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At such an extraordinary speed, let alone lock its eyes, even if you want to keep up with its rhythm, it is a luxury.

Faced with this situation, they were almost helpless. Can only watch indifferently, Toby flicked their each and everyone’s flap to the depths of the void.

Everyone is desperate, and the emotions in their hearts have been stretched to the limit, and now they have come to the hopeless deep trench completely.

What they are thinking now is how to escape from Toby instead of playing against Toby.

The only one who has not yet given up the challenge is Haili. However, Hailey’s face is getting darker and darker, watching other people being solved one by one. If she can’t think of a way to defend against Toby, she will soon become a target of slaughter.

Hayley’s hand hidden in her sleeve robe squeezed silently.

“Lord, let’s retreat for the time being first-” A black robe man came to Haili tremblingly and suggested to Haili with all his strength.

Hayley turned her head and looked directly at him, slowly speaking: “As a deep believer, do you want to violate the deity’s instructions?”

“I don’t …” Before he finished saying “I’m not a believer” or “I didn’t want to disobey”, Haili turned directly and came to the back of the man, holding out his hand and carrying each other’s clothes. collar.

I saw Haili’s hands bulging a lot of green muscles, and with a bang, it seemed that countless black down feathers had grown out, and even her nails had become hook-shaped. Then, with a strong effort, the man was directly carried over, hitting Toby in a parabola.

If it is normal, as an official Magus, even if the strength is false, it will never be lost so easily. But now their hearts have been panicked. At this moment of anxiety, dealing with the enemy is also cautiously, completely didn’t expect to be thrown out by the friendly.

Toby also felt the wind of sou sou. Looking at the man who was thrown over, he flicked his tail and heard the sound of ka ka’s bones breaking. As the body twisted, the man was directly smashed and flew out.

Toby did not care whether the man was dead or alive, but prepared to continue to deal with the next person. However, just as he turned his head, he found that the wind behind him suddenly became abnormal, and he looked back.

Before waiting for it to see anything, one silhouette appeared in front of it.

It’s Hayley!

She threw a person over just now, on the one hand, she hated the man’s begging gesture, on the other hand, she wanted to block her silhouette by him! Sure enough, Toby not at all found himself, when the man was hit and flew, Hayley hiding in his shadow immediately drilled out and aimed at Toby’s head.

The reason why Haili aimed at the back of the head was because she knew that the other party would definitely perceive her attack. As long as it turned her head, the position of the attack was her eyes!

Hayley’s plot against was finally successful, and Toby doubted that he had turned around.

When it turned around, after Helena had become bloodline, the hook hand covered with black down feathers, already glittering in the cold light, came to Toby’s eyes.

Haley could have foreseen that the picture of her eye burst with a blow. She was convinced that even if the other party had the fastest speed, she could not escape the fierce attack that was so close and had already gone with the wind.

Hayley saw the surprise flashed in Toby’s eyes, and apparently didn’t expect the attack to come so soon. But what puzzled Hailey was that Toby was surprised, not at all, in his eyes?

Could this hairless beast still run away in this situation? Hayley didn’t believe it.

This is indeed the case, even if Toby has the speed of Transcending, in such a short time, it is difficult to achieve a perfect response.

It didn’t run at all, but Hayley’s attack did not fall on it.

I saw Haili’s terrible deformed both hands suddenly stopped only a few centimeters from Toby’s eyeballs.

It wasn’t Haili who stopped voluntarily, but was blocked by a familiar and heavy strength.

At first in Hailey’s eyes, she was still puzzled. When she sensed the origin of the strength, her expression flashed in horror: “This is … Law context?”

When Hailey was surprised, Angel in the distance was also surprised.

In Angel ’s budget, Toby was unable to dodge in time under Haley ’s unpredictable attack, but with the Strength of Gravity, he could quickly shift the center of gravity, at least let the head deviate to other directions, so Haley even When he attacked Toby, he just hit the scales. If he wanted to explode Toby’s eyes, he would have failed.

Because of this, Angel not at all went to help Toby, but waited quietly for the result of his preview.

Unfortunately, Angel’s preview did not all succeed. Although Toby still uses the context of gravity, the direction of things is not what he expected.

Toby arranged the gravity vein around his body. When Hayley’s attack came to Toby’s body, the gravity vein was like a layer of force field that was repulsed at any time. Hayley’s attack was still blocked.

Toby, like Angel, could only apply the gravitational vein to the inside of the body. Now that Angel is stepping down reductively, Toby has been able to apply the gravitational vein to the outside of the body.

Even used as a means of remote attack.

At this moment, Angel felt emotion again. Toby’s gravity vein is the normal complete volume, his own … presumably a one-for-one castration version.

Hailey is still in shock at this time, she didn’t expect Toby actually has Law in her body? !

Haley now finally understands why it is so fast. This Law vein is obviously related to gravity. If this kind of mighty Law vein is not fast, it would be strange.

However, what Hailey couldn’t figure out is that many Magus can’t comprehend the Law context, a monster actually understands it, and is so skilled!

Haili’s mood has remained stable, at this moment, finally there is a hint of weak spot.

Her eyes flashed with anxiety, and the thick jealous fire instantly burned: she has experienced many times in the Spell Garden, and she has not comprehended any Law veins. What animal can have a gravity vein? Why? !

When Envy’s color blinded Hailey’s thinking, she didn’t even think about it. Where did Toby’s gravity come from? If she thinks deeply, she will find that now that South Territory has a gravity garden, apart from the gravity forest, there is only Sanders on Phantom Island.

Of course, it is not excluded that Toby senses the context of gravity from other places, but if he wants to understand the context of Law without relying on the gravity garden, it is very small in terms of probability.

If Haili thinks about this layer, it is estimated that she will be vigilant, but unfortunately she only has Envy in her heart.

Hailey’s jealousy, under normal circumstances, naturally cannot become so turbulent, but she is now facing the Master who manipulates Envy’s emotions.

Even the smallest flames can be turned into a raging fire in wasteland under the control of Toby.

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