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At the beginning of Yizhao, I could not see any clues. I could only feel a glorious light rising from the cocoon.

While Angel was still observing the change of the sign, the surrounding Magus began to boil, not because of the sign, but a roar from the cocoon just now.

They heard that this is not a human sound. It is most likely a beast in the cocoon!

A monster to be promoted!

You know, any Magus-level monster, even if it is just a rumor, is very valuable; even more how, now there is a monster that will be promoted, in front of their eyes.

All the expressions of Magus, with fanaticism and plot against, were coveted on the surface.

However, as the signs began to emerge, some Magus frowned.

Because, according to their established ideas, the appearance of Yizhao will be very fast. Why has it lasted for most of the day, and the glorious light is not over yet?

If the odd sign is compared to an opera, then its prelude is too long? It was so long that they were a little shocked–

Such a long rendering means that the odd signs of this monster may be extraordinary. Coupled with the World’s Will that just passed away, this monster may not be so easy to deal with.

Although Magus already had such speculation in mind, not only were they not afraid, but they had greater expectations. The stronger the monster, the higher the return.

After everyone waited for a long time, the bright light released inside the cocoon finally came to an end.

But at this time, the void centered on the cocoon has become like daylight.

Because of the bright light, everyone also faintly saw the outline of the monster inside the cocoon from the energy vortex, which seemed to be a giant python.

Basically, any snake-shaped monster, from head to tail, from scales to internal organs, is a very valuable magic material. So, they saw that they were snake-shaped monsters, and they had begun to think about the benefits they would get in the heart.

However, how long does this sweet dream not at all last.

Because, when the bright light shines into the void, a terrifying breath comes suddenly.

When this breath appeared, all Magus’s feet were frightened. It was not that they were too cowardly, but that the breath was amazing and beyond their understanding.

If we say that the World’s Will breath that just passed away is a mild sense of oppression; then the breath that appears now is a terrible sense of oppression with aggression!

Why use the breath of World’s Will to compare with it, because in this group of Magus, these two breaths are on the order of magnitude, there is no difference.

However, the breath of World’s Will will not kill them. And this kind of breath is to put their neck on the lock of the execution frame! If you don’t pay attention, you will die.

In this terrifying atmosphere, everyone was terrified. After came back to his senses, someone directly exhausted all the inventory in the magic swirl and forcibly broke the air, even if it might get lost in the gap between the plane and the Do not hesitate.

Those who do not have a way, with a fluke in their heart, may be able to wait and wait for the breath to be gentle before breaking back into the void and returning to the Sky Machinery City.

Regardless of the person who stayed or left, no one is going to covet the advancing monster at this time.

Because that kind of breath came out of the cocoon …


“Did you feel it?” Grea’s Spirit waved, coming from the spiritual band. Although he tried his best to keep calm, the swaying Spirit could not deceive people, and Greia was also afraid.

Fear, that breath from Toby … breath.

“Well.” After a long time, Greia got Angel’s answer from the soul tie. “This is … Legend’s breath.”

Angel felt the breath above Legend in the abyss. One came from the night Hall Master after the promotion, and the other was felt from the flameless master, so when the breath appeared, Angel judged it.

But he didn’t understand, why did Toby suddenly have Legend breath?

“It’s the Legend monster!” Greia said dimly, very determinedly: “In the beginning, I created the Toby with the guts of the Legend monster. Since Toby was born, there is no monster in his body. Breath, I thought that in the process of creation, it has been consumed, didn’t expect … it still exists! “

Greia stared at the cocoon in the distance, which made her feel familiar and frightened.

At the beginning, she created Toby using creation techniques, which was not so simple, even she almost lost her life. Because, Legend-level magic material is not so easy to handle, she thought she could hold it, but she was backlashed in the end. There seems to be some kind of irreversible Will in the organ of Legend.

When Greia was cooking, she was almost suppressed by the kind of Will, and it was even possible that her flesh would be invaded.

In that critical time, Greia used creation.

Originally, Legend ’s internal organs had another role, but she had no choice but to use this reverse heavenly technique, forcibly transforming internal organs, and finally Toby was born.

When Toby was born, Greia didn’t feel the breath of Legend’s monster, so she was at ease. But didn’t expect, the breath of this Legend monster appears again!

This made Greia wonder if the creation technique would eliminate Will from the Legend.

If Legend Will is only hidden in Toby’s within the body, then will there be a day when Toby’s achievements will most likely become the wedding dress of others.

Thinking of this, Greia’s face was more gloomy.

“Your face is ugly.” Angel didn’t understand why Grea’s face suddenly changed, even if it was Legend’s breath, it seemed normal, after all, Toby itself was the guts of Legend’s monster.

Greia was silent for a moment, but still said Toby’s situation.

After listening to Greia, Angel was silent for a moment: “Are you worried, Toby is being eroded by Will of the Legend?”

Greia is nodded.

Angel: “This is just a guess, and now it’s just its breath. It’s not necessarily whether Will of Legend will retain it. Even if Toby is truly hidden within the body, maybe it’s not Toby who was eroded but Legend. What about Will of Monsters? “

Greia closed her eyes and sighed in a long time: “I hope so.”

When they talked by tying their hearts, the Legend breath finally finally entered a state of convergence from a sense of aggression.

But at the same time, a scarlet mist appeared above the cocoon.

The range of this red fog is very large, and it starts to swell as soon as it appears, and in the red fog, you can see a silhouette slowly being outlined.

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