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The moment of the void is like a pendulum clock, shaking back and forth. This “shaking” is actually just a feeling, but Toby can feel that his own consciousness, in this weird Space change, is sometimes elongated and sometimes compressed, making it almost impossible to save the complete body shape.

“What’s the situation?” While Toby tried to maintain his balance, he was puzzled.

In more than 100 experiences in the House of Hearts, it has never encountered this situation.

Seeing that the other shore was not far away, why did such an accident suddenly occur, and what happened?

When Toby was anxious in his heart, he was very excited, and he continued to release his negative emotions to urge the void to change more.

This terrifying and unknown change lasted for some time. When Toby felt his body of consciousness was about to be torn into pieces, the vacillation finally slowly flattened.

When Toby feels avoided a catastrophe, it has up ahead of the Space and suddenly changes.

at first It seems that Space overlaps, but slowly this overlap begins to bend until it twists. In the end, countless twisted Space cracks formed a small vortex.

This little vortex appeared crazy at first glance, and in a short time, it rose to a point similar to the largest vortex before.

Toby looked at the vortex in front of him, his expression vigilant. In the previous largest vortex, a snake bird was drilled, and Toby’s experience can still play a role. But now this vortex can be comparable to the previous size, but any monster from the inside, I am afraid that Toby can not simply handle it.

The most important thing is that this vortex happens to be up ahead of the end point, which means that Toby cannot bypass it even if he bypasses it. If there is really a monster in it, it must go head to head.

In reality, there should be more waves than the house of heart.

Because of this, Toby felt a little uneasy.

However, this unease was quickly suppressed by Toby. Although the vortex in front of me has not appeared in the heart of the house, but at the same time, the strength it has now is also incomparable in the heart of the house.

It has obtained the complete strength of the Griffon from a group of monsters. After killing the snake bird, it still has the power to manipulate this thinking Space. Under all favorable conditions, Toby is confident that he can remove any obstacles!

Toby’s confidence comes from strength and confidence. However, the duration of this confidence is very short, because not long after the appearance of vortex, an unprecedented terrifying breath began to slowly leak out …

At that time, there was a commotion in the outside world.

After Toby killed the snakebird, the feeling of extreme resentment was gone, and its desperate performance was that the frequency of the black fog sloshing from the outside slowly decreased.

Coupled with Toby’s control of some of Space’s control rights, this is also reflected in the outside world-the black mist seems to be diluted and begins to become lighter.

The emergence of these two situations made Greia’s inner heart, which had been covered by the darkness, instantly shine into a ray of sunlight.

“The black mist began to become silent, and it became more and more faint, does that mean …” Greia looked towards the distance full of hope: “Toby has succeeded?”

Angel can’t answer Greya’s question, but from the current situation, even if Toby is not successful, it should not be far from success. Because, the black mist in the distance is not just as simple as the black mist. It is a negative emotion that combines Envy and resentment, and it is also the origin of Envy’s snake bird.

Once the idea of ​​extreme resentment wins, the black mist will become thicker and wider. But now, not only has the black mist not spread, but it has become lighter, which shows that Toby has prevailed at this time.

“It’s not over yet, but it should be the final battle.” Angel glinted at the glare. “And, Toby is not down now.”

Greia sighed in relief, whispering in prayer: “River of Destiny, after all, is still running beside Toby.”

“Are you saying that you are going to study Prophecy Spell?” Angel curiously looked towards Greia. Except for Divination, the term “River of Destiny” rarely hangs on the mouth of other Magus.

Perhaps it ’s because Toby ’s condition is so good, and Greia ’s expression is also a lot easier. She smiled and said to Angel: “I have studied Prophecy Spell a long time ago, and the Sect I chose at that time was River of Destiny. I probably don’t have any innate skill for Prophecy Spell. Sometimes I use “Good Luck 2 to choose one”, and the rest will not work. “

The Sect that Greia chose is “River of Destiny”, but “Good Luck 2 Choose One” is the “Clock of Asking” Sect, which is not a special case, because in Prophecy Spell, the relatively easy to learn is actually ” “Good luck 2 choose one”, which is very similar to detection tricks. They are all based on knowledge. After collecting and analyzing the current environment, background and known information conditions, a relatively optimized answer is finally obtained. There are still some differences from the essence of Prophecy Spell.

“Then you might as well choose one of good luck 2 to see if Toby will succeed in the end?” Angel suggested.

Greia was silent for a moment and shook her head: “I don’t …” The word “dare” has not been spoken yet, and the accident suddenly appeared at this moment.

I saw that the dark mist in the distance suddenly began to surging again, and the scope of the surging was expanding. If it is just a surging, Greia can be interpreted as “the final battle, Toby cannot always be crushed, there is always a come and go”, but the black mist is not just surging, the color that faded before it also began Back to rich. And, this is not over yet …

After Toby started to be robbed, the black mist around him began to release qi waves out of the air, which contained all kinds of negative emotions of extreme resentment. However, just now, the air waves rippling from the black mist brought a feeling that I had never felt before.

In addition to the basic Envy and resentment, there is a deeper emotion, which can’t tell the specific reason for a while, but it is like the ocean current hidden in the sea of ​​Envy, deep but not to be ignored, with a share of It makes people trembling in fear.

Greia’s relaxed expression instantly sank, her brow furrowed tightly: “What’s the situation now, what the hell happened?”


What happened? This is Toby’s doubt now.

It also felt puzzled about the current situation. A terrifying breath is released in vortex. Although the breath cannot be linked to the Strength level, it can be temporarily compared to the pressure. The pressure brought by this breath even exceeds the pressure on the Young Lord-Angel. .

This means that the Strength level of this breath is very likely to be more powerful than level 1 official Magus! Also in other words, the monster behind vortex is probably more powerful than the snake bird before!

Toby is puzzled, why the extreme grudge can summon out such a powerful monster. But what’s even more puzzling is that the emotional fluctuations emanating from this monster, Toby didn’t even perceive it in the extreme resentment.

This is a deeper, more resentful emotion.

When Toby was in a trance, the vortex in front of it began to sway, and it seemed that the monster inside was already about to move, and was about to come out of vortex.

Standing at the end of the extreme resentment, this time began to get excited. With the excitement of almost dancing, expressing his jealousy repeatedly:

“Yes! Come out! Come out! Kill it, kill this damn foul seabird!”

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