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Assuming this is true, where do these emotions controlled by Toby come from? Is it from the extreme grudge? Is it something else?

While Angel was still guessing, the screams of Haili in the distance slowly became dumb, and finally disappeared completely.

At the same time, the scarlet light that obscured everyone’s sight slowly dissipated.

When the illusion completely disappeared, the scene that caught my eyes surprised everyone.

I saw Haili seemed to have fallen into a state of mindlessness, both hands embraced his knees, curled up into a ball, motionless. Behind Haili, there is a giant python with indifferent eyes and dark wings flapping slowly, giving it a deep and heavy momentum.

Looking at Haili’s godless eyes, they already understood that Toby won the final outcome.

And fancy, winning is very easy. At least, Toby has no trauma.

Greia finally sighed in relief at this time, but after relaxing, Greia also had some shock in her heart. Originally, she was ready to help at any time. After all, so many people from the deep Alchemy siege, Toby had just advanced, and no one could tell how much its ability had improved.

But now it seems that Toby didn’t need her help at all and solved the group perfectly. You know, if Greia herself is besieged by these people, it is estimated that it is not so easy to win as easily as Toby.

Greia has both comfort and emotion in her heart, as well as an inexplicable Pride.

After all, Toby created it by her. To such a degree, how can Greya not feel Pride. But at the same time as Pride, Greia thought of Toby’s strength now, which was not much different from herself, and she felt a sense of urgency again.

If Toby surpasses himself and wants to train Toby again, it lacks legitimacy. It seems that she has to step up her promotion. The biggest Target now is to find her lost Fleshy body as soon as possible.

Angel does not have the complex emotions of Greia. After all, Toby is more powerful than him. Today, Toby has once again demonstrated such a strong strength, Angel has become accustomed to it.

Angel’s biggest emotion now is to be happy for Toby’s changes.

The thing that bothered him the most during this time was that Toby was shackled by the idea of ​​extreme resentment. Now that Toby has finally succeeded in robbing him, and with such a qualitative change in strength, Angel feels that the burden on his heart has also dropped.

Even if I just felt the smell of “suspicious new robbery”, but it is also a matter of not knowing how far in the future, why bother now?

As for Sanders, Toby is also very satisfied with the promotion. Although Toby was refined by Greia, Toby is not a candy house person. It seems that Toby is more inclined to follow Angel, which is equivalent to the addition of an official Magus level of strength from the magic island, and from the comparison of strength, It is estimated to be stronger than Flora.

The strength of Phantom Island is strengthened again, and Sanders is naturally satisfied.

The positive emotions emitted by the three people at the same time, plus Sanders intentionally relaxed the Illusion technique node, finally let Toby perceive the situation here.

Toby was originally staring at Haley, and his head was raised at this time, looking towards the distance.

Although Toby still didn’t see anything, it already felt their breath. Why is Angel and the others invisible? This is not important to Toby. Its biggest wish now is to tell the Young Lord his grievances.

Toby did this, but he had to “speak wrongs”, so he couldn’t use such a huge body.

It’s not that the huge body is bad, but that it’s not convincing even to be miserable and wronged even with such a powerful snake bird form.

Therefore, Toby’s first thing to do now is to restore his seabird form.

Although the seabird is not the most powerful form, it is a form that Toby can be arbitrary in front of Angel and Greia. Therefore, Toby will never discard it, and the shell of the seabird does not need consumption energy to maintain it, which is also very comfortable for it.

However, after all, Toby turned into a snakebird for the first time with self-consciousness. It takes some time to adapt to return to the previous form.

Toby began to trace the seabird form in his thinking. With its control of the flesh and blood, the flesh energy was slowly being confined. Putting it into reality, Toby’s body turned into sand and slowly dissipated.

Angel and the others also knew that Toby was preparing to return to seabird form, and he was not too worried.

Only, when everyone was relaxed, Haley, who had been curled up before, suddenly raised her head.

Haili’s mind has actually been defeated, but after so many years of believing in the deep lord, and her potential is also high, the deep lord is very happy to leave part of Strength in the body with Haili.

Their cognition is not wrong, Haili has indeed failed, but Haili is within the body and the deep Lord’s Strength. Although there are not many such strengths, the level is countless times higher than that of Hayley itself, and others have not found it immediately.

So, this Strength supports Hailey, letting her come back to his senses from the endless emotional abyss.

She found that scarlet light World was gone, and also noticed the snake bird in front of her. Although it is not clear why this snake bird’s body is dissipating, she realized that there is one thing, this position and this time point, it is simply the best time for lore!

Even though the Deep Lord had asked Hailey to give up the snakebird as a sacrifice, she had not yet given up. This is not to cater to the faith, but for the repeated blows before.

This snake bird was playing with them from beginning to end. This sense of humiliation was absolutely unbearable for Haili.

Only by killing it will we be able to understand our hatred!

Thinking of this, Haili didn’t hesitate at all, and directly started to Toby. Target is still its eyes!

Haili knew that there was a layer of gravity around Toby ’s body that made her jealous, so she used all the strengths in the magic vortex at this time. Anyway, there was no void and no other features around him. After killing Toby, Feel free to find a place to recover slowly.

The energy contained in an official Magus is very amazing.

To break through Toby ’s gravity is definitely more than enough.

When Hailey started, the momentum was unobstructed, and Angel and Greia noticed it. Today, when Toby is changing his body shape, it belongs to the most undefended period, and it is highly likely that Hailey sneak attack will succeed!

So, they prepared to leave Tonby without the slightest hesitation to support Toby.

It’s just that their reaction speed is still slower than Hayley’s. Even if the teleport is over, Hayley has already completed his attack.

At this critical moment, when Haili thought she was about to succeed, the accident still happened.

Toby is indeed in a difficult stage, but it is not that absolutely does not have alert.

Toby also knew that Haley had already exerted her full strength, and the vein of gravity alone might not be able to stop it, but it was not important. As long as her attack is faster and more fierce than her attack, the winner is still herself!

And Toby does indeed have a snake bird ability that has never been released-

Although the body of the snake bird had disappeared by half, its head had not disappeared, but Toby didn’t move. He sprayed a dark black mist directly from his lips and teeth.

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