summons want to summon out?

Angel: “According to time, when Toby encounters it, it should be when we perceive alternative emotions outside.”

“That kind of heavy and complicated emotions does not stem from the robbery of resentment and the robbery of anger.” Greia’s eyes flashed solemnly: “Are our speculations not wrong, really … new omen?”

To analyze from various situations, this is a huge possibility for Toby’s new robbery.

According to Toby himself, the idea of ​​extreme resentment has reached the end of its desperate end, so it summon out a vortex, hoping that the existence behind vortex will help it deal with Toby together. The grievances shouted nonstop at the time: “If it disappears, the next one will be your turn.”

Judging from this sentence, there are already some clues. If it disappears, what will be the “next” in Toby’s thinking space?

Undoubtedly, it must be the same as the extreme complaint, and it is also a new disaster.

There is one more point to prove that all the “vortex” summoned by summon, including the various monsters that blocked Toby ’s advance, are actually reflections of Toby within the body, and they are a kind of concrete projection. .

Also in other words, the existence behind vortex is definitely in Toby ’s body, or somewhere quietly dormant in bloodline.

The other party’s ability to defeat extreme grievances also illustrates the problem.

Existing in Toby within the body, and can also defeat the grievances, then its identity is ready to come out.

Love, hate, sorrow. 3 One of the robbery.

All of this is right. It is because of the appearance of this new robbery that Greia and Angel will feel the different emotions at that time.

“The grievances at the end did not forget to pit Toby.” Greia’s eyes gleamed in glory. Originally, after Toby succeeded in this robbery, the next robbery might not appear until a long time. This act of resentment disturbed everything.

Even if the new robbery appears for a while, but since it has already appeared, it also means that it is already proclaiming to Toby.

If Toby does not know its existence, that’s all. But now that it has appeared, the easy days may be far away. Now Toby can only continue to strengthen itself, face its existence, and then one day in the future, like defeating the extreme grudge, defeat it!

Toby itself is very repulsive for training. But today, when Greia stated that she would continue training and finally defeat the unknown existence, it not only did not refute, even nodded without the slightest hesitation, from this point of view, you know how Wrath is in Toby’s heart.

It would be good to turn Wrath into a driving force. Greia’s heart is quite gratifying.

At this time, Angel asked: “By the way, have you ever seen its ontology?”

Today, Toby already has 2 incarnations, Rage Griffon and Envy Snake Bird. If there is no accident, the existence behind that vortex should also be an incarnation that Toby may have in the future.

Greia and Sanders are also curious about this issue.

Griffins and snake birds are both great incarnations, so what will the new incarnation be?

Facing everyone’s attention, Tobes thought about it and shook his head.

It does not know what the other party is, the only thing that is certain is that the other party’s body should have pure white feathers.

Because the idea of ​​eliminating extreme grudges and letting Toby as if having a fish bone stuck in one’s throat is a white feather glittering with a slight awn.

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