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Toby’s eyes were firm, facing the torrent of heaven overflowing giant wave, there was no timidity at all, like a fearless warrior, plunged into the surroundings of negative emotions.

Its movement is light and agile, and it constantly shuttles in the torrent composed of complex Evil Thought.

In the eyes of extreme resentment, Toby’s speed did not appear to be hindered by the torrent. Not only is it heading head-on, but it’s heading upstream!

If the idea of ​​extreme resentment can be personalized, it is estimated that it must be very doubtful at this time: “Why is this torrent of current useless for it?”

Only Toby can answer the question.

This torrent of negative emotions is not useless for Toby. Toby was actually uncomfortable at this time. His ears seemed to be whispered by countless people, his heart suppressed, eager to explode; however, it still had no stagnation and hesitation, its Target was clear, Straight toward the bright shore.

The reason why it can ignore the psychological depression, ignore the whining around, and ignore the temptation of resentment is only because it separates the ego consciousness from the feeling of self.

This is its countless experience of running through the torrent in the house of heart.

This torrent, like a swamp covered with mud, once entangled with a certain emotion, it is equivalent to sinking into the mud, the more excited and angry, the deeper it is. Therefore, after losing to the torrent many times, Toby summed up his experience. Do n’t think about fighting against negative emotions or being tempted by any negative emotions. As long as you move towards Target, you can escape this torrent of emotions.

That’s what it says, but it’s also very difficult to achieve this. Thanks to the experience of the House of Heart, Toby finally found a way to separate consciousness from sensation. As long as consciousness is tenacious and ignores the desire to feel, then the negative emotions around can be largely ignored.

Of course, this disregard does not mean that it is not harmed. Negative emotions will still pile in Toby’s heart, but that’s all will not erupt for the time being. In the past, every time Toby awakened, he would be affected by the “Comex Dreamscape Difference”. In fact, it was because the negative emotions in his heart were exploding.

The severity of the torrent is undeniable. If Toby is not the 100 experience of the house of heart, its chance of failure exceeds 90%! But now, Toby does not worry about the dangers of the torrent, and confidently breaks through!

I don’t know how long after that, Toby only felt that the ignorance and darkness around him suddenly disappeared. With the sound of “Puz”, Toby was like a petrel striking the waves, spreading his wings and piercing out the rolling torrent.

Toby had no time to look back at the torrent that rushed towards the end of the void, and continued to move towards Target.

The emotional torrent is very terrifying, but it is only a small part of this extremely resentful robbery. There are more traps and disasters behind, waiting for Toby. Therefore, the most important thing now is to move away towards Target as soon as possible while the extreme grievances are not responding.

In the process of flying, Toby still encounters various traps, and the silk area has not decreased, but for Toby, these are not even appetizers. Its movement is light like a butterfly flying in the jungle, dodges gracefully and finds the nearest shortcut on the way through various traps.

In the process, the grievances finally came back to his senses. Watching Toby successfully escape the torrent, he jumped angrily. Because of its anger, the dark fog in the sky in the outside world was even more turbulent, and the waves of gas wave after wave frightened Greia, almost her heart was hanging in her throat.

At this time, Toby, because he was “stolen” when he was confused, made it closer to Target. Previously, Target was like a lighthouse seen on the ocean at night. You know where it is, but it is always difficult to reach; but now, it can already see the shape of the lighthouse. Just give it time, it You can reach your final destination!

However, the grudge will not be so easy for Toby to surrender.

It growled, roar, cursed—

As the feeling of extreme resentment released a more terrifying atmosphere, the dark void immediately changed, and Space began to distort at the speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, countless vortex appeared in the sky.

These vortex, can produce a strange strength, to pull Toby’s consciousness. As long as it is close to vortex, it may be pulled in by vortex, and finally the consciousness will be destroyed.

Darkness in the sky is now all vortex, so Toby can only avoid vortex and move forward. With its familiarity, it is enough to bypass all vortex and find a shortcut quickly.

However, when Toby avoided vortex, his eyes were unprecedentedly solemn and cautious.

Because, these vortex are not just roadblocks placed on the spot, they have even more terrifying effects-

After Toby continued to fly forward for a distance, it suddenly stretched out a fleshy palm covered with bristles and barbs in the vortex up ahead.

With a terrifying cry, a monster with green eyes and a huge bear-like figure emerged from the vortex.

“Sure enough.” Looking at this huge monster, Toby’s expression was still cautious, but his expression was slightly looser.

Toby’s experience in the House of Heart made Toby very clear that these vortex are not only a trap that crushes its consciousness, it is also a lair of monsters!

When I did n’t see the monster before, I was still worried because of the “unknown fear”, but now the monster has appeared, tearing the unknown mask, but letting it relax.

When this black bear-like monster appeared, other surrounding vortex also appeared in motion.

A variety of terrifying monsters have been drilled out of vortex: a 1000-foot centipede swiftly swept across in the sky, a sprawling sheep with a Demon horn, a Nether Fire bird like a fire cloud, a flesh without sharp teeth, Negative plant monsters secreting green mist, long snakes with electro-optic thunder … and so on.

Countless monsters, covered with void, all stared at Toby with a terrible gaze.

Toby seemed to be their food.

With a scream of extreme resentment at the rays of light, all the monsters moved towards Toby hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Toby does not know where these monsters come from, but what is certain is that these are definitely not true. After all, this is just a space of thinking, or a place of consciousness.

These monsters may be just some kind of idea, or some unknown “spice” that Greia put when it was created.

Although it is not a real monster, once killed by these monsters, its consciousness will really die out.

Therefore, in the face of this group of monsters, Toby cannot have any slack.

Before the torrent, it could separate consciousness from feeling and ignore the erosion of negative emotions. But it won’t work right now, it will either avoid war or face it!

To avoid war, at the speed of Toby’s control of consciousness, it is confident that it can avoid the pursuit of these monsters.

However, these monsters blocked Toby’s way forward and chose to avoid the war. Even if they use various methods to lure the monsters apart, they will eventually time out when they reach the end.

Therefore, Toby wants to be successful and has no other choice.



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