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The magic letter from the deep Alchemy meeting dilutes the dignified atmosphere in the hall. Angel and Greia also temporarily put down their concerns about Toby’s response to tomorrow, and chatted about the deep Alchemy meeting for a while.

However, as the pointer on the wall clock moved closer and closer to the early morning, Greia became restless again.

She began to think in her mind whether there were other methods to assist Toby’s promotion, but she hadn’t figured out this idea in the past few months, and now she naturally found nothing.

Amidst the anxiety, the hand on the wall clock came to 5am. The people on Continent are still shrouded in darkness, but the people in the Sky Machinery City can already see the whiteness of the sky appearing faintly.

Greia suddenly stood up at this moment: “I’m going out.”

Without saying where to go, Greia directly turned into a glare and disappeared into the hall. Angel sensed it and found that Greia seemed to go to the main city.

Angel also walked out of the hall and into the courtyard.

In the very quiet courtyard, Charlie and Asaz are not there, only Toby immersed in the dream twins.

In the fragrance of earth and flowers, Angel gazed quietly at the distant sky. From sparse black to light gray, and finally slowly turned into a light white.

This process lasted for more than 2 hours. At 8 o’clock in the morning, the sun was shining on the ground.

Greia also came back from outside at this time, and Angel noticed that she had a fragrance on her body. Although she usually has a fragrance on her body, it is often a wine or food aftertaste. Now the smell of her body is a floral fragrance mixed with sulolommon.

“You went to Fuyu Square?” Angel asked curiously.

Greia nodded: “I went to Lianna and traded a bottle of fragrance from her.”

Greia turned her hand over, and a beautiful fragrance bottle resembling a female curve appeared in her palm. The bottle stopper was blue velvet-like color and texture, very gorgeous shape, and a starlight fascinated.

However, unlike the gorgeously shaped bottle body, the fragrance body inside the bottle is a transparent liquid like clear water, but only a few glittering light spots can be seen.

“This is the water of golden oak.”

The effect of the water of golden oak can make people’s minds condensed, more Focus. But something special is that the water of Golden Oak is said to be fragrance, but when you use the fragrance bar for scent, it will not produce any taste. It is even purer than water.

The fragrance without taste is also a clear stream, which is very popular with male Magus.

Greia laughed a little self-deprecatingly: “I think I’m crazy, I can actually create a gourmet aroma with a similar effect, but I still changed this bottle of fragrance.”

Because Greia was worried that even a little scent in the air would distract Toby. The water of Golden Oak, although expensive, does not dissipate any smell.

Angel actually thinks that it doesn’t matter whether or not the water of golden oak is used. At the level of Transcending life at Toby’s level, more Focus is actually optional.

But he didn’t point it out at all, because Greia used the water of golden oak, maybe not just for Toby, but also for her panicking heart, looking for an exit for comfort.

When Jin Cancan’s sunlight illuminated the dewdrops on the flowers and plants in the yard, Toby fluttered his wings and flew out of the fantasy twins.

After Toby came out, he circled in the air a few times, and the song sounded like music, but after a little wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, it slowly fell to them.

Judging from Toby’s loud cry before, its Spirit should have been full again. However, Greia was still very worried. She kept asking all sorts of questions until she realized that this continuous problem would cause Toby’s psychological pressure before she stopped.

Toby didn’t understand Greya’s complicated thoughts. After Greia stopped asking, she whispered a few times, meaning that she was ready to start robbing.

“Are you sure you are ready?” Angel looked at Toby seriously, who was very solemnly nodded.

Looking at Toby’s eyes full of fighting spirit and confidence, Angel finally nodded: “Then … let’s get started.”

Although it was said to be the beginning, it was not immediately robbed, and some preparation was needed.

I saw Angel’s thoughts turned, almost without any delay, and a strange door appeared in front of him.

Although the battlefield of Toby should be robbed in his thinking Space, no one knows whether there will be any accidents halfway, so in order to be cautious, they do not intend to allow Toby to be robbed in Sky Machinery City.

Passing through the gate is like penetrating a layer of crystal wall. When they came to the other side of the door, they saw a void without any light source.

Angel: “This is it.” In the sky should be robbed, you can avoid being detected to a great extent, and will not cause damage to the environment and foreign object. Moreover, the most important thing is that Toby is fighting against the idea of ​​extreme resentment in the House of Hearts, which is in the sky. Although it is just a simulated illusion, the real situation is different, but a similar environment may make Toby more relaxed. .

After coming to in the sky, Toby nodded to Greia and Angel without any hesitation and flew to the distance. Soon, it has disappeared visually, but Angel and Greia can still see the position of Toby through the energy trajectory.

Toby searched for a secluded place, then stopped and closed his eyes to enter the meditation state.

After about half a minute, Toby ’s body suddenly emits a circle of ripples. As the ripples spread, a black mist burst slowly from it within the body, quickly covering its body completely shape.

Seeing this scene of Angel, his eyes slowly became solemn. He knew very well that Toby is now perceiving the seal within the body.

Once Toby broke the seal that Roth had set for it, it meant that the robbery officially started.

Time passed bit by bit, and I didn’t know how long it passed, a burst of fine sound suddenly came out from the black mist.

at first is low, slowly becoming sharp, and then moved towards high, and finally, finally … a terrifying sound wave unprecedented, spreading out of the black mist with the rolling airflow.

“Roar—” The piercing sound reached the position of Greia and Angel.

They can’t see the specific situation in the black mist, but they can vaguely see that there seems to be a huge creature outline inside … Yes, the quantifier is one.

The air current was also pushed beside them like a tide.

Insidious, wet, obscure, Envy, manic … In the air, with various negative feelings, there are emotional and functional experiences.

When they sensed the airflow, they also understood.

Toby, the seal has been broken at this time.

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