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Not only did Odekras, Fafner, and Balalaika perceive the fluctuations from the distant space-time, but in the abyss, there are still a lot of powers that are quietly perceiving.

Some ignored it, some disregarded it, some listened seriously, and others directed their gaze directly to that distant place.

After all, for them, the owner of this wave is too familiar.

Angel didn’t know that many people in the abyss were watching Toby. He was immersed in the joy of Toby’s promotion.

After Toby came out of the cocoon, he still maintained the terrifying snakebird posture. The first thing after it came out was to fly to Angel and Greia, expressing his joy of promotion.

It first started hissing in front of two people, and seemed to be talking about the mood of promotion. Although Angel and Greia were both exposed to the sound of snake birds for the first time, Toby’s familiar tone, frequency, and pause made it easy for them to guess what Toby was talking about.

Roughly unbelievable and happy.

Toby said more and more excited, and at the back, he directly twisted his head and turned to the depths of the void to start tossing. Not only venting his repression this time, but also consuming excess energy, and familiar with this new Fleshy body.

Angel didn’t stop, but hung beside him, watching Toby’s strength change.

However, Toby obviously hasn’t researched his new skills yet, just like a child who got a new toy, only whining in excitement.

Angel looked at it for a while and couldn’t figure out anything but to give up. Anyway, the future is still long, and there is always a chance to study the strength of snakebirds.

When Angel looked at Toby, he found that Greia hadn’t spoken. Looking back, Greia was also looking at Toby. Although the expression was smiling, there was a complex emotion hidden in his eyes.

“What’s the matter?” Angel asked Greia through the mind tie.

Greia hesitated for a while and said the doubts in her heart: “When Toby just approached me, I seemed to have a familiar feeling.”

Greia does not at all explain what this feeling is, but she summarizes it as a kind of aura. She thinks this kind of aura is very similar to the aura of the original Legend monster.

When Toby incarnation griffon, there was already a kind of aura, but it was far away from the legendary monster aura that was perceived at the time, so Greia was not at all. But now, after the incarnation of the snakebird, Toby’s aura seems to follow the Transition, more and more in line with Legend’s aura.

“As Toby suffers more disasters, will the aura on him get closer to the Legend monster until one day …”

Toby became it.

Angel’s unspoken words, Angel understood. The legendary breath of the previous flash, and the similar aura on Toby’s body, make Greia think of the Legend monster, which still makes her feel at ease.

“Toby is Toby, and it will never change.” Angel: “Even if it really moves in the direction you said, that’s okay. It’s still far in the future, and there is enough time to solve it.”

As long as it is a problem, there is always a solution.

Greia is nodded, “I look forward to it too.”

“Perhaps there is also a possibility that Toby’s self-consciousness may have belonged to the Legend monster. But, there has not been a complete awakening.” At this time, a sound suddenly passed into their ears.

Looking back, he saw Sanders in a gentleman’s suit. They moved elegantly towards them. From his conversation, we can see that he did not confess that he had just overheard their conversation in the spiritual band.

“Toby became it, maybe it was the right path.” Sanders slowly said a terrifying guess.

“No, Toby is different from it!” Greia retorted immediately.

“How do you know it’s different, you just got the gut of Legend monster, you have never been in contact with it, so you don’t understand it.” Sanders paused: “Of course, this is just my speculation, maybe there is a great The probability is wrongly assumed. But since you are already talking about its future, you have to consider the possibility of this layer. “

“And, Greia, you should know yourself. Besides Toby, have you ever created a self-conscious creature?”

The answer, no.

Except for Toby, Greia has never created a creature with complete self-awareness.

Whether it is Protozoa contortus or the Mayfly fragment, although they are the products of Greia’s creation, they are all functional creatures and have no self-consciousness.

Sanders’ words silenced Greia. As a knowledge-rich Magus, she has done many experiments, and it is almost impossible to break the logic chain. Therefore, she naturally considered what Sanders said. But it was this situation that was the source of her real uneasiness.

Greia wanted to hide this uneasiness, but in the end she was spotted on the counter by Sanders, forcing her to face the problem.

During the conversation between Sanders and Greia, Angel was also considering this issue.

The self-consciousness is the most primitive human desire to satisfy instinct. This is a kind of innate desire, and in this desire, only gradually has the framework of consciousness.

Toby’s 5 taste robbery today is a bit similar to looking for or awakening the self.

If Sanders is right, Toby ’s catastrophe may be looking for the source of the self-consciousness. This source is most likely the Legend monster itself.

“This is just one of all possibilities, and the possibility is not high, but as the tutor said, it is necessary to face its existence.” Angel: “However, even if this possibility is true, it doesn’t matter.”

Angel’s words attracted their attention.

“Complete consciousness has more than the self that belongs to desire. Its high-level structure also contains emotions, experience, and subjective emotions that are affected by objective existence.”

“It’s how it is, Toby is still Toby.”

Angel’s remarks are somewhat idealistic. But I have to say that this poured a clear spring on Greia’s uneasy and dry heart.

Everything has variables, even if Toby ’s consciousness is the Legend monster itself, it is it, Toby or Toby.

Greia, who was still arguing with Sanders secretly, stopped at this time and cast an appreciative glance at Angel.

“Sometimes I don’t know who actually lived for a few hundred years.” Greya sighed and looked at Angel: “You still see more transparently than me.”

They are concerned about Toby ’s distant and endless future, and Toby himself is very happy to play, with a long tail up and down in the sky, like a young bird who has never felt flying. Birds, use the void as a playground.

While Toby was playing vigorously, he didn’t notice that a crack appeared in one side of the sky.

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