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Kihara Magus faintly smiled, he also knew that Angel was not to blame, so the topic changed: “speaking of which, the weapon you customized for Xi Liu, the effect is indeed very powerful, but …”

Angel silently waited for Kihara Magus’s remarks, and he said after a while: “However, although strong is strong, is it really suitable for Xi Liu?”

“Does Kihara Magus have any insight?” Angel didn’t refute, but asked what he said.

“I’m not Alchemy Warlock, I don’t have any insights. I just think that Chiliu’s innate skill is matched with this long whip, it seems that not at all is too suitable.” Kihara Magus said according to his own ideas.

The effect of this long whip is indeed very domineering, but is it really suitable for Shireu? After staying in the Fangling Hall for so long, Kihara Magus has already understood her innate skill. Can the combination of the ability of the water quality and the long whip complement each other?

This kind of doubt is not only found in Kihara Magus, but also knows Xi Liu’s Shan, and is also whispering at this time: “The whip of ice is indeed very strong, but I feel a little subtle …”

“You mean, the ice whip is not good?” Sailum asked suspiciously while standing beside Shan.

“It’s good, but you don’t think that this long whip is actually not must be given to Chiliu, even if it is for you, for me, for everyone here, this whip can play a stable level.” I ’m not questioning Angel ’s level of refining, I just feel like it ’s a little bit, and it ’s not a good match with Greek. “

Sailum also understood what Shan meant. In terms of Alchemy’s work, this weapon is undoubtedly very excellent, even if it is placed on the auction, it can be put on the final few finale products. However, this long whip does not seem to be customized for Shireu, but an independent existence, which cannot fully cooperate with Shireu’s innate skill.

At most, the frost effect on the outside can make Shiliu’s “water quality change” extend longer, but in fact the effect is optional.

“In this way, it seems that this is really the case.” Sailum suspiciously, “However, Angel should know Shireu very well, he can’t know this.”

Shan: “So, this is also where I am puzzled.”

When they talked, Chiliu was actually in the vicinity. Not only did Xiuru hear their conversation, but others actually understood it more or less.

At this time, they couldn’t help but think about this question: before they were all shocked by the formidable power of Ice Whip, but really want to say that custom weapons, is Ice Whip really suitable for Hiryu?

Seeing everyone with doubts, Hiliu suddenly laughed at this moment: “Actually, you may have misunderstood.”


“Yes, although this ice whip is the first time I saw it, it is indeed the most suitable for me.” Seeing the people still puzzled, Xiliu continued: “Because of the requirement to refine this weapon It is what I put forward. “

Was this refining proposed by Hiliu?

This answer surprised everyone, including Kihara Magus in the sky.

“So that’s why you refined this whip?” Kihara Magus asked.

Angel: “Yes, this is the request made by Hiliu. Of course I have to refine it according to her requirements.”

Kihara Magus’s brow furrowed: “I don’t understand a little bit. Why did she make such a request, there are obviously better choices.”

Shan asked the same question.

Shiliu quickly gave the answer: “What I need is not to strengthen my innate skill ability, but to let my innate skill ability have a chance to be displayed.”

Shan didn’t understand the meaning of Shiliu for a while, but Cleveland, who had experienced long-form whip formidable power, had a flash in his eyes: “so that’s how it is.”

Xiulu’s strongest ability is the quality change of water. The innate skill of water quality change does not necessarily need to be in an environment with water in order to play a role. Because, its power is that it can control all liquids.

For example, body fluids.

As long as someone stands in front of Hiliu, even in the dry desert, Hiliu can use his body fluid to transform into a lance that attacks others.

However, the premise of all this is to break through the opponent’s defense.

As long as you stand and think in the position of Hiliu, you will understand this. When Hiliu met a strong enemy, it was not that she couldn’t beat others, but that the opponent’s defense was too not one drop of water can leak out, so that she had no chance to manipulate the opponent’s body fluids. Once let her break through the defense, Shiliu will stand invincible.

The way she used to break the defense before was too simple and very slow. In many cases, she would be interrupted by other things before she could concentrate on breaking the defense.

However, this situation will inevitably change when she has this ice whip.

After listening to Caffirine’s explanation, everyone suddenly realized. Think about the formidable power of the previous whip, even if it is the strongest defensive posture of Cleveland, Xiliu has broken the Thai half with one whip, and only the last layer of armor can reach the Fleshy body.

If this is in actual combat, it is too terrifying.

It is estimated that everyone present could not stand the few whips that Xiliu had brought. As soon as any whip broke through the defense, the battle was declared over.

“It turns out that this is the reason why you want to refine this whip.” Shan trance said, they are all thinking from their own perspective, but from the perspective of Hiliu, this is really suitable for her!

Shiliu: “I’m actually just asking for an attack weapon that can quickly break through the defense of the other party. Finally, I got this long whip, which not only exceeded my expectations, but also the Water Attribute, which allowed me to fight. In the process, play a stronger formidable power. So, this is indeed the most suitable for me. “

Shiliu paused: “But … it’s a pity it’s just a little bit.”

Shan looked confused towards Shiliu: “What a pity? Or is that you don’t like whip weapons … Indeed, it is more appropriate to give Nausica the weapon form.”

Shiliu shook his head: “It’s not a weapon. I’m very satisfied with the weapon. The reason is that it’s a pity because the custom intention I proposed this time, in addition to this weapon, is also about my drowsiness problem … However, it seems No one can solve the problem of drowsiness. “

She kept secretly sighed, and even Angel finally chose the “weapon” refining intention, which made her regret.

The improvement of battle strength is certainly good, but if there is a way to solve drowsiness, or at least, let drowsiness improve positively, she will be more happy.

Shan also understood Hiliu’s thoughts. She sighed and hugged Hiliu’s shoulder and whispered comfort.

Seeing the scene of Fangling Hall in Magus in the high altitude, Kurohara couldn’t help but sigh: “If she can solve the sleepiness problem of Shiryu, she may become another supernova that shines in South Territory.”

“Why is it another?”

“Because there is you before her.” Kihara Magus paused: “Oh, is it really impossible to solve the sleepiness problem of Kiliu?”

Angel: “At present, it is really difficult to solve.”

However, if according to the second refining intention mentioned by Hiliu, refining a prop that makes her drowsiness have a positive effect, Angel can actually refining it, but it is not necessary. Because the future will not take long, when the wilderness of dreams is opened to a small extent, Shiriu can also participate, and the wilderness of dreams can have a positive effect on the sleepiness of Xiulu. It allows her not to waste sleepy time, but also to conduct knowledge research in the wilderness of dreams while sleeping.

Therefore, Angel did not consider the second refining intention, but chose to refine weapons for Greek.

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